23 research outputs found

    The Use of Massage Therapy for Reducing Pain, Anxiety, and Depression in Oncological Palliative Care Patients: A Narrative Review of the Literature

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    A considerable number of cancer patients use complementary medicine therapies in order to alleviate different symptoms such as pain, anxiety, and depression, occurring in connection with cancer. This paper explores the question to what extent massage therapies are able to reduce the amount of pain, anxiety, and depression. For this purpose, a systematic literature analysis was carried out in the electronic databases and specialist journals. There is already evidence that massage therapies can influence the symptoms of pain, anxiety, and depression in a positive way

    Wie erleben Erfasserinnen den Umgang mit der Observed Emotional Rating Scale?

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    Da im deutschsprachigen Raum bisher kaum empirische Daten zur Anwendung der Observed Emotion Rating Scale (OERS) bei demenzerkrankten Personen vorliegen, sollte im Rahmen des Pilotprojekts «Agitation» untersucht werden, wie Erfasserinnen den Einsatz des Instruments OERS erleben. Zu diesem Zweck konnten 12 Probandinnen gewonnen werden, die in drei Pflegezentren im Kanton ZĂŒrich Beobachtungen mit dem Instrument OERS durchfĂŒhrten. Der ĂŒberwiegende Teil der Probandinnen verfĂŒgte ĂŒber pflegerische Qualifikationen bzw. Erfahrung im Umgang mit demenzerkrankten Personen. Die Datensammlung erfolgte anhand von drei Fokusgruppeninterviews, die mittels einer qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse ausgewertet worden waren. Die vorlĂ€ufigen Ergebnisse aus den Fokusgruppeninterviews wurden von denselben Probandinnen anhand eines Fragebogens validiert. Die Kategorien «fehlende Eindeutigkeit», «fehlende Kodiermöglichkeit», «Demenzschwere», «EinschĂ€tzen von Emotionen», «Einflussfaktoren» und «Anwenderschulung» zeigten, dass das Wissen um die Demenzerkrankung genauso bedeutsam ist wie eine geĂŒbte Handhabung der OERS. As barely any empirical data on the application of the Observed Emotion Rating Scale (OERS) on sufferers of dementia is available for German-speaking Europe, the pilot project titled “Agitation” aimed to see how those persons entering the data get along with the OERS instrument. For this purpose, 12 test persons were persuaded to carry out observations with the OERS instrument in three care centres located in the Swiss Canton of Zurich. The test persons were predominantly holders of nursing qualifications and/or experienced in caring for patients suffering from dementia. Data collection was undertaken on the basis of three focus group interviews which were evaluated via qualitative content analysis. The preliminary results gained in the focus group interviews were validated by the same people using a questionnaire. The categories were titled “Missing Clearness”, “Missing Possibility to Encode”, “Level of Dementia”, “Estimation of Emotions”, “Influencing Factors” and “User Training”. These indicated that know­ledge of dementia is just as important as skilled use of OERS

    Welche Informationen benötigen Erfasserinnen fĂŒr den Einsatz der Observed Emotion Rating Scale?

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    As there have so far not been any empirical results in German-speaking Europe with regard to training people in the use of the Observed Emotion Rating Scale (OERS) instrument, the investigation needs to establish what information is required for those involved in OERS data entry. The explorative analysis was carried out with 12 probands using a methodological approach based on the Mayring (2003) qualitative content analysis procedure. Based on the results, it became clear that the use of OERS needs to be well prepared in advance, as the estimationšof emotions with sufferers of dementia requires background knowledge of the illness, as well as the adjustment of those under observation to the surroundings being required. Furthermore, it became apparent that the use of OERS is suited to reflecting the surroundings of those suffering from dementia, as the rarity of emotions being expressed can itself be a sign of a maladjusted environment. Da im deutschsprachigen Raum bisher keine empirischen Ergebnisse im Bedarf einer Schulung mit dem Instrument Observed Emotion Rating Scale (OERS) vorliegen, sollte mit der Untersuchung herausgefunden werden, welche Informationen Erfasserinnen fĂŒr den Einsatz der OERS benötigen. Die Untersuchung wurde explorativ mit dem methodischen Ansatz der qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse nach Mayring (2003) bei 12 Probandinnen durchgefĂŒhrt.Anhand der Ergebnisse wurde ersichtlich, dass der Einsatz der OERS gut vorbereitet werden muss, weil die EinschĂ€tzung von Emotionen bei demenzerkrankten Menschen Hintergrundwissen zur Erkrankung benötigt und eine Anpassung der Beobachtenden an die Umgebung Voraussetzung ist. Ferner stellte sich heraus, dass sich der Einsatz der OERS dazu eignet, die Umgebung von Demenzerkrankten zu reflektieren, weil der Umstand, dass nur selten Emotionen geĂ€ußert werden, auch ein Zeichen fĂŒr eine unangepasste Umgebung sein kann

    The Use of Massage Therapy for Reducing Pain, Anxiety, and Depression in Oncological Palliative Care Patients: A Narrative Review of the Literature

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    A considerable number of cancer patients use complementary medicine therapies in order to alleviate different symptoms such as pain, anxiety, and depression, occurring in connection with cancer. This paper explores the question to what extent massage therapies are able to reduce the amount of pain, anxiety, and depression. For this purpose, a systematic literature analysis was carried out in the electronic databases and specialist journals. There is already evidence that massage therapies can influence the symptoms of pain, anxiety, and depression in a positive way

    Wie erleben Erfasserinnen den Umgang mit der Observed Emotional Rating Scale?

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    Da im deutschsprachigen Raum bisher kaum empirische Daten zur Anwendung der Observed Emotion Rating Scale (OERS) bei demenzerkrankten Personen vorliegen, sollte im Rahmen des Pilotprojekts «Agitation» untersucht werden, wie Erfasserinnen den Einsatz des Instruments OERS erleben. Zu diesem Zweck konnten 12 Probandinnen gewonnen werden, die in drei Pflegezentren im Kanton ZĂŒrich Beobachtungen mit dem Instrument OERS durchfĂŒhrten. Der ĂŒberwiegende Teil der Probandinnen verfĂŒgte ĂŒber pflegerische Qualifikationen bzw. Erfahrung im Umgang mit demenzerkrankten Personen. Die Datensammlung erfolgte anhand von drei Fokusgruppeninterviews, die mittels einer qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse ausgewertet worden waren. Die vorlĂ€ufigen Ergebnisse aus den Fokusgruppeninterviews wurden von denselben Probandinnen anhand eines Fragebogens validiert. Die Kategorien «fehlende Eindeutigkeit», «fehlende Kodiermöglichkeit», «Demenzschwere», «EinschĂ€tzen von Emotionen», «Einflussfaktoren» und «Anwenderschulung» zeigten, dass das Wissen um die Demenzerkrankung genauso bedeutsam ist wie eine geĂŒbte Handhabung der OERS.As barely any empirical data on the application of the Observed Emotion Rating Scale (OERS) on sufferers of dementia is available for German-speaking Europe, the pilot project titled “Agitation” aimed to see how those persons entering the data get along with the OERS instrument. For this purpose, 12 test persons were persuaded to carry out observations with the OERS instrument in three care centres located in the Swiss Canton of Zurich. The test persons were predominantly holders of nursing qualifications and/or experienced in caring for patients suffering from dementia. Data collection was undertaken on the basis of three focus group interviews which were evaluated via qualitative content analysis. The preliminary results gained in the focus group interviews were validated by the same people using a questionnaire. The categories were titled “Missing Clearness”, “Missing Possibility to Encode”, “Level of Dementia”, “Estimation of Emotions”, “Influencing Factors” and “User Training”. These indicated that know­ledge of dementia is just as important as skilled use of OERS

    Structural Analysis of Treatment Cycles Representing Transitions between Nursing Organizational Units Inferred from Diabetes

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    <div><p>In this paper, we investigate treatment cycles inferred from diabetes data by means of graph theory. We define the term treatment cycles graph-theoretically and perform a descriptive as well as quantitative analysis thereof. Also, we interpret our findings in terms of nursing and clinical management.</p></div

    Total frequencies of the most common nursing terms (nursing organizational unit) which occur in cyclic treatment cycles.

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    <p>Total frequencies of the most common nursing terms (nursing organizational unit) which occur in cyclic treatment cycles.</p