211 research outputs found

    The Danish Gender Model and New Political Identities among Young Women

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    Politiske identiteter og kønspolitiske holdninger i tre generationer

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    Fra køn til diversitet – intersektionalitet i en dansk/nordisk kontekst

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    Intersectionality is a travelling concept rooted in Black Feminism that has recently been adopted by Nordic gender research. The concept has been transformed on its way from the US to the Danish/Nordic context. The purpose with this article is to contribute to a critical reflection of the concept and discuss its potentials from a Danish/Nordic context. Adopting a social science optic we first discuss some tensions between the original American understanding of the concept and the special – predominantly poststructural and postcolonial  conceptualisation given in the Danish/ Nordic context. Secondly we present two analytical frames able to analyse the dynamic interaction between different forms of power and between structures, institutions and identities. We argue that  intersectionality is not a coherent theory but a new perspective able to contain different and competing theoretical and methodological approaches

    Citizenship and Politics of Belonging – Inclusionary and Exclusionary Framings of Gender and Ethnicity

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    The article explores the intersectional approach to citizenship and politics of belonging focusing on the different framings of gender and ethnicity. It investigates the intersections of gender and ethnicity in the construction of national belongings. The hijab debates illustrate the contextual uses of intersectionality in public debates and illuminate the different framings of gender and ethnicity with both inclusionary and exclusionary effects. The argument is that political actors can (mis)use arguments about gender equality in order to construct social distinctions between ‘them and us’ – between the white gender equal majority and the oppressed Muslim women

    Maskuliniteter, magt og intersektionalitet

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    Maskulinitetsforskningen analyserer mænds identitet, holdninger og praksis. Fokus er på den betydning, ”måden at være mand på” har i en bestemt kontekst og i relation til den position, man har i samfundet. Forskningsfeltet har bidraget til fornyelse af kønsforskningen, men området har også relevans for samfundsforskere i bred forstand, fx i forhold til at nuancere forståelsen af samfundets sociale differentieringer, politiske værdier og praksis. Teoretisk har maskulinitetsforskningen været domineret af teorien om hegemonisk maskulinitet og dens fokus på patriarkalske dominansstrukturer. Der argumenteres i artiklen for, at intersektionalitetsbegrebet er et velegnet alternativ, hvad angår at analysere komplekse og modsætningsfyldte identiteter, uligheder og magtrelationer. Dette begrundes gennem to empiriske eksempler: 1) mænd som det ekstreme køn i toppen og bunden af samfundet og 2) nye maskulinitetsidealer

    Kvinder i den nye fredsbevægelse i Danmark:Mellem køkkenruller, resolutioner og teltpæle

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    Sociologi møder kunst

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    Sociologiske teorier om køn og intersektionalitet

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    Figures on Gender, Democracy and Modernity

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