1,796 research outputs found

    Procalcitonin for diagnosis of infection and guide to antibiotic decisions: past, present and future

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    There are a number of limitations to using conventional diagnostic markers for patients with clinical suspicion of infection. As a consequence, unnecessary and prolonged exposure to antimicrobial agents adversely affect patient outcomes, while inappropriate antibiotic therapy increases antibiotic resistance. A growing body of evidence supports the use of procalcitonin (PCT) to improve diagnosis of bacterial infections and to guide antibiotic therapy. For patients with upper and lower respiratory tract infection, post-operative infections and for severe sepsis patients in the intensive care unit, randomized-controlled trials have shown a benefit of using PCT algorithms to guide decisions about initiation and/or discontinuation of antibiotic therapy. For some other types of infections, observational studies have shown promising first results, but further intervention studies are needed before use of PCT in clinical routine can be recommended. The aim of this review is to summarize the current evidence for PCT in different infections and clinical settings, and discuss the reliability of this marker when used with validated diagnostic algorithms

    The role of copeptin as a diagnostic and prognostic biomarker for risk stratification in the emergency department

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    The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis is activated in response to stress. One of the activated hypothalamic hormones is arginine vasopressin, a hormone involved in hemodynamics and osmoregulation. Copeptin, the C-terminal part of the arginine vasopressin precursor peptide, is a sensitive and stable surrogate marker for arginine vasopressin release. Measurement of copeptin levels has been shown to be useful in a variety of clinical scenarios, particularly as a prognostic marker in patients with acute diseases such as lower respiratory tract infection, heart disease and stroke. The measurement of copeptin levels may provide crucial information for risk stratification in a variety of clinical situations. As such, the emergency department appears to be the ideal setting for its potential use. This review summarizes the recent progress towards determining the prognostic and diagnostic value of copeptin in the emergency department

    Procalcitonin - a specific marker for the diagnosis of infection and guide to antibiotic decisions

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    Съществуват редица ограничения при използването на конвенционални диагностични маркери за пациенти с клинично подозрение за инфекция. Вследствие на това ненужната и продължителна употреба на антимикробни средства оказва неблагоприятно въздействие върху резултатите на пациентите, докато неправилната антибиотична терапия увеличава устойчивостта към антибиотици. Все повече лабора-торни проучвания подкрепят използването на този вид диагностичен тест в ежедневната диагностика. Контролирани проучвания показват полза от използването на прокалцитонин (РСТ) алгоритми за насочване на решенията за започване и/или преустановяване на антибиотичната терапия. Статията разглежда многобройни изследвания от различни литературни източници и има за цел да обобщи настоящите данни за PCT при различни инфекции, както и да обсъди надеждността на този маркер.There are a number of limitations to using conventional diagnostic markers for patients with clinical suspicion of infection. As a consequence, unnecessary and prolonged exposure to antimicrobial agents adversely affects patient outcomes, while inappropriate antibiotic therapy increases antibiotic resistance. Laboratory studies support the use of this type of diagnostic test. Controlled trials have shown a benefit of using procalcitonin (PCT) algorithms to guide decisions about initiation and/or discontinuation of antibiotic therapy. For some other types of infections, observational studies have shown promising first results, but further intervention studies are needed before the routine use of PCT in clinical practice can be recommended. The aim of this review is to summarize the current evidence for PCT in different infections and clinical settings, and discuss the reliability of this marker when used with validated diagnostic algorithms

    Procalcitonin guided antibiotic therapy and hospitalization in patients with lower respiratory tract infections: a prospective, multicenter, randomized controlled trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background:</p> <p>Lower respiratory tract infections like acute bronchitis, exacerbated chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and community-acquired pneumonia are often unnecessarily treated with antibiotics, mainly because of physicians' difficulties to distinguish viral from bacterial cause and to estimate disease-severity. The goal of this trial is to compare medical outcomes, use of antibiotics and hospital resources in a strategy based on enforced evidence-based guidelines versus procalcitonin guided antibiotic therapy in patients with lower respiratory tract infections.</p> <p>Methods and design:</p> <p>We describe a prospective randomized controlled non-inferiority trial with an open intervention. We aim to randomize over a fixed recruitment period of 18 months a minimal number of 1002 patients from 6 hospitals in Switzerland. Patients must be >18 years of age with a lower respiratory tract infections <28 days of duration. Patients with no informed consent, not fluent in German, a previous hospital stay within 14 days, severe immunosuppression or chronic infection, intravenous drug use or a terminal condition are excluded. Randomization to either guidelines-enforced management or procalcitonin-guided antibiotic therapy is stratified by centre and type of lower respiratory tract infections. During hospitalization, all patients are reassessed at days 3, 5, 7 and at the day of discharge. After 30 and 180 days, structured phone interviews by blinded medical students are conducted. Depending on the randomization allocation, initiation and discontinuation of antibiotics is encouraged or discouraged based on evidence-based guidelines or procalcitonin cut off ranges, respectively. The primary endpoint is the risk of combined disease-specific failure after 30 days. Secondary outcomes are antibiotic exposure, side effects from antibiotics, rate and duration of hospitalization, time to clinical stability, disease activity scores and cost effectiveness. The study hypothesis is that procalcitonin-guidance is non-inferior (i.e., at worst a 7.5% higher combined failure rate) to the management with enforced guidelines, but is associated with a reduced total antibiotic use and length of hospital stay.</p> <p>Discussion:</p> <p>Use of and prolonged exposure to antibiotics in lower respiratory tract infections is high. The proposed trial investigates whether procalcitonin-guidance may safely reduce antibiotic consumption along with reductions in hospitalization costs and antibiotic resistance. It will additionally generate insights for improved prognostic assessment of patients with lower respiratory tract infections.</p> <p>Trial registration:</p> <p>ISRCTN95122877</p

    Procalcitonin: Importance for the diagnosis of bacterial infections

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    In contrast to calcitonin which is primarily synthesized in the thyroid, procalcitonin is a prohormone which is synthesized in many different tissues of infected organs. To diagnose mild, localized, or early infections an assay needs to have a functional assay sensivity of approximately 0.02μg/L. We demonstrated that procalcitonin modifies the outcome of respiratory infections with regard to minimizing the use of antibiotics and duration of antibiotic treatment. High concentrations, especially over time, indicate high risk of a severe outcome. In this respect, procalcitonin is superior to other infection markers, such as C-reactive protein. High procalcitonin levels can also be found in non-bacterial diseases, such as malaria, severe trauma, burns, and medullar carcinoma of the thyroid. Procalcitonin, as a marker, has improved the diagnosis of bacterial infections. However, procalcitonin needs to be used in conjunction with other laboratory markers, clinical examination, and medical histor

    Prospective evaluation of biomarkers for prediction of quality of life in community-acquired pneumonia

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    Most clinical research investigated prognostic biomarkers for their ability to predict cardiovascular events or mortality. It is unknown whether biomarkers allow prediction of quality of life (QoL) after survival of the acute event. Herein, we investigated the prognostic potential of well-established inflammatory/cardiovascular blood biomarkers including white blood cells (WBC), C-reactive protein (CRP), procalcitonin (PCT), pro-adrenomedullin (proADM) and pro-atrial natriuretic peptide (proANP) in regard to a decline in QoL in a well-defined cohort of patients with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP).; Within this secondary analysis including 753 patients with a final inpatient diagnosis of CAP from a multicenter trial, we investigated associations between admission biomarker levels and decline in QoL assessed by the EQ-5D health questionnaire from admission to day 30 and after 6 years.; Admission proADM and proANP levels significantly predicted decline of the weighted EQ-5D index after 30 days (n=753) with adjusted odds ratios (ORs) of 2.0 ([95% CI 1.1-3.8]; p=0.027) and 3.7 ([95% CI 2.2-6.0]; p>0.001). Results for 6-year outcomes (n=349) were similar with ORs of 3.3 ([95% CI 1.3-8.3]; p=0.012) and 6.2 ([95% CI 2.7-14.2]; p>0.001). The markers were associated with most of the different QoL dimensions including mobility, self-care, and usual activities, but not pain/discomfort and to a lesser degree anxiety/depression and the visual analogue scale (VAS). Initial WBC, PCT and CRP values did not well predict QoL at any time point.; ProADM and proANP accurately predict short- and long-term decline in QoL across most dimensions in CAP patients. It will be interesting to reveal underlying physiopathology in future studies

    Copeptin: a new and promising diagnostic and prognostic marker

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    The study conducted by Seligman and coworkers included in the previous issue of Critical Care demonstrates that copeptin is a promising marker to predict outcome in patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia. In recent years, copeptin has emerged as a new prognostic marker in a variety of diseases, such as sepsis, community-acquired pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary failure, heart failure and myocardial infarction. What is the pathophysiological basis for these findings? Copeptin together with vasopressin is co-secreted from the posterior pituitary and therefore mirrors the amount of vasopressin in the circulation. Vaso-pressin is a main secretagogue of the hypothalamo–pituitary–adrenal axis, thereby mirroring the individual stress level. Furthermore, vasopressin is an important hormone in salt and volume regulation. In this context, copeptin is also a diagnostic marker in patients with diabetes insipidus and in patients with disordered water states

    Procalcitonin und seine Bedeutung für die Diagnose bakterieller Infektionen

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    Procalcitonin ist das Pro-Hormon von Calcitonin. Im Gegensatz zu Calcitonin, welches primär in der Schilddrüse gebildet wird, wird Procalcitonin bei einer bakteriellen Infektion im Körper von allen infizierten parenchymatösen Organen produzier

    Prognostic value of procalcitonin in Legionella pneumonia

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    The diagnostic reliability and prognostic implications of procalcitonin (PCT) (ng/ml) on admission in patients with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) due to Legionella pneumophila are unknown. We retrospectively analysed PCT values in 29 patients with microbiologically proven Legionella-CAP admitted to the University Hospital Basel, Switzerland, between 2002 and 2007 and compared them to other markers of infection, namely, C-reactive protein (CRP) (mg/l) and leukocyte count (109/l), and two prognostic severity assessment scores (PSI and CURB65). Laboratory analysis demonstrated that PCT values on admission were >0.1in over 93%, >0.25 in over 86%, and >0.5 in over 82% of patients with Legionella-CAP. Patients with adverse medical outcomes (59%, n = 17) including need for ICU admission (55%, n = 16) and/or inhospital mortality (14%, n = 4) had significantly higher median PCT values on admission (4.27 [IQR 2.46-9.48] vs 0.97 [IQR 0.29-2.44], p = 0.01), while the PSI (124 [IQR 81-147] vs 94 [IQR 75-116], p = 0.19), the CURB65 (2 [IQR 1-2] vs 1 [1-3], p = 0.47), CRP values (282 [IQR 218-343], p = 0.28 vs 201 [IQR 147-279], p = 0.28), and leukocyte counts (12 [IQR 10-21] vs 12 [IQR 9-15], p = 0.58) were similar. In receiver operating curves, PCT concentrations on admission had a higher prognostic accuracy to predict adverse outcomes (AUC 0.78 [95%CI 0.61-96]) as compared to the PSI (0.64 [95%CI 0.43-0.86], p = 0.23), the CURB65 (0.58 [95%CI 0.36-0.79], p = 0.21), CRP (0.61 [95%CI 0.39-0.84], p = 0.19), and leukocyte count (0.57 [95%CI 0.35-0.78], p = 0.12). Kaplan-Meier curves demonstrated that patients with initial PCT values above the optimal cut-off of 1.5 had a significantly higher risk of death and/or ICU admission (log rank p = 0.003) during the hospital stay. In patients with CAP due to Legionella, PCT levels on admission might be an interesting predictor for adverse medical outcome