89 research outputs found

    Vorwort der Herausgeberin

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    "Die Schweizer" oder die cineastische Herausforderung, eine Dorothea Wyss oder einen Niklaus von FlĂŒe dialektal auszustatten

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    Die TV-Produktion „Die Schweizer“ nimmt die ZuschauerInnen mit auf eine Reise durch die Schweizer Geschichte – eine Reise durch Raum und Zeit. Um eine solche Reise plausibel und authentisch zu machen, statten die Produzierenden die ProtagonistInnen aus: mit KostĂŒmen, Requisiten, Szenerien – und mit dem ‚passenden‘ Dialekt. Was aber macht einen Dialekt ‚passend‘ und wie trĂ€gt er zur filmischen AuthentizitĂ€tserzeugung bei

    „Adelboden-Lenk... dĂ€nk!“: glaub, meini, schiins, denk als FaktizitĂ€ts- und EvidentialitĂ€tspartikeln

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    This paper deals with four particle-like entities which emerged from clauses, namely glaub (from glaubi/i glaub’s ‘I believe [it]’), meini (from meini ‘I mean’), schiins (from schiint’s ‘it seems’) and denk (from denki/i denk’s ‘I think [it]’). They contain a meta-communicative function insofar as they express the speaker’s epistemic position. Based on evidence from different corpora it is argued that the category of modal particles accounts only superficially for the functionality of these entities. It would be more precise to distinguish between a particle, with which the speaker focusses on the factuality of the statement (glaub), and three particles, which focus on its evidentiality by referring to a source of information. The particle meini brings into play a personal (sensory) perception, schiins can function as hearsay-evidential, and denk conveys that the utterance is based on the speaker’s considerations. The particulisation of former clauses is understood as a grammaticalisation in progress, thereby touching on a semantic domain, which is otherwise expressed with lexemes (angeblich ‘allegedly’) and periphrases (allem Anschein nach ‘apparently’)

    Annali, Ruedi, Mami.: Das Diminutiv und seine Rolle bei der Entstehung und Verfestigung onymischer Neutra

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    Data of the dialect research project “Das Anna und ihr Hund. Weibliche Rufnamen im Neutrum” indicate the important role of diminutive names in terms of the historical develop-ment and consolidation of the onymic neuter gender assignment. The focus in the present arti-cle lies therefore on the forms and the use of diminutive names (e. g. Anneli, Ruedi) in Swiss-German dialects. Based on diachronic evidence from literary works and regional dictionaries, differences in the diminution of male and female names are historically traced and substantiated. It is for prag-matic reasons that female kinship names (e. g. Mami) are crystallized to be the last bastion for the neutral gender assignment which opens up new perspectives on the diachronic emergence of this phenomenon. The consideration of further onymic suffixes in the outlook brings up a debate on the disagreement of gender and sex which is considered to be a possible objective of the suf-fixation itself
