7 research outputs found

    Pränatale Erfassung akuter Effekte synthetischer Glukokortikoide auf die Hirnfunktion von Feten mittels fetaler Magnetoencephalographie sowie deren Müttern mittels EEG

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    Synthetische Glukokortikoide werden seit langer Zeit routinemäßig zur Induktion der fetalen Lungenreifung bei drohender Frühgeburt in der Geburtsmedizin eingesetzt. Allerdings haben Studien gezeigt, dass im Tierversuch unter einer Betamethasonbehandlung die Durchblutung des fetalen Gehirns um bis zu 50% reduziert wurde und die Komplexität der registrierten EEG-Signale abnahm. Ziel der Arbeit war, die bei Tierversuchen nachgewiesenen akuten Effekte von Betamethason auf die Hirnfunktion bei menschlichen Feten und deren Müttern zu untersuchen, was erst durch die Entwicklung der fetalen Magnetoencephalographie (fMEG) als eine nichtinvasive Methode zur direkten Erfassung fetaler Hirnaktivität möglich war. Es wurden 12 Schwangere und deren Feten, vor und nach Applikation der klinisch zur Induktion der fetalen Lungenreife indizierten Dosierung von Betamethason, untersucht und bei Mutter und Fetus eine Latenzzeitverlängerung der corticalen auditorisch evozierten Reaktion in gleicher Weise beobachtet. Gleichzeitig konnten signifikante Veränderungen der EEG-Aktivität und -Komplexität im adulten Gehirn dargestellt werden

    Primary Human Chondrocytes Affected by Cigarette Smoke-Therapeutic Challenges

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    Although several researchers have attested deleterious effects of smoking to the musculoskeletal system, the association between smoking and the onset of osteoarthritis (OA) remains unclear. Here, we investigate the effect of cigarette smoke extract (CSE) on primary human chondrocytes. The present study demonstrates that physiological concentrations of CSE (0.1%–10%) inhibit the viability, proliferation, and matrix formation of chondrocytes in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Significant amounts of free radicals were generated by 10% of CSE and led to cell death. A clinical dosage (4 mg/mL) of dexamethasone (Dex) showed toxic effects on chondrocytes, and the long-time treatment by lower doses (4–400 μg/mL) induced hypertrophic changes in the chondrocytes. To substitute Dex, diclofenac (Dic, 1 μg/mL) and acetaminophen (Ace, 10 μg/mL) were tested and did not worsen the metabolic activity of CSE-exposed chondrocytes. Hyaluronic acid (HA, 5 mg/mL) combined with Dic or Ace significantly inhibited the oxidative stress and enhanced the viability and matrix formation of CSE-exposed chondrocytes. This study shows for the first time that CSE mediates the disruption of cartilage through inducing cell death by increasing oxidative stress, and that this effect is fortified by Dex. The deleterious effects of CSE on chondrocytes could be reversed by treatment with HA combined with first-line analgesic/anti-inflammatory agents

    Impact of four protein additives in cryogels on osteogenic differentiation of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells

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    Human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (Ad-MSCs) have great potential for bone tissue engineering. Cryogels, mimicking the three-dimensional structure of spongy bone, represent ideal carriers for these cells. We developed poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) cryogels, containing hydroxyapatite to mimic inorganic bone matrix. Cryogels were additionally supplemented with different types of proteins, namely collagen (Coll), platelet rich plasma (PRP), immune cells-conditioned medium (CM), and RGD peptides (RGD). The different protein components did not affect scaffolds’ porosity or water-uptake capacity, but altered pore size and stiffness. Stiffness was highest in scaffolds with PRP (82.3 kPa), followed by Coll (55.3 kPa), CM (45.6 kPa), and RGD (32.8 kPa). Scaffolds with PRP, CM, and Coll had the largest pore diameters (~60 µm). Ad MSCs were osteogenically differentiated on these scafffolds for 14 days. Cell attachment and survival rates were comparable for all four scaffolds. Runx2 and osteocalcin levels only increased in Ad-MSCs on Coll, PRP and CM cryogels. Osterix levels increased slightly in Ad-MSCs differentiated on Coll and PRP cryogels. With differentiation alkaline phosphatase activity decreased under all four conditions. In summary, besides Coll cryogel our PRP cryogel constitutes as an especially suitable carrier for bone tissue engineering. This is of special interest, as this scaffold can be generated with patients’ PRP

    Nicotine and Cotinine Inhibit Catalase and Glutathione Reductase Activity Contributing to the Impaired Osteogenesis of SCP-1 Cells Exposed to Cigarette Smoke

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    Cigarette smoking has been identified as a major risk factor for osteoporosis decades ago. Several studies have shown a direct relationship between cigarette smoking, decreased bone mineral density, and impaired fracture healing. However, the mechanisms behind impaired fracture healing and cigarette smoking are yet to be elucidated. Migration and osteogenesis of mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) into the fracture site play a vital role in the process of fracture healing. In human nicotine, the most pharmacologically active and major addictive component present in tobacco gets rapidly metabolized to the more stable cotinine. This study demonstrates that physiological concentrations of both nicotine and cotinine do not affect the osteogenic differentiation of MSCs. However, cigarette smoke exposure induces oxidative stress by increasing superoxide radicals and reducing intracellular glutathione in MSCs, negatively affecting osteogenic differentiation. Although, not actively producing reactive oxygen species (ROS) nicotine and cotinine inhibit catalase and glutathione reductase activity, contributing to an accumulation of ROS by cigarette smoke exposure. Coincubation with N-acetylcysteine or L-ascorbate improves impaired osteogenesis caused by cigarette smoke exposure by both activation of nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) signaling and scavenging of ROS, which thus might represent therapeutic targets to support fracture healing in smokers

    3D Environment Is Required In Vitro to Demonstrate Altered Bone Metabolism Characteristic for Type 2 Diabetics

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    A large British study, with almost 3000 patients, identified diabetes as main risk factor for delayed and nonunion fracture healing, the treatment of which causes large costs for the health system. In the past years, much progress has been made to treat common complications in diabetics. However, there is still a lack of advanced strategies to treat diabetic bone diseases. To develop such therapeutic strategies, mechanisms leading to massive bone alterations in diabetics have to be well understood. We herein describe an in vitro model displaying bone metabolism frequently observed in diabetics. The model is based on osteoblastic SaOS-2 cells, which in direct coculture, stimulate THP-1 cells to form osteoclasts. While in conventional 2D cocultures formation of mineralized matrix is decreased under pre-/diabetic conditions, formation of mineralized matrix is increased in 3D cocultures. Furthermore, we demonstrate a matrix stability of the 3D carrier that is decreased under pre-/diabetic conditions, resembling the in vivo situation in type 2 diabetics. In summary, our results show that a 3D environment is required in this in vitro model to mimic alterations in bone metabolism characteristic for pre-/diabetes. The ability to measure both osteoblast and osteoclast function, and their effect on mineralization and stability of the 3D carrier offers the possibility to use this model also for other purposes, e.g., drug screenings