24 research outputs found

    Dibutyltin Disrupts Glucocorticoid Receptor Function and Impairs Glucocorticoid-Induced Suppression of Cytokine Production

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    BACKGROUND: Organotins are highly toxic and widely distributed environmental chemicals. Dibutyltin (DBT) is used as stabilizer in the production of polyvinyl chloride plastics, and it is also the major metabolite formed from tributyltin (TBT) in vivo. DBT is immunotoxic, however, the responsible targets remain to be defined. Due to the importance of glucocorticoids in immune-modulation, we investigated whether DBT could interfere with glucocorticoid receptor (GR) function. METHODOLOGY: We used HEK-293 cells transiently transfected with human GR as well as rat H4IIE hepatoma cells and native human macrophages and human THP-1 macrophages expressing endogenous receptor to study organotin effects on GR function. Docking of organotins was used to investigate the binding mechanism. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We found that nanomolar concentrations of DBT, but not other organotins tested, inhibit ligand binding to GR and its transcriptional activity. Docking analysis indicated that DBT inhibits GR activation allosterically by inserting into a site close to the steroid-binding pocket, which disrupts a key interaction between the A-ring of the glucocorticoid and the GR. DBT inhibited glucocorticoid-induced expression of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) and tyrosine-aminotransferase (TAT) and abolished the glucocorticoid-mediated transrepression of TNF-alpha-induced NF-kappaB activity. Moreover, DBT abrogated the glucocorticoid-mediated suppression of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and TNF-alpha production in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated native human macrophages and human THP-1 macrophages. CONCLUSIONS: DBT inhibits ligand binding to GR and subsequent activation of the receptor. By blocking GR activation, DBT may disturb metabolic functions and modulation of the immune system, providing an explanation for some of the toxic effects of this organotin

    Disruption of glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid receptor-mediated responses by environmental chemicals

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    Glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids are key endocrine hormones modulating essential physiological processes such as energy metabolism, cell growth and differentiation, maintenance of blood pressure and immune responses. Despite their importance and the fact that their impaired function has been associated with various diseases, there are only few studies on the potential disruption of glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid action by xenobiotics. To facilitate the identification and characterization of such chemicals, we established cell-based assays to determine the impact of xenobiotics on different steps of corticosteroid hormone action. Screening of a small library of chemicals led to the identification of several compounds inhibiting the 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11 beta-HSD) prereceptor enzymes 11 beta-HSD1 and/or 11 beta-HSD2 and of chemicals blocking the function of glucocorticoid receptors (GR) and mineralocorticoid receptors (MR). These findings build a basis to extend the search for chemicals acting on additional targets of the corticosteroid hormone pathway and to apply in silico prediction tools in combination with biological testing to screen large numbers of chemicals. The identification of chemicals interfering with corticosteroid action and the elucidation of the underlying molecular mechanisms are relevant with respect to the potential contribution to common diseases such as metabolic syndrome, immune diseases, brain disorders and cancer

    Les images des passions adolescentes

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    Les recherches en neurosciences utilisant des sets de photographies d’expression faciale afin de tester, Ă  l’aide des techniques d’imageries, les rĂ©actions Ă©motionnelles des adolescent-e-s ont participĂ© Ă  Ă©tablir un modĂšle neurobiologique de l’adolescence. Ce modĂšle, qui postule que la configuration cĂ©rĂ©brale particuliĂšre Ă  cette pĂ©riode de la vie soumet les jeunes personnes Ă  un dĂ©ficit de contrĂŽle Ă©motionnel, tend Ă  s’imposer dans le domaine des sciences de l’adolescence, particuliĂšrement en lien avec la question des prises de risque. Cet article propose d’investiguer le processus par lequel les neurosciences cognitives ont produit, Ă  partir de portraits photographiques d’acteurs mimant des Ă©motions, des stimuli valides qui permettent de rendre visible par le biais de l’IRMf une diffĂ©rence cĂ©rĂ©brale discriminant d’une part les adolescent-e-s et les adultes et d’autre part les jeunes filles et les jeunes garçons dans la gestion de l’information Ă©motionnelle. En effet, le cerveau Ă©motionnel adolescent est construit selon deux hiĂ©rarchies enchĂąssĂ©es : si la diffĂ©rence d’ñge fait figure de hiĂ©rarchie fondatrice, celle de sexe constitue un Ă©lĂ©ment tantĂŽt moteur tantĂŽt modĂ©rateur Ă  l’intĂ©rieur de celle-ci.Neuroscience research using sets of pictures of facial affect to test the emotional reactions of teenagers with fMRI has participated to construct a neurobiological model of adolescence. This model postulates that the particular brain configuration of young people indicates a lack of emotional control. This model tends to prevail in the sciences of adolescence, particularly in connection with the issue of risk taking. This paper investigates the process by which cognitive neuroscience, by using photographic portraits of actors mimicking emotions in fMRI studies, has produced valid stimuli that help to make visible a cerebral difference between adolescents and adults, as well as between girls and boys, in the management of emotional information. In effect, the adolescent emotional brain is constructed along two embedded hierarchies: if the age difference is the founding hierarchy, within that, sex at times act as a driving factor and at times as a moderating one.Las investigaciones en neurociencias que utilizan sets de fotografĂ­as de expresiĂłn facial a fin de verificar, con la ayuda de tĂ©cnicas de imaginologĂ­a, las reacciones emocionales de adolescentes contribuyeron a establecer un modelo neurobiolĂłgico del adolescente. Ese modelo que postula que la configuraciĂłn cerebral particular a ese perĂ­odo de vida somete a las personas jĂłvenes a un dĂ©ficit de control emocional, tiende a imponerse en el ĂĄmbito de las ciencias del adolescente, particularmente en relaciĂłn con el aspecto de tomas de riesgo. Este artĂ­culo propone investigar el proceso por el cual las neurociencias cognoscitivas elaboraron a partir de retratos fotogrĂĄficos de actores imitando emociones, estĂ­mulos vĂĄlidos que permitirĂĄn de hacer visible por intermedio de IRMs una diferencia del cerebro, discriminando de una parte los adolescentes de los adultos y de otra parte las chicas de los varones en la gestiĂłn de la informaciĂłn emocional. En consecuencia, el cerebro emocional adolescente se construye segĂșn dos jerarquĂ­as encastradas, si la diferencia de edad es la figura de jerarquĂ­a fundamental, la del sexo constituye un elemento a veces moderador dentro de la jerarquĂ­a fundamental

    Glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid action : Why should we consider influences by environmental chemicals?

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    Treatment of so-called civilization diseases, including some forms of cancer, immune-related diseases and metabolic disorders, represent a major challenge in the industrialized world. In addition to genetic predisposition, behavior and exposure to xenobiotics contribute to these diseases. Here, we review existing evidence for an association of environmental chemicals with disturbed glucocorticoid- and mineralocorticoid-regulated physiological processes. impaired activity of glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids can contribute to several diseases, including neurological diseases, immune disorders and metabolic syndrome. Recent studies provide evidence for the existence of environmental chemicals that are able to disrupt the function of these hormones at different levels of their action. Therefore, potential interferences with these hormones should be considered for safety assessment of chemicals. Compared with the extensive knowledge on chemicals interfering with estrogen or androgen responses, the study of glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid disruptors is an emerging field of research, and the identification of relevant xenobiotics and their underlying mechanisms of toxicity remains a major challenge. (C), 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    DĂ©sirer : une histoire de la sexologie Ă  Lausanne (1950-2000) = Desire : A History of Sexology in Lausanne (1950-2000)

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    Cet article se propose de retracer une histoire de la sexologie Ă  Lausanne des annĂ©es 1950 Ă  2000 sous l’angle du dĂ©sir sexuel et de ses problĂšmes. Il s’intĂ©resse tout particuliĂšrement Ă  la maniĂšre dont s’est construit localement un savoir expert sur le dĂ©sir sexuel, des femmes en particulier, entre thĂ©ories sexologiques, pratiques cliniques, de conseil conjugal et de planning familial, dans le contexte politique et social de la Suisse romande de la deuxiĂšme moitiĂ© du 20Ăšme siĂšcle. A partir de cette Ă©tude de cas, basĂ©e sur l’analyse des archives du Centre mĂ©dico-social Pro Familia de Lausanne et diverses autres sources produites par les acteur/trices les plus impliquĂ©-e-s dans le domaine de la sexologie en Suisse romande, il s’agira d’intĂ©grer les « troubles » du dĂ©sir sexuel dans une histoire plus large du dĂ©sir et de la sexualitĂ©. Par l’identification des termes qui rĂ©gissent la question du dĂ©sir sexuel (sauvegarde de l’union conjugale, rĂ©gulation des naissances, lutte contre l’avortement, Ă©panouissement personnel, etc.), nous mettrons ainsi en Ă©vidence les diverses modalitĂ©s sur lesquelles la question du dĂ©sir sexuel cristallise, pendant la pĂ©riode considĂ©rĂ©e, des normes de sexe, de genre et de sexualitĂ©, mais aussi des enjeux disciplinaires et professionnels (en particulier, entre sexologie mĂ©dicale, conseil conjugal et planning familial) dans l’établissement d’une approche mĂ©dico-sociale de la sexualitĂ©). ENGLISH ABTRACT: This article retraces the history of sexology in Lausanne from 1950 to 2000, with a thematic focus on the issue of sexual desire. It seeks to analyze the singular ways in which expert knowledge about sexual desire, female sexual desire in particular, was produced at the intersection of sexological theories, clinical practice, couple counseling, and family planning in the social and political context of the second half of the 20th century in French-speaking Switzerland. Based on archival research in the social medical Centre «Pro Familia» in Lausanne and on various other sources produced by the main actors involved in the field of sexology in French-speaking Switzerland, this case study makes it possible to appreciate sexual desire «problems» within a broader history of desire and sexuality.This article iden- tifies the terms governing the issue of sexual desire (saving marriages, birth control, fighting abortion, personal development, etc.) to better highlight the va- rious ways in which, at the time, normative ideals for sex, gender, and sexuality crystallized in the issue of female sexual desire, but also disciplinary and professional tensions (especially between medical sexology, couple counseling, and family planning), in the process of establishing a medical social approach to sexuality

    Disruption of glucocorticoid action by environmental chemicals: potential mechanisms and relevance

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    Glucocorticoids play an essential role in the regulation of key physiological processes, including immunomodulation, brain function, energy metabolism, electrolyte balance and blood pressure. Exposure to naturally occurring compounds or industrial chemicals that impair glucocorticoid action may contribute to the increasing incidence of cognitive deficits, immune disorders and metabolic diseases. Potentially, "glucocorticoid disruptors" can interfere with various steps of hormone action, e.g. hormone synthesis, binding to plasma proteins, delivery to target cells, pre-receptor regulation of the ratio of active versus inactive hormones, glucocorticoid receptor (GR) function, or export and degradation of glucocorticoids. Several recent studies indicate that such chemicals exist and that some of them can cause multiple toxic effects by interfering with different steps of hormone action. For example, increasing evidence suggests that organotins disturb glucocorticoid action by altering the function of factors that regulate the expression of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11beta-HSD) pre-receptor enzymes, by direct inhibition of 11beta-HSD2-dependent inactivation of glucocorticoids, and by blocking GR activation. These observations emphasize on the complexity of the toxic effects caused by such compounds and on the need of suitable test systems to assess their effects on each relevant step

    Des lois d'exception? Légitimation et délégitimation de l'internement administratif = Sondergesetze? Legitimierung und Delegitimierung der administrativen Versorgung

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    En Suisse, jusqu'en 1981, un arsenal lĂ©gal permettait d'enfermer des personnes dont les comportements Ă©taient jugĂ©s dĂ©viants des normes dominantes en matiĂšre de travail, de famille ou de sexualitĂ©. Sous prĂ©texte de rĂ©guler les coĂ»ts de l'assistance comme de protĂ©ger l'ordre et la morale publics, l'internement administratif excluait ces individus du droit commun. Cet ouvrage explicite les conditions politiques, sociales et scientifiques qui ont permis l'Ă©diction, la perduration, puis l'abrogation de bases lĂ©gales matĂ©rialisant des tensions et des contradictions entre État de droit, justice et libertĂ© personnelle. In der Schweiz ermöglichte es bis 1981 ein rechtliches Instrumentarium, Personen wegzusperren, deren Verhalten als von den vorherrschenden Normen hinsichtlich Arbeit, Familie oder SexualitĂ€t abweichend angesehen wurde. Unter dem Vorwand, die Kosten der FĂŒrsorge zu regeln und die öffentliche Ordnung und Moral zu schĂŒtzen, schloss die administrative Versorgung diese Personen vom gemeinen Recht aus. Dieses Buch beleuchtet die politischen, sozialen und wissenschaftlichen Bedingungen, die es ermöglicht haben, solche Rechtsgrundlagen zu schaffen, zu erhalten und letztlich aufzuheben. Dabei werden Spannungen und WidersprĂŒche zwischen Rechtsstaatlichkeit, Gerechtigkeit und persönlicher Freiheit sichtbar