19 research outputs found

    Bem estar do trabalhador docente de educação física da região sul do Brasil de acordo com os ciclos vitais

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate association between the life cycles and the social-environmental (work satisfaction) and individual (lifestyle) parameters of Wellness in Physical Education Teacher from the public teaching southern region of Brazil. In the investigation, 1645 teachers answered a social-demographic and professional questionnaire, as well as the QVT-PEF and PEVI tools. The chi-square, likelihood ratio and multinomial logistic regression, in the original form and in two adjusted models, were used for evaluating the associations. The results demonstrated that the use of moderating variables in the adjusted analyses of work satisfaction construct helped in understanding the teachers's perceptions changes across the life. Contrary situation was demonstrated in lifestyle evaluation, which revealed that the original model analysis was the principal manner of observing significant differences in most of the components and in the general computation.O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar o nível de associação entre os ciclos vitais e os parâmetros socioambiental (satisfação no trabalho) e individual (estilo de vida) do Bem Estar do Trabalhador Docente em Educação Física dos magistérios públicos estaduais da região sul do Brasil. Na investigação, 1645 professores responderam um questionário sócio-demográfico e profissional, além dos instrumentos QVT-PEF e PEVI. Os testes qui-quadrado, razão de verossimilhança e regressão logística multinomial, na forma bruta e em dois modelos ajustados, foram empregados para avaliar as associações. Os resultados evidenciaram que a utilização de variáveis moderadoras nas análises ajustadas do constructo da satisfação no trabalho auxiliou na compreensão das alterações de percepções dos professores ao longo da vida. Situação contrária foi demonstrada na avaliação do estilo de vida, o qual revelou que a análise bruta foi a principal maneira de observar diferenças significativas na maioria dos componentes e no computo geral

    Analysis of the atmosphere in a volleyball team

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    The aim of this investigation was to identify, explain, understand and analyze the constituent elements of the atmosphere in a volleyball team. First the elements were identified and then the most relevant were determined in order to better understand the atmosphere phenomenon and how it influences a volleyball team. A case study was carried out with a high level male volleyball team during the National League Championship. It was characterized as a descriptive study by the use of ethnographic methodology and data collecting, participating observation, interviews and filming were the principal instruments. The data were analyzed through pre-established dimensions: identification, autonomy, performance, reward and growth. The analysis determined fourteen constituent elements that identify the group of characteristics of a type of atmosphere in a volleyball team. The identification of these elements provides a general view of the team’s mood and makes it possible to adjust the individual and group necessities to make the team more efficient


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    O principal propósito deste estudo foi o de buscar na informação e na atuação de professores de Educação Física, elementos capazes de fornecer os dados para configurar o conhecimento necessário ao profissional de Educação Física para atuar como administrador da área. O estudo caracterizou-se como uma pesquisa descritiva, pela natureza dos assuntos tratados e pela técnica de coleta de dados empregada. A população-alvo constituiu-se de todos os professores pertencentes ao Departamento de Educação Física (DEF) da Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM), em exercício das suas atividades profissionais no curso de Educação Física e na Prática Desportiva, no segundo semestre de 1988. O estudo atingiu a totalidade dos componentes do universo, que contou com o número total de 44 (quarenta e quatro) professores. Como instrumento de medida, utilizou-se entrevista não-estruturada, visando alcançar maior riqueza e clareza nas respostas. Os depoimentos foram categorizados, classificados e organizados de acordo de acordo com a necessidade de informações para o estudo. Com base na análise e discussão dos resultados, foi possível chegar-se as seguintes conclusões: os conhecimentos dos professores do DEF da UEM em relação a administração apresentam-se basicamente quanto ao aspecto da organização de competições de desportos, leis e regulamentos da educação física, e através de suas experiências constatou-se que as atividades dos professores de Educação Física não se restringem ao ensino e se estendem às diferentes atividades administrativas. O confronto entre os conhecimentos sugeridos pelos professores como importantes e os problemas apresentados na administração do departamento permitiram estabelecer a relação entre os mesmos. Possibilitou também determinar a contribuição da ciência da administração no procedimento administrativo dos professores de Educação Física, através do entendimento das funções de planejamento, organização, direção e controle, que compreendem o processo administrativo. Outros tipos de conhecimentos considerados imprescindíveis para os administradores de Educação Física, ficaram evidenciados nas sugestões dos professores e na análise do conteúdo programático da disciplina "Organização e Administração de Educação Física" do curso de Educação Física da UEM

    Social phibia and self-concept: a correlational study with physical activity practice

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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/1980-0037.2008v10n4p360 The objective of this study was to analyze social phobia in teenagers aged 14 to 20 years and its possible relationship with regular practice of physical activity and their self-concept. This study enrolled 191 students from private and public schools and the measurement instruments used were a test of social phobia, a test of self-concept and a physical activity questionnaire. The results indicate that students from private schools are shyer than students from public schools. In relation to self-concept, there were significant differences in security factor for boys and moral factor for girls. This indicates that boys are more stable, brave and secure, while girls are more influenced by moral and ethical rules. These results demonstrate that no relationship was detected between social phobia and physical activity, but it was possible to observe a relationship between social phobia and some of the self-concept factors, and a relationship between physical activity and some of the self-concept factors. It is therefore concluded that the negative influence of high levels of social phobia on the receptivity and security factors of men and women suggests a need for further studies in the area, which could help in the prevention and treatment of social phobia, which could worsen over the years and compromise these young people’s ability to socialize

    <b> Social phobia and self-concept: a correlational study with physical activity practice </b>

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    The objective of this study was to analyze social phobia in teenagers aged 14 to 20 years and its possiblerelationship with regular practice of physical activity and their self-concept. This study enrolled 191 students from privateand public schools and the measurement instruments used were a test of social phobia, a test of self-concept and a physicalactivity questionnaire. The results indicate that students from private schools are shyer than students from public schools. Inrelation to self-concept, there were significant differences in security factor for boys and moral factor for girls. This indicatesthat boys are more stable, brave and secure, while girls are more influenced by moral and ethical rules. These resultsdemonstrate that no relationship was detected between social phobia and physical activity, but it was possible to observea relationship between social phobia and some of the self-concept factors, and a relationship between physical activityand some of the self-concept factors. It is therefore concluded that the negative influence of high levels of social phobia onthe receptivity and security factors of men and women suggests a need for further studies in the area, which could help inthe prevention and treatment of social phobia, which could worsen over the years and compromise these young people’sability to socialize

    <b>Quality of life of teaching in Physical Education of Parana state, Brazil</b>

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation between the constructs of quality of work life (QWL) and lifestyle in Physical Education teachers from public schools in Parana State. The sample consisted of 654 teachers (299 men and 355 women), corresponding to a sampling error of 3.5%. A sociodemographic questionnaire, “Perceived Work Quality of Life Scale by Physical Education Teachers from Elementary to High School” and “Profile of Individual Lifestyle” were used for data collection. Statistical analysis was performed using the chi-square test and Spearman’s correlation test. The results showed the dissatisfaction of teachers with wages, working conditions and balance between work and leisure. Most subjects presented positive lifestyle behaviors, but the components nutrition, physical activity and stress management were a matter of concern. Internal evaluation of QWL yielded higher correlation coefficients than lifestyle. When comparing the two analytical matrices, low levels of correlation were observed between components and overall assessment of the constructs

    The attitudes of academics at the State University of Maringa regarding sport at 3 Grade: a longitudinal study

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    This study aims at observing the undergraduate student throughout the period needed to satisfy the curricular demands in Physical Education and analysing his attitude towards it. It was necessary to identify the reasons for his choice of modality verifying the degree of attitude and its changes during the semesters attended in the subject. Population was formed by all freshmen enrolled in the 2nd semester of 1987 and in the 1st semester of 1988. The sample consisted of 141 students for the 2nd semester of 198 7 and 24 7 for the 1st semester of 1988. The student became a participant in the study on answering a questionnaire continually or intermitently for at least three semesters. As means of measuring, an option was made for questionnaire adapted from studies by SOUZA (1983). The questionnaire of Likert type, termed TAPRADES, with reliable coefficient of 0,87 made the analysis of attitude possible. The results showed that the majority of students tend to enroll themselves in their favourite modality in an available time. Most students opt for a modality and carry it on until they have fulfilled the curricular needs. Changes in modality take place more frequently during the 2nd semester. As for the number of semesters, the majority chose between 3 to 4 semesters for the duration of Physical Education, which seems to prevail. In relation to the subject's compulsoriness, the favorable opinions decreased as semesters went by whereas unfavorable opinions increased gradually. The students' attitude, in general, was positive in most courses of the Institution, where social and physical aspects contributed significantly to this result while in the congnitive aspect they showed some indifference. Thus, we assume that the students believe that the syllabus helps physical and social development. About half the students did not alter their attitude concerning the subject duríng the period this study was carried out. Those who changed attitudes, did it for better