30,338 research outputs found

    A diffuse radar scattering model from Martian surface rocks

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    Remote sensing of Mars has been done with a variety of instrumentation at various wavelengths. Many of these data sets can be reconciled with a surface model of bonded fines (or duricrust) which varies widely across the surface and a surface rock distribution which varies less so. A surface rock distribution map from -60 to +60 deg latitude has been generated by Christensen. Our objective is to model the diffuse component of radar reflection based on this surface distribution of rocks. The diffuse, rather than specular, scattering is modeled because the diffuse component arises due to scattering from rocks with sizes on the order of the wavelength of the radar beam. Scattering for radio waves of 12.5 cm is then indicative of the meter scale and smaller structure of the surface. The specular term is indicative of large scale surface undulations and should not be causally related to other surface physical properties. A simplified model of diffuse scattering is described along with two rock distribution models. The results of applying the models to a planet of uniform fractional rock coverage with values ranging from 5 to 20% are discussed

    Wave Profile for Current Bearing Antiforce Waves

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    For fluid dynamical analysis of breakdown waves, we employ a one-dimensional, three-component (electrons, ions and neutral particles) fluid model to describe a steady-state, ionizing wave propagating counter to strong electric fields. The electron gas temperature and therefore the electron fluid pressure is assumed to be large enough to sustain the wave motion down the discharge tube. Such waves are referred to as antiforce waves. The complete set of equations describing such waves consists of the equations of conservation of mass, momentum and energy coupled with Poisson’s equation. Inclusion of current behind the wave front alters the set of electron fluid dynamical equations and also the boundary condition on electron temperature. For a range of experimentally observed current values, using the modified boundary condition on electron temperature, we have been able to integrate our modified set of electron fluid dynamical equations through the Debye layer. Our solutions meet the expected boundary conditions at the trailing edge of the wave. We present the wave profile for electric field, electron velocity, electron number density and electron temperature within the Debye layer of the wave

    Transitions in non-conserving models of Self-Organized Criticality

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    We investigate a random--neighbours version of the two dimensional non-conserving earthquake model of Olami, Feder and Christensen [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 68}, 1244 (1992)]. We show both analytically and numerically that criticality can be expected even in the presence of dissipation. As the critical level of conservation, αc\alpha_c, is approached, the cut--off of the avalanche size distribution scales as ξ(αcα)3/2\xi\sim(\alpha_c-\alpha)^{-3/2}. The transition from non-SOC to SOC behaviour is controlled by the average branching ratio σ\sigma of an avalanche, which can thus be regarded as an order parameter of the system. The relevance of the results are discussed in connection to the nearest-neighbours OFC model (in particular we analyse the relevance of synchronization in the latter).Comment: 8 pages in latex format; 5 figures available upon reques

    Characterization of surficial units on Mars using Viking orbiter multispectral image and thermal data

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    Albedo and thermal property correlations of the topography of Mars were conducted with emphases upon the types and origins of materials exposed in the central equatorial region. This area displays a wide variation in color, albedo and thermal properties, and is relatively free of dust and haze. The physical, mineralogical and elemental characteristics of this area are discussed

    Domain wall interacting with a black hole: A new example of critical phenomena

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    We study a simple system that comprises all main features of critical gravitational collapse, originally discovered by Choptuik and discussed in many subsequent publications. These features include universality of phenomena, mass-scaling relations, self-similarity, symmetry between super-critical and sub-critical solutions, etc. The system we consider is a stationary membrane (representing a domain wall) in a static gravitational field of a black hole. For a membrane that spreads to infinity, the induced 2+1 geometry is asymptotically flat. Besides solutions with Minkowski topology there exists also solutions with the induced metric and topology of a 2+1 dimensional black hole. By changing boundary conditions at infinity, one finds that there is a transition between these two families. This transition is critical and it possesses all the above-mentioned properties of critical gravitational collapse. It is remarkable that characteristics of this transition can be obtained analytically. In particular, we find exact analytical expressions for scaling exponents and wiggle-periods. Our results imply that black hole formation as a critical phenomenon is far more general than one might expect.Comment: 23 pages, 5 postscript figures include

    Validation and analysis of regional present-day climate and climate change simulations over Europe

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    In the European Commission (EC) project "Regionalization of Anthropogenic Climate Change Simulations, RACCS, recently terminated, 11 European institutions have carried out tests of dynamical and statistical regionalization techniques. The outcome of the "dynamical part" of the project, utilizing a series of high resolution LAMs and a variable resolution global model (all of which we shall refer to as RCMs, Regional Climate Models), is presented here. The per- formance of the dqterent LAMs had first, in a preceding EC project, been tested with "perfect" boundary forcing fields (ECMWF analyses) and also multi-year present-day climate simula- tions with AMIP "perfect ocean " or mixed layer ocean GCM boundary conditions had been validated against available climatological data. The present report involves results of vali- dation and analysis of RCM present-day climate simulations and anthropogenic climate change experiments. Multi-year (5 - 30 years) present-day climate simulations have been per- formed with resolutions between 19 and 70 km (grid lengths) and with boundary conditions from the newest CGCM simulations. The climate change experiments involve various 2xCO2 - ]xCO2 transient greenhouse gas experiments and in one case also changing sulphur aerosols. A common validation and inter-comparison was made at the coordinating institution, MPIfor Meteorology. The validation of the present-day climate simulations shows the importance of systematic errors in the low level general circulation. Such errors seem to induce large errors in precipitation and surface air temperature in the RCMs as well as in the CGCMs providing boundary conditions. Over Europe the field of systematic errors in the mean sea level pressure (MSLP) usually involve an area of too low pressure, often in the form of an east-west trough across Europe with too high pressure to the north and south. New storm-track analyses confirm that the areas of too low pressure are caused by enhanced cyclonic activity and similarly that the areas of too high pressure are caused by reduced such activity. The precise location and strength of the extremes in the MSLP error field seems to be dependent on the physical param- eterization package used. In model pairs sharing the same package the area of too low pressure is deepened further in the RCM compared to the corresponding CGCM, indicating an increase of the excessive cyclonic activity with increasing resolution. From the experiments performed it seems not possible to decide to what extent the systematic errors in the general circulation are the result of local errors in the physical parameterization schemes or remote errors trans- mitted to the European region via the boundary conditions. Additional errors in precipitation and temperature seems to be due to direct local effects of errors in certain parameterization schemes and errors in the SSTs taken from the CGCMs. For all seasons many biases are fOund to be statistically significant compared to estimates of the internal model variability of the time- slice mean values. In the climate change experiments statistically significant European mean temperature changes which are large compared to the corresponding biases are found. How- ever, the changes in the deviations from the European mean temperature as well as the changes in precipitation are only partly sign wcan ce and are of the same order of magnitude or smaller than the corresponding biases found in the present-day climate simulations. Cases of an inter- action between the systematic model errors and the radiative forcing show that generally the errors are not canceling out when the changes are computed. Therefore, reliable regional cli- mate changes can only be achieved after model improvements which reduce their systematic errors sufficiently. Also in future RCM experiments sujiciently long time-slices must be used in order to obtain statistically sign ijicant climate changes on the sub-continental scale aimed at with the present regionalization technique

    Peaks and Troughs in Helioseismology: The Power Spectrum of Solar Oscillations

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    I present a matched-wave asymptotic analysis of the driving of solar oscillations by a general localised source. The analysis provides a simple mathematical description of the asymmetric peaks in the power spectrum in terms of the relative locations of eigenmodes and troughs in the spectral response. It is suggested that the difference in measured phase function between the modes and the troughs in the spectrum will provide a key diagnostic of the source of the oscillations. I also suggest a form for the asymmetric line profiles to be used in the fitting of solar power spectra. Finally I present a comparison between the numerical and asymptotic descriptions of the oscillations. The numerical results bear out the qualitative features suggested by the asymptotic analysis but suggest that numerical calculations of the locations of the troughs will be necessary for a quantitative comparison with the observations.Comment: 18 pages + 8 separate figures. To appear in Ap