170 research outputs found

    Transverse foliations on the torus \T^2 and partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms on 3-manifolds

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    In this paper, we prove that given two C1C^1 foliations F\mathcal{F} and G\mathcal{G} on T2\mathbb{T}^2 which are transverse, there exists a non-null homotopic loop {Ίt}t∈[0,1]\{\Phi_t\}_{t\in[0,1]} in \diff^{1}(\T^2) such that \Phi_t(\calF)\pitchfork \calG for every t∈[0,1]t\in[0,1], and Ί0=Ί1=Id\Phi_0=\Phi_1= Id. As a direct consequence, we get a general process for building new partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms on closed 33-manifolds. \cite{BPP} built a new example of dynamically coherent non-transitive partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism on a closed 33-manifold, the example in \cite{BPP} is obtained by composing the time tt map, t>0t>0 large enough, of a very specific non-transitive Anosov flow by a Dehn twist along a transverse torus. Our result shows that the same construction holds starting with any non-transitive Anosov flow on an oriented 33-manifold. Moreover, for a given transverse torus, our result explains which type of Dehn twists lead to partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms.Comment: 34 pages, 7 figure

    Existence of common zeros for commuting vector fields on 33-manifolds

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    In 6464 E. Lima proved that commuting vector fields on surfaces with non-zero Euler characteristic have common zeros. Such statement is empty in dimension 33, since all the Euler characteristics vanish. Nevertheless, \cite{Bonatti_analiticos} proposed a local version, replacing the Euler characteristic by the Poincar\'e-Hopf index of a vector field XX in a region UU, denoted by Ind⁡(X,U)\operatorname{Ind}(X,U); he asked: \emph{Given commuting vector fields X,YX,Y and a region UU where Ind⁡(X,U)≠0\operatorname{Ind}(X,U)\neq 0, does UU contain a common zero of XX and YY?} \cite{Bonatti_analiticos} gave a positive answer in the case where XX and YY are real analytic. In this paper, we prove the existence of common zeros for commuting C1C^1 vector fields XX, YY on a 33-manifold, in any region UU such that Ind⁡(X,U)≠0\operatorname{Ind}(X,U)\neq 0, assuming that the set of collinearity of XX and YY is contained in a smooth surface. This is a strong indication that the results in \cite{Bonatti_analiticos} should hold for C1C^1-vector fields.Comment: Final version, to appear in Annales de L'Institut Fourie

    Many intermingled basins in dimension 3

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    We construct a diffeomorphism of T3\mathbb{T}^3 admitting any finite or countable number of physical measures with intermingled basins. The examples are partially hyperbolic with splitting TT3=Ecs⊕EuT\mathbb{T}^3 = E^{cs} \oplus E^u and can be made volume hyperbolic and topologically mixing.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures. Some changes made after referee report. To appear in Israel J. of Mat

    Perturbation of the Lyapunov spectra of periodic orbits

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    We describe all Lyapunov spectra that can be obtained by perturbing the derivatives along periodic orbits of a diffeomorphism. The description is expressed in terms of the finest dominated splitting and Lyapunov exponents that appear in the limit of a sequence of periodic orbits, and involves the majorization partial order. Among the applications, we give a simple criterion for the occurrence of universal dynamics.Comment: A few improvements were made, based on the referee's suggestion
