156 research outputs found
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In the intersection between neoliberal entrepreneurship and epidemiological models of causation in late modernity the body has become one of the most prominent symbols of individual self-conduct, self-control and moral. Through the symbolic reading of the body, experts as well as laymen believe they can reach true statements about the individuals’ lifestyle, self-conduct, risk management, moral and not least self-discipline. But how did we come to a point in time where the body, health and illness became primarily the manifestation of lifestyle and individual self-conduct? In this article a few pieces of the Danish historical development towards this place in time will be outlined. The relationship between the body, culture and class has been the focal point of epidemiological research for well over 150 years. Characteristic of this production of knowledge is the formulation of shifting and often contradictory theories about the ontology of the individual and society, and the relation between these two entities. This article focuses on the development within epidemiological production of knowledge and its relations to contemporary intellectual, political and social changes, which seem to have been crucial for the way in which we now understand the body
ALKYMISTENS DRØM OG FRU BERGMANNS KAFFE: Forankring af viden om atombomber og radioaktivitet mellem videnskab og dagligdag i Danmark 1945-1959.
Formålet med artiklen er at undersøge, hvordan viden om kernespaltning, atom- bomber og radioaktivitet cirkulerede mellem det videnskabelige niveau og den danske dagspresse i perioden fra atombombens ankomst i 1945 til 1959, hvor Sundhedsstyrelsen nedlagde forbud mod brugen af opsamlet regnvand som drikkevand hos borgerne på Saltholm på grund af radioaktivitet. Vi argumenterer gennem artiklen for, at offentlighedens skiftendae holdninger til atomteknologi ikke alene bør forstås i relation til en teknologisk og/eller politisk udvikling, men ligeledes må forstås i relation til, hvordan viden blev søgt formidlet (af hvem) og forankret i den offentlige bevidsthed. På det metodiske område vil artiklen præ- sentere en introduktion til socialpsykologiske teorier om sociale repræsentationer af videnskabelig viden i en bredere offentlighed for herigennem at få indsigt i, hvordan viden om atombomben og radioaktivitet blev skabt og genskabt mellem videnskab og ’sund fornuft’ i en dansk kontekst
Internationale organisationers virkningshistorie. Teoretiske og metodiske overvejelser
The Impact of International Organizations: Towards a Theoretical and Methodological Framework The overall aim of this article is to examine the theoretical and methodological challenges that arise from attempts to trace the impact of international organizations. Numerous research fields seem to be engaged in similar or related methodological questions, e.g. globalization studies, impact studies, comparative education, history of education, global history. The communication between these fields is, however, rather limited. The purpose of this article is therefore to develop, through an eclectic scan in these related research fields, a grammar of movement and impact that opens up the notion of transnational space as well as clarifying how this grammar is conducive to answering the methodological questions raised by this recent research agenda. In conclusion the article presents a manageable model based on the analytical discussions of impact, space and movement
Internationale organisationers virkningshistorie. Teoretiske og metodiske overvejelser
The Impact of International Organizations: Towards a Theoretical and Methodological Framework The overall aim of this article is to examine the theoretical and methodological challenges that arise from attempts to trace the impact of international organizations. Numerous research fields seem to be engaged in similar or related methodological questions, e.g. globalization studies, impact studies, comparative education, history of education, global history. The communication between these fields is, however, rather limited. The purpose of this article is therefore to develop, through an eclectic scan in these related research fields, a grammar of movement and impact that opens up the notion of transnational space as well as clarifying how this grammar is conducive to answering the methodological questions raised by this recent research agenda. In conclusion the article presents a manageable model based on the analytical discussions of impact, space and movement
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