11,286 research outputs found

    In-situ growth optimization in focused electron-beam induced deposition

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    We present the application of an evolutionary genetic algorithm for the in-situ optimization of nanostructures prepared by focused electron-beam-induced deposition. It allows us to tune the properties of the deposits towards highest conductivity by using the time gradient of the measured in-situ rate of change of conductance as fitness parameter for the algorithm. The effectiveness of the procedure is presented for the precursor W(CO)6 as well as for post-treatment of Pt-C deposits obtained by dissociation of MeCpPt(Me)3. For W(CO)6-based structures an increase of conductivity by one order of magnitude can be achieved, whereas the effect for MeCpPt(Me)3 is largely suppressed. The presented technique can be applied to all beam-induced deposition processes and has great potential for further optimization or tuning of parameters for nanostrucures prepared by FEBID or related techniques

    Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) ≥2.5mU/l in early pregnancy: prevalence and subsequent outcomes

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    Objective: There remains controversy over how women with abnormal thyroid function tests in pregnancy should be classified. In this study we assessed the proportion of women with thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) ≥ 2.5 mU/l in a large obstetric cohort, and examined how many have gone on to develop thyroid disease in the years since their pregnancy. Study design: 4643 women were recruited and samples taken in early pregnancy between 2007 and 2010. Thyroid function tests were analysed in 2014; in women with raised TSH computerised health records and prescription databases were used to identify thyroid disease detected since pregnancy. Results: 58 women (1.5%) had a TSH over 5 mU/l and 396 women (10.3%) had TSH between 2.5 and 5 mU/l. Women with TSH > 5mU/l delivered infants of lower birthweight than those with TSH < 2.5 mU/l; there were no other differences in obstetric outcomes between the groups. Of those who have had thyroid tests since their pregnancy, 78% of those with TSH > 5 mU/l and 19% of those with TSH between 2.5 and 5 mU/l have gone on to be diagnosed with thyroid disease. Conclusions: Using a TSH cut-off of 2.5 mU/l in keeping with European and US guidelines means that over 12% of women in this cohort would be classified as having subclinical hypothyroidism. Treatment and monitoring of these women would have major implications for planning of obstetric services

    Productivity and Profitability of a Cotton-based Production System under Organic and Conventional Management in India

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    The debate on the relative benefits of conventional and organic farming systems is more topical than ever. The achievements of conventional high-input agriculture were largely brought about at the cost of deteriorating soil fertility; furthermore, they were based to a large extent on fossil fuels. Developing more sustainable farming practices on a large scale is of utmost importance. However, information about the performance of agricultural production systems under organic and conventional management in tropical and subtropical regions is largely lacking. This study aimed to assess agronomic and economic data from a long-term farming systems comparison trial under semi-arid conditions in central India. Four two-year crop rotations comprising cotton-soybean-wheat under biodynamic, organic and conventional management were investigated, including one conventional system with and one without transgenic Bt cotton, between 2007 and 2010. Results showed 13% lower yields in organic compared to conventional systems. Yields in cotton, soybean and wheat were on average 14 %, 7% and 15% lower, respectively. However, production costs of organic systems were on average 32% lower than those of conventional systems, which led to similar gross margins in all systems. To our knowledge, this is the first long-term field trial comparing the agronomic and economic performance of organic, conventional and conventional+Bt cotton-based farming systems. The results of our study suggest that organic farming is a promising alternative to conventional farming in cotton-based production systems in central India. The less capital intensive nature of organic systems may be particularly interesting for smallholder farmers as it decreases dependence on loans for farm inputs. Therefore, our findings have the potential to be useful for decision-making and in turn may lead to a redirection of agricultural policies

    Glassy correlations and microstructures in randomly crosslinked homopolymer blends

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    We consider a microscopic model of a polymer blend that is prone to phase separation. Permanent crosslinks are introduced between randomly chosen pairs of monomers, drawn from the Deam-Edwards distribution. Thereby, not only density but also concentration fluctuations of the melt are quenched-in in the gel state, which emerges upon sufficient crosslinking. We derive a Landau expansion in terms of the order parameters for gelation and phase separation, and analyze it on the mean-field level, including Gaussian fluctuations. The mixed gel is characterized by thermal as well as time-persistent (glassy) concentration fluctuations. Whereas the former are independent of the preparation state, the latter reflect the concentration fluctuations at the instant of crosslinking, provided the mesh size is smaller than the correlation length of phase separation. The mixed gel becomes unstable to microphase separation upon lowering the temperature in the gel phase. Whereas the length scale of microphase separation is given by the mesh size, at least close to the transition, the emergent microstructure depends on the composition and compressibility of the melt. Hexagonal structures, as well as lamellae or random structures with a unique wavelength, can be energetically favorable.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures. Submitted to the Journal of Chemical Physics (http://jcp.aip.org

    Fire in the Heart: A Characterization of the High Kinetic Temperatures and Heating Sources in the Nucleus of NGC253

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    The nuclear starburst within the central ∼15′′\sim 15^{\prime\prime} (∼250\sim 250 pc; 1′′≃171^{\prime\prime} \simeq 17 pc) of NGC253 has been extensively studied as a prototype for the starburst phase in galactic evolution. Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) imaging within receiver Bands 6 and 7 have been used to investigate the dense gas structure, kinetic temperature, and heating processes which drive the NGC253 starburst. Twenty-nine transitions from fifteen molecular species/isotopologues have been identified and imaged at 1.′′51.^{\prime\prime}5 to 0.′′40.^{\prime\prime}4 resolution, allowing for the identification of five of the previously-studied giant molecular clouds (GMCs) within the central molecular zone (CMZ) of NGC253. Ten transitions from the formaldehyde (H2_2CO) molecule have been used to derive the kinetic temperature within the ∼0.′′5\sim 0.^{\prime\prime}5 to 5′′5^{\prime\prime} dense-gas structures imaged. On ∼5′′\sim 5^{\prime\prime} scales we measure TK≳50T_K \gtrsim 50 K, while on size scales ≲1′′\lesssim 1^{\prime\prime} we measure TK≳300T_K \gtrsim 300 K. These kinetic temperature measurements further delineate the association between potential sources of dense gas heating. We have investigated potential heating sources by comparing our measurements to models which predict the physical conditions associated with dense molecular clouds that possess a variety of heating mechanisms. This comparison has been supplemented with tracers of recently-formed massive stars (Brγ\gamma) and shocks ([FeII]). Derived molecular column densities point to a radially-decreasing abundance of molecules with sensitivity to cosmic ray and mechanical heating within the NGC253 CMZ. These measurements are consistent with radio spectral index calculations which suggest a higher concentration of cosmic ray producing supernova remnants within the central 10 pc of NGC253.Comment: 60 pages, 25 figures (whew!), Accepted for publication in ApJ, Latest version includes minor corrections following proof submissio

    Robust Constraint on a Drifting Proton-to-Electron Mass Ratio at z=0.89 from Methanol Observation at Three Radio Telescopes

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    A limit on a possible cosmological variation of the proton-to-electron mass ratio μ\mu is derived from methanol (CH3_3OH) absorption lines in the benchmark PKS1830−-211 lensing galaxy at redshift z=0.89z = 0.89 observed with the Effelsberg 100-m radio telescope, the Institute de Radio Astronomie Millim\'{e}trique 30-m telescope, and the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array. Ten different absorption lines of CH3_3OH covering a wide range of sensitivity coefficients KμK_{\mu} are used to derive a purely statistical 1-σ\sigma constraint of Δμ/μ=(1.5±1.5)×10−7\Delta\mu/\mu = (1.5 \pm 1.5) \times 10^{-7} for a lookback time of 7.5 billion years. Systematic effects of chemical segregation, excitation temperature, frequency dependence and time variability of the background source are quantified. A multi-dimensional linear regression analysis leads to a robust constraint of Δμ/μ=(−1.0±0.8stat±1.0sys)×10−7\Delta\mu/\mu = (-1.0 \pm 0.8_{\rm stat} \pm 1.0_{\rm sys}) \times 10^{-7}.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Published in PR

    Indentation and self-healing mechanisms of a self-assembled monolayer:a combined experimental and modeling study

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    A combination of in situ vibrational sum-frequency generation (SFG) spectroscopy and molecular-dynamics (MD) simulations has allowed us to study the effects of indentation of self-assembled octadecylphosphonic acid (ODPA) monolayers on α-Al2O3(0001). Stress-induced changes in the vibrational signatures of C–H stretching vibrations in SFG spectra and the results of MD simulations provide clear evidence for an increase in gauche-defect density in the monolayer as a response to indentation. A stress-dependent analysis indicates that the defect density reaches saturation at approximately 155 MPa. After stress is released, the MD simulations show an almost instantaneous healing of pressure-induced defects in good agreement with experimental results. The lateral extent of the contact areas was studied with colocalized SFG spectroscopy and compared to theoretical predictions for pressure gradients from Hertzian contact theory. SFG experiments reveal a gradual increase in gauche-defect density with pressure before saturation close to the contact center. Furthermore, our MD simulations show a spatial anisotropy of pressure-induced effects within ODPA domains: molecules tilted in the direction of the pressure gradient increase in tilt angle while those on the opposite side form gauche-defects

    Multilingual Query-by-Example Keyword Spotting with Metric Learning and Phoneme-to-Embedding Mapping

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    In this paper, we propose a multilingual query-by-example keyword spotting (KWS) system based on a residual neural network. The model is trained as a classifier on a multilingual keyword dataset extracted from Common Voice sentences and fine-tuned using circle loss. We demonstrate the generalization ability of the model to new languages and report a mean reduction in EER of 59.2 % for previously seen and 47.9 % for unseen languages compared to a competitive baseline. We show that the word embeddings learned by the KWS model can be accurately predicted from the phoneme sequences using a simple LSTM model. Our system achieves a promising accuracy for streaming keyword spotting and keyword search on Common Voice audio using just 5 examples per keyword. Experiments on the Hey-Snips dataset show a good performance with a false negative rate of 5.4 % at only 0.1 false alarms per hour.Comment: Accepted to ICASSP 202

    Multi-Atlas Segmentation using Partially Annotated Data: Methods and Annotation Strategies

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    Multi-atlas segmentation is a widely used tool in medical image analysis, providing robust and accurate results by learning from annotated atlas datasets. However, the availability of fully annotated atlas images for training is limited due to the time required for the labelling task. Segmentation methods requiring only a proportion of each atlas image to be labelled could therefore reduce the workload on expert raters tasked with annotating atlas images. To address this issue, we first re-examine the labelling problem common in many existing approaches and formulate its solution in terms of a Markov Random Field energy minimisation problem on a graph connecting atlases and the target image. This provides a unifying framework for multi-atlas segmentation. We then show how modifications in the graph configuration of the proposed framework enable the use of partially annotated atlas images and investigate different partial annotation strategies. The proposed method was evaluated on two Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) datasets for hippocampal and cardiac segmentation. Experiments were performed aimed at (1) recreating existing segmentation techniques with the proposed framework and (2) demonstrating the potential of employing sparsely annotated atlas data for multi-atlas segmentation
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