105 research outputs found

    Cure of chronic viral infection and virus-induced type 1 diabetes by neutralizing antibodies

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    The use of neutralizing antibodies is one of the most successful methods to interfere with receptor–ligand interactions in vivo. In particular blockade of soluble inflammatory mediators or their corresponding cellular receptors was proven an effective way to regulate inflammation and/or prevent its negative consequences. However, one problem that comes along with an effective neutralization of inflammatory mediators is the general systemic immunomodulatory effect. It is, therefore, important to design a treatment regimen in a way to strike at the right place and at the right time in order to achieve maximal effects with minimal duration of immunosuppression or hyperactivation. In this review, we reflect on two examples of how short time administration of such neutralizing antibodies can block two distinct inflammatory consequences of viral infection. First, we review recent findings that blockade of IL-10/IL-10R interaction can resolve chronic viral infection and second, we reflect on how neutralization of the chemokine CXCL10 can abrogate virus-induced type 1 diabetes

    Laufbahnen, berufliche Situierungen, EinschÀtzungen : Absolventen und Absolventinnen der ZFH 5 Jahre nach ihrem Studienabschluss

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    Die Studie befasst sich mit den Absolventinnen und Absolventen der ZĂŒrcher Fachhochschule des Jahres 2006. Nach einer ersten Befragung im Jahr 2007 wurden sie im Jahr 2011, also 5 Jahre nach Studienabschluss, ein zweites Mal befragt. Insofern ist diese Studie als Fortsetzung zur ersten zu sehen – sie vergleicht systematisch die Resultate der beiden Erhebungen. Basis bildet die Absolventenbefragung des Bundesamtes fĂŒr Statistik, erweitert durch ein ergĂ€nzendes Befragungsmodul. Im Zentrum stehen nach wie vor die Rolle von (formellen und informellen) Laufbahnen und die Situierung von ZFH-Absolventen in Organisationen. DiesbezĂŒglich sind die Unterschiede zwischen den Fachbereichen sehr gross. Diese Unterschiede lassen sich in Typologien abbilden, welche Normal-Laufbahnen, Fachkulturen und Rollen in Organisationen betreffen, also sowohl objektive Merkmale wie auch deren Bewertung durch die AbsolventInnen

    Laufbahnen, ArbeitsplĂ€tze, Kompetenzen : Eine Studie ĂŒber die Absolventen und Absolventinnen der ZFH des Jahres 2006 im Auftrag der ZFH

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    Auf welchen beruflichen Positionen arbeiten die Absolventen und Absolventinnen der ZFH? Wie bewerten sie ihre ErwerbstĂ€tigkeit? Wie schĂ€tzen sie die eigenen und die geforderten Kompetenzen ein? Welche Ausbildungs- und Erwerbslaufbahnen liegen bereits hinter ihnen, wenn sie den Hochschul-Abschluss erworben haben? Mit Antworten auf diese Fragen wird versucht, einen Beitrag zu zwei hochschulpolitisch brisanten Themen zu leisten, nĂ€mlich zur Rolle der formellen und informellen Laufbahnen vor Studienbeginn (und damit auch zur Diskussion um das Lebenslange Lernen) sowie zur Situierung von ZFH-Absolventen in Organisationen (und damit auch zur Diskussion um die Formel "gleichwertig, aber andersartig"). Die Studie basiert auf einer Befragung der ZFH-Absolventinnen und –Absolventen des Jahres 2006 ein Jahr nach ihrem Abschluss (2007) durch das Bundesamt fĂŒr Statistik, erweitert durch ein ergĂ€nzendes Befragungsmodul

    The CYP2D6 Animal Model: How to Induce Autoimmune Hepatitis in Mice

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    Autoimmune hepatitis is a rare but life threatening autoimmune disease of the liver of unknown etiology1,2. In the past many attempts have been made to generate an animal model that reflects the characteristics of the human disease 3-5. However, in various models the induction of disease was rather complex and often hepatitis was only transient3-5. Therefore, we have developed a straightforward mouse model that uses the major human autoantigen in type 2 autoimmune hepatitis (AIH-2), namely hCYP2D6, as a trigger6. Type 1 liver-kidney microsomal antibodies (LKM-1) antibodies recognizing hCYP2D6 are the hallmark of AIH-27,8. Delivery of hCYP2D6 into wildtype FVB or C57BL/6 mice was by an Adenovirus construct (Ad-2D6) that ensures a direct delivery of the triggering antigen to the liver. Thus, the ensuing local inflammation generates a fertile field9 for the subsequent development of autoimmunity. A combination of intravenous and intraperitoneal injection of Ad-2D6 is the most effective route to induce a long-lasting autoimmune damage to the liver (section 1). Here we provide a detailed protocol on how autoimmune liver disease is induced in the CYP2D6 model and how the different aspects of liver damage can be assessed. First, the serum levels of markers indicating hepatocyte destruction, such as aminotransferases, as well as the titers of hCYP2D6 antibodies are determined by sampling blood retroorbitaly (section 2). Second, the hCYP2D6-specific T cell response is characterized by collecting lymphocytes from the spleen and the liver. In order to obtain pure liver lymphocytes, the livers are perfused by PBS via the portal vein (section 3), digested in collagen and purified over a Percoll gradient (section 4). The frequency of hCYP2D6-specific T cells is analyzed by stimulation with hCYP2D6 peptides and identification of IFNÎł-producing cells by flow cytometry (section 5). Third, cellular infiltration and fibrosis is determined by immunohistochemistry of liver sections (section 6). Such analysis regimen has to be conducted at several times after initiation of the disease in order to prove the chronic nature of the model. The magnitude of the immune response characterized by the frequency and activity of hCYP2D6-specific T and/or B cells and the degree of the liver damage and fibrosis have to be assessed for a subsequent evaluation of possible treatments to prevent, delay or abrogate the autodestructive process of the liver

    Blockade but not overexpression of the junctional adhesion molecule C influences virus-induced type 1 diabetes in mice

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    Type 1 diabetes (T1D) results from the autoimmune destruction of insulin-producing beta-cells in the pancreas. Recruitment of inflammatory cells is prerequisite to beta-cell-injury. The junctional adhesion molecule (JAM) family proteins JAM-B and JAM–C are involved in polarized leukocyte transendothelial migration and are expressed by vascular endothelial cells of peripheral tissue and high endothelial venules in lympoid organs. Blocking of JAM-C efficiently attenuated cerulean-induced pancreatitis, rheumatoid arthritis or inflammation induced by ischemia and reperfusion in mice. In order to investigate the influence of JAM-C on trafficking and transmigration of antigen-specific, autoaggressive T-cells, we used transgenic mice that express a protein of the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) as a target autoantigen in the ÎČ-cells of the islets of Langerhans under the rat insulin promoter (RIP). Such RIP-LCMV mice turn diabetic after infection with LCMV. We found that upon LCMV-infection JAM-C protein was upregulated around the islets in RIP-LCMV mice. JAM-C expression correlated with islet infiltration and functional beta-cell impairment. Blockade with a neutralizing anti-JAM-C antibody reduced the T1D incidence. However, JAM-C overexpression on endothelial cells did not accelerate diabetes in the RIP-LCMV model. In summary, our data suggest that JAM-C might be involved in the final steps of trafficking and transmigration of antigen-specific autoaggressive T-cells to the islets of Langerhans

    Dystrophin (DMD) Missense Variant in Cats with Becker-Type Muscular Dystrophy

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    Muscular dystrophy due to dystrophin deficiency in humans is phenotypically divided into a severe Duchenne and milder Becker type. Dystrophin deficiency has also been described in a few animal species, and few DMD gene variants have been identified in animals. Here, we characterize the clinical, histopathological, and molecular genetic aspects of a family of Maine Coon crossbred cats with clinically mild and slowly progressive muscular dystrophy. Two young adult male littermate cats exhibited abnormal gait and muscular hypertrophy with macroglossia. Serum creatine kinase activities were highly increased. Histopathologically, dystrophic skeletal muscle exhibited marked structural changes including atrophic, hypertrophic, and necrotic muscle fibers. Immunohistochemistry showed irregularly reduced expression of dystrophin but the staining of other muscle proteins such as beta- and gamma-sarcoglycans as well as desmin was also diminished. Whole genome sequencing of one affected cat and genotyping of the littermate found both to be hemizygous mutant at a single DMD missense variant (c.4186C>T). No other protein-changing variants in candidate genes for muscular dystrophy were detected. In addition, one clinically healthy male littermate was hemizygous wildtype, while the queen and one female littermate were clinically healthy, but heterozygous. The predicted amino acid exchange (p.His1396Tyr) resides in a conserved central rod spectrin domain of dystrophin. Various protein modeling programs did not predict major disruption of the dystrophin protein by this substitution, but the altered charge of the region may still affect protein function. This study represents the first genotype-to-phenotype correlation of Becker-type dystrophin deficiency in companion animals

    EHBP1L1 Frameshift Deletion in English Springer Spaniel Dogs with Dyserythropoietic Anemia and Myopathy Syndrome (DAMS) or Neonatal Losses

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    Hereditary myopathies are well documented in dogs, whereas hereditary dyserythropoietic anemias are rarely seen. The aim of this study was to further characterize the clinical and clinicopathological features of and to identify the causative genetic variant for a dyserythropoietic anemia and myopathy syndrome (DAMS) in English springer spaniel dogs (ESSPs). Twenty-six ESSPs, including five dogs with DAMS and two puppies that died perinatally, were studied. Progressive weakness, muscle atrophy-particularly of the temporal and pelvic muscles-trismus, dysphagia, and regurgitation due to megaesophagus were observed at all ages. Affected dogs had a non-regenerative, microcytic hypochromic anemia with metarubricytosis, target cells, and acanthocytes. Marked erythroid hyperplasia and dyserythropoiesis with non-orderly maturation of erythrocytes and inappropriate microcytic metarubricytosis were present. Muscle biopsies showed centralized nuclei, central pallor, lipocyte infiltrates, and fibrosis, which was consistent with centronuclear myopathy. The genome sequencing of two affected dogs was compared to 782 genomes of different canine breeds. A homozygous frameshift single-base deletion in EHBP1L1 was identified; this gene was not previously associated with DAMS. Pedigree analysis confirmed that the affected ESSPs were related. Variant genotyping showed appropriate complete segregation in the family, which was consistent with an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. This study expands the known genotype-phenotype correlation of EHBP1L1 and the list of potential causative genes in dyserythropoietic anemias and myopathies in humans. EHBP1L1 deficiency was previously reported as perinatally lethal in humans and knockout mice. Our findings enable the genetic testing of ESSP dogs for early diagnosis and disease prevention through targeted breeding strategies

    Mobile News Consumption and Its Relation to Young Adults' Knowledge About and Participation in Referendums

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    The news media are among the most important sources of information about political events, such as referendums. For young adults, the smartphone has become the main device for accessing news. However, we know little about the factors influencing mobile news consumption and how this consumption is related to political knowledge and political participation. This study investigates the antecedents of young individuals’ smartphone news consumption and how it is correlated with their knowledge about and participation in two referendums in Switzerland. We record the mobile internet usage of 309 young adults and link their digital trace data to survey data. We show that trust in news media and the use of broadcast media are positively correlated with the duration of mobile news consumption. The use of social media leads to more news source diversity. However, we find that the duration of mobile news consumption and news source diversity are not correlated with political knowledge about or participation in the referendum. As interest in politics is also positively correlated with the diversity of news sources used by individual participants, our study supports the idea that attentive audiences use a broader range of news sources to inform themselves about referendums

    EHBP1L1 Frameshift Deletion in English Springer Spaniel Dogs with Dyserythropoietic Anemia and Myopathy Syndrome (DAMS) or Neonatal Losses

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    Hereditary myopathies are well documented in dogs, whereas hereditary dyserythropoietic anemias are rarely seen. The aim of this study was to further characterize the clinical and clinicopathological features of and to identify the causative genetic variant for a dyserythropoietic anemia and myopathy syndrome (DAMS) in English springer spaniel dogs (ESSPs). Twenty-six ESSPs, including five dogs with DAMS and two puppies that died perinatally, were studied. Progressive weakness, muscle atrophy—particularly of the temporal and pelvic muscles—trismus, dysphagia, and regurgitation due to megaesophagus were observed at all ages. Affected dogs had a non-regenerative, microcytic hypochromic anemia with metarubricytosis, target cells, and acanthocytes. Marked erythroid hyperplasia and dyserythropoiesis with non-orderly maturation of erythrocytes and inappropriate microcytic metarubricytosis were present. Muscle biopsies showed centralized nuclei, central pallor, lipocyte infiltrates, and fibrosis, which was consistent with centronuclear myopathy. The genome sequencing of two affected dogs was compared to 782 genomes of different canine breeds. A homozygous frameshift single-base deletion in EHBP1L1 was identified; this gene was not previously associated with DAMS. Pedigree analysis confirmed that the affected ESSPs were related. Variant genotyping showed appropriate complete segregation in the family, which was consistent with an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. This study expands the known genotype–phenotype correlation of EHBP1L1 and the list of potential causative genes in dyserythropoietic anemias and myopathies in humans. EHBP1L1 deficiency was previously reported as perinatally lethal in humans and knockout mice. Our findings enable the genetic testing of ESSP dogs for early diagnosis and disease prevention through targeted breeding strategies

    Breaking tolerance to the natural human liver autoantigen cytochrome P450 2D6 by virus infection

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    Autoimmune liver diseases, such as autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) and primary biliary cirrhosis, often have severe consequences for the patient. Because of a lack of appropriate animal models, not much is known about their potential viral etiology. Infection by liver-tropic viruses is one possibility for the breakdown of self-tolerance. Therefore, we infected mice with adenovirus Ad5 expressing human cytochrome P450 2D6 (Ad-2D6). Ad-2D6–infected mice developed persistent autoimmune liver disease, apparent by cellular infiltration, hepatic fibrosis, “fused” liver lobules, and necrosis. Similar to type 2 AIH patients, Ad-2D6–infected mice generated type 1 liver kidney microsomal–like antibodies recognizing the immunodominant epitope WDPAQPPRD of cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6). Interestingly, Ad-2D6–infected wild-type FVB/N mice displayed exacerbated liver damage when compared with transgenic mice expressing the identical human CYP2D6 protein in the liver, indicating the presence of a stronger immunological tolerance in CYP2D6 mice. We demonstrate for the first time that infection with a virus expressing a natural human autoantigen breaks tolerance, resulting in a chronic form of severe, autoimmune liver damage. Our novel model system should be instrumental for studying mechanisms involved in the initiation, propagation, and precipitation of virus-induced autoimmune liver diseases
