23,585 research outputs found

    Lattice vibrations and structural instability in Cesium near the cubic to tetragonal transition

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    Under pressure cesium undergoes a transition from a high-pressure fcc phase (Cs-II) to a collapsed fcc phase (Cs-III) near 4.2GPa. At 4.4GPa there follows a transition to the tetragonal Cs-IV phase. In order to investigate the lattice vibrations in the fcc phase and seek a possible dynamical instability of the lattice, the phonon spectra of fcc-Cs at volumes near the III-IV transition are calculated using Savrasov's density functional linear-response LMTO method. Compared with quasiharmonic model calculations including non-central interatomic forces up to second neighbours, at the volume V/V0=0.44V/V_0= 0.44 (V0V_0 is the experimental volume of bcc-Cs with a0a_0=6.048{\AA}), the linear-response calculations show soft intermediate wavelength T[11ˉ0][ξξ0]T_{[1\bar{1}0]}[{\xi}{\xi}0] phonons. Similar softening is also observed for short wavelength L[ξξξ]L[\xi\xi\xi] and L[00ξ]L[00\xi] phonons and intermediate wavelength L[ξξξ]L[\xi\xi\xi] phonons. The Born-von K\'{a}rm\'{a}n analysis of dispersion curves indicates that the interplanar force constants exhibit oscillating behaviours against plane spacing nn and the large softening of intermediate wavelength T[11ˉ0][ξξ0]T_{[1\bar{1}0]}[{\xi}{\xi}0] phonons results from a negative (110)-interplanar force-constant Φn=2\Phi_{n=2}. The frequencies of the T[11ˉ0][ξξ0]T_{[1\bar{1}0]}[{\xi}{\xi}0] phonons with ξ\xi around 1/3 become imaginary and the fcc structure becomes dynamically unstable for volumes below 0.41V00.41V_0. It is suggested that superstructures corresponding to the q0\mathbf{q}{\neq}0 soft mode should be present as a precursor of tetragonal Cs-IV structure.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Universality classes and crossover behaviors in non-Abelian directed sandpiles

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    We study universality classes and crossover behaviors in non-Abelian directed sandpile models, in terms of the metastable pattern analysis. The non-Abelian property induces spatially correlated metastable patterns, characterized by the algebraic decay of the grain density along the propagation direction of an avalanche. Crossover scaling behaviors are observed in the grain density due to the interplay between the toppling randomness and the parity of the threshold value. In the presence of such crossovers, we show that the broadness of the grain distribution plays a crucial role in resolving the ambiguity of the universality class. Finally, we claim that the metastable pattern analysis is important as much as the conventional analysis of avalanche dynamics.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, 1 table; published in PRE as the full paper of PRL v101, 218001 (2008

    White matter hyperintensities and within-person variability in community-dwelling adults aged 60–64 years

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    Estimates of white matter hyperintensities (WMH) derived from T2-weighted MRI were investigated in relation to cognitive performance in 469 healthy community-dwelling adults aged 60–64 years. Frontal lobe WMH but not WMH from other brain regions (temporal, parietal, and occipital lobes, anterior and posterior horn, periventricular body) were associated with elevated within-person reaction time (RT) variability (trial to trial fluctuations in RT performance) but not performance on several other cognitive tasks including psychomotor speed, memory, and global cognition. The findings are consistent with the view that elevated within-person variability is related to neurobiological disturbance, and that attentional mechanisms supported by the frontal cortex play a key role in this type of variability

    A stochastic theory for temporal fluctuations in self-organized critical systems

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    A stochastic theory for the toppling activity in sandpile models is developed, based on a simple mean-field assumption about the toppling process. The theory describes the process as an anti-persistent Gaussian walk, where the diffusion coefficient is proportional to the activity. It is formulated as a generalization of the It\^{o} stochastic differential equation with an anti-persistent fractional Gaussian noise source. An essential element of the theory is re-scaling to obtain a proper thermodynamic limit, and it captures all temporal features of the toppling process obtained by numerical simulation of the Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld sandpile in this limit.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    A study of quantum decoherence in a system with Kolmogorov-Arnol'd-Moser tori

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    We present an experimental and numerical study of the effects of decoherence on a quantum system whose classical analogue has Kolmogorov-Arnol'd-Moser (KAM) tori in its phase space. Atoms are prepared in a caesium magneto-optical trap at temperatures and densities which necessitate a quantum description. This real quantum system is coupled to the environment via spontaneous emission. The degree of coupling is varied and the effects of this coupling on the quantum coherence of the system are studied. When the classical diffusion through a partially broken torus is < hbar, diffusion of quantum particles is inhibited. We find that increasing decoherence via spontaneous emission increases the transport of quantum particles through the boundary.Comment: 19 pages including 6 figure

    Modeling temporal fluctuations in avalanching systems

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    We demonstrate how to model the toppling activity in avalanching systems by stochastic differential equations (SDEs). The theory is developed as a generalization of the classical mean field approach to sandpile dynamics by formulating it as a generalization of Itoh's SDE. This equation contains a fractional Gaussian noise term representing the branching of an avalanche into small active clusters, and a drift term reflecting the tendency for small avalanches to grow and large avalanches to be constricted by the finite system size. If one defines avalanching to take place when the toppling activity exceeds a certain threshold the stochastic model allows us to compute the avalanche exponents in the continum limit as functions of the Hurst exponent of the noise. The results are found to agree well with numerical simulations in the Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld and Zhang sandpile models. The stochastic model also provides a method for computing the probability density functions of the fluctuations in the toppling activity itself. We show that the sandpiles do not belong to the class of phenomena giving rise to universal non-Gaussian probability density functions for the global activity. Moreover, we demonstrate essential differences between the fluctuations of total kinetic energy in a two-dimensional turbulence simulation and the toppling activity in sandpiles.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    Boundary effects in a random neighbor model of earthquakes

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    We introduce spatial inhomogeneities (boundaries) in a random neighbor version of the Olami, Feder and Christensen model [Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 1244 (1992)] and study the distributions of avalanches starting both from the bulk and from the boundaries of the system. Because of their clear geophysical interpretation, two different boundary conditions have been considered (named free and open, respectively). In both cases the bulk distribution is described by the exponent τ3/2\tau \simeq {3/2}. Boundary distributions are instead characterized by two different exponents τ3/2\tau ' \simeq {3/2} and τ7/4\tau ' \simeq {7/4}, for free and open boundary conditions, respectively. These exponents indicate that the mean-field behavior of this model is correctly described by a recently proposed inhomogeneous form of critical branching process.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures ; to appear on PR

    Significance of Off-Center Rattling for Emerging Low-lying THz Modes in type-I Clathrates

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    We show that the distinct differences of low-lying THz-frequency dynamics between type-I clathrates with on-center and off-center guest ions naturally follow from a theoretical model taking into account essential features of the dynamics of rattling guest ions. Our model analysis demonstrates the drastic change from the conventional dynamics shown by on-center systems to the peculiar dynamics of off-center systems in a unified manner. We claim that glass-like plateau thermal conductivities observed for off-center systems stem from the flattening of acoustic phonon dispersion in the regime |k|<|G|/4. The mechanism is applicable to other systems such as glasses or relaxers