28 research outputs found


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    Nexus file that contains only the nDNA alignment. The file contains a partition block at the bottom of the file


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    Nexus file that includes mtDNA and nDNA alignment with a partition block at the bottom of the file


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    This folder contains the input files used in BPP analyses for this study, including the six ctl files used


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    This folder contains Garli configuration files for EF1alpha, period, and the concatenated COI and COII datasets


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    Explains the naming scheme and species names for specimen IDs used in the alignment files


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    Nexus alignment files for all four genes used in this study: COI, COII, EF1alpha, and period, as well as an alignment file with COI and COII concatenated

    Head width data of Magicicada spp.

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    The table includes data for mean head width by sex of Magicicada species at each sample locality with geographic variables (latitude, longitude, altitude) and habitat temperature data (annual mean temperature, annual cumulative day-degree


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    Input files of Fastsimcoal2 for demographic simulations/inferences in Fujisawa et al. (2018). The "model_comparison" folder includes est and tpl files for demographic inferences under multiple scenarios. The "simulation" folder includes par files for simulations with parameters estimated under the best demographic models


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    Fasta formatted alignments of 2,636 orthologous loci used in phylogenetic and demographic analyses of Magicicada