234 research outputs found

    Supporting autonomous motivation for physical activity with chatbots during the COVID-19 pandemic: factorial experiment

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    Background: Although physical activity can mitigate disease trajectories and improve and sustain mental health, many people have become less physically active during the COVID-19 pandemic. Personal information technology, such as activity trackers and chatbots, can technically converse with people and possibly enhance their autonomous motivation to engage in physical activity. The literature on behavior change techniques (BCTs) and self-determination theory (SDT) contains promising insights that can be leveraged in the design of these technologies; however, it remains unclear how this can be achieved. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the feasibility of a chatbot system that improves the user’s autonomous motivation for walking based on BCTs and SDT. First, we aimed to develop and evaluate various versions of a chatbot system based on promising BCTs. Second, we aimed to evaluate whether the use of the system improves the autonomous motivation for walking and the associated factors of need satisfaction. Third, we explored the support for the theoretical mechanism and effectiveness of various BCT implementations. Methods: We developed a chatbot system using the mobile apps Telegram (Telegram Messenger Inc) and Google Fit (Google LLC). We implemented 12 versions of this system, which differed in 3 BCTs: goal setting, experimenting, and action planning. We then conducted a feasibility study with 102 participants who used this system over the course of 3 weeks, by conversing with a chatbot and completing questionnaires, capturing their perceived app support, need satisfaction, physical activity levels, and motivation. Results: The use of the chatbot systems was satisfactory, and on average, its users reported increases in autonomous motivation for walking. The dropout rate was low. Although approximately half of the participants indicated that they would have preferred to interact with a human instead of the chatbot, 46.1% (47/102) of the participants stated that the chatbot helped them become more active, and 42.2% (43/102) of the participants decided to continue using the chatbot for an additional week. Furthermore, the majority thought that a more advanced chatbot could be very helpful. The motivation was associated with the satisfaction of the needs of competence and autonomy, and need satisfaction, in turn, was associated with the perceived system support, providing support for SDT underpinnings. However, no substantial differences were found across different BCT implementations. Conclusions: The results provide evidence that chatbot systems are a feasible means to increase autonomous motivation for physical activity. We found support for SDT as a basis for the design, laying a foundation for larger studies to confirm the effectiveness of the selected BCTs within chatbot systems, explore a wider range of BCTs, and help the development of guidelines for the design of interactive technology that helps users achieve long-term health benefits

    Ramp Exhibition 4x3 Poster Project

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    4×3 is an exhibition, a memory-bank, and a game. Conceived and organised by Xavier Meade and John Mandelberg, this project draws on the personal poster archives of four artist/designers who have been active in creating and collecting politically inspired posters during the past four decades: Chris McBride (Auckland), John Mandelberg (Hamilton), John Phillips (LondonPrintStudio) and Xavier Meade (Raglan). With an initial set of three posters being put forward from their personal archives – the collaboration heats up when each artist responds to these initial works by proposing another poster that they feel in some way comments upon, or reflects the choices made by the others. This dialogue was completed when the final 48 posters were collated. 4×3, is the outcome of an enjoyable, intercontinental, time-travelling escapade, which was described by the artists’ as feeling at times as close to a game of poker, as it did an act of collaborative curation. Join the artists in the gallery at 4pm, prior to the opening preview, for a discussion about this projec

    4x3 poster project

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    4x3 is an exhibition, a memory bank, and a game. Conceived and organised by Xavier Meade and John Mandelberg, this project draws on the personal archives of four artist/designers who have been active in creating and collecting politically inspired posters during the past four decades: Chris McBride (Auckland), John Mandelberg (Hamilton), John Phillips (London) and Xavier Meade (Raglan). Our personal archives became both the subject, and content, of the game and the exhibition, first launched at Ramp Gallery, Hamilton, 2014. The exhibition consists of 48 posters of different dimensions and techniques as indicated in the poster/catalogue including a description of the project by John Phillip

    Ecohydrological separation in wet, low energy northern environments? A preliminary assessment using different soil water extraction techniques

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    Funded by European Research Council ERC. Grant Number: project GA 335910 VEWA ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The constructive comments and suggestions from two anonymous reviewers greatly improved an earlier version of this manuscript. Jon Dick, Jason Lesselsand Jane Bang Poulsen are thanked for assistance with data collection; Audrey Innes for sample preparation and assistance with the cryogenic extraction of water samples; Paula Craib for glassware design; Colleagues in Prof. J. Anderson’s lab for day-to-day assistance incryogenic extraction; Todd Dawson and Nathalie Schultz for providing information on extraction techniques and the analysis of vegetation water; Hedda Weitz for help with the centrifugation of soil samples;and Iain Malcolm and colleagues at the Marine Scotland Freshwater Lab for providing meteorological data. We thank Jason Newton and the Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre (SUERC) Mass Spectrometry Facility Laboratory in East Kilbride for theisotopic analyses of the xylem water samples. The European Research Council ERC (project GA 335910VEWA) is thanked for funding.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Residual treatment of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) in containers using Pyriproxyfen slow-release granules (Sumilarv 0.5G)

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    The residual efficacy of pyriproxyfen against Aedes aegypti (L.) was examined by treating 2-liter buckets with a range of rates of Sumilarv 0.5G (100, 10, 1, and 0.1 mg product/liter or nominal dose of 500, 50, 5, and 0.5 ppb active ingredient) under semifield conditions. Approximately every 2 wk, pupal emergence inhibition (EI) was measured by using Cairns colony Ae. aegypti. Pooled water samples from the five replicate buckets were analyzed for active pyriproxyfen by using ultra-high-pressure liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry detection. A strong dose‐response in EI was exhibited, with the 0.1 mg/liter giving ≈50% EI for only the initial week, whereas the 10 and 100 mg/liter doses produced EI > 90% for 8 and 40 wk, respectively. Measurable levels of active ingredient were detected in the 100, 10, and 1 mg/liter treatments, with measured starting concentrations of just 1‐2‐1.4% of the delivered (active ingredient) dose. Pyriproxyfen was detected in the 100 mg/liter treatment through the entire course of the trial (60 wk)

    The Privacy and Security Implications of Open Data in Healthcare: A Contribution from the IMIA Open Source Working Group

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    Objective: The International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) Open Source Working Group (OSWG) initiated a group discussion to discuss current privacy and security issues in the open data movement in the healthcare domain from the perspective of the OSWG membership. Methods: Working group members independently reviewed the recent academic and grey literature and sampled a number of current large-scale open data projects to inform the working group discussion. Results: This paper presents an overview of open data repositories and a series of short case reports to highlight relevant issues present in the recent literature concerning the adoption of open approaches to sharing healthcare datasets. Important themes that emerged included data standardisation, the interconnected nature of the open source and open data movements, and how publishing open data can impact on the ethics, security, and privacy of informatics projects. Conclusions: The open data and open source movements in healthcare share many common philosophies and approaches including developing international collaborations across multiple organisations and domains of expertise. Both movements aim to reduce the costs of advancing scientific research and improving healthcare provision for people around the world by adopting open intellectual property licence agreements and codes of practice. Implications of the increased adoption of open data in healthcare include the need to balance the security and privacy challenges of opening data sources with the potential benefits of open data for improving research and healthcare delivery

    Review of productivity decline in sown grass pastures

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    Productivity decline in sown grass pastures is widespread in northern Australia and reduces production by approximately 50%, a farm gate cost to industry of > $17B over the next 30 years. Buffel grass is the most widely established sown species (>75% of plantings) and has been estimated to be “dominant” on 5.8 M hectares and “common” on a further 25.9 M hectares of Queensland. Legumes are the most cost effective mitigation option and can reclaim 30-50% of lost production. Commercial use of legumes has achieved mixed results with notable successes but many failures. There is significant opportunity to improve commercial results from legumes using existing technologies, however there is a need for targeted research to improve the reliability of establishment and productivity of legumes. This review recommends the grazing industry invest in targeted R,D&E to assist industry in improving production and sustainability of rundown pastures

    Development of a Grazing Land Management Education Program for Northern Australia’s Grasslands and Grassy Woodlands

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    Recognition of the potential to enhance grazing land management to meet the goal of sustainable beef production has been increasing over the past decade. Recognition of the relationship between poor land management and negative off-site environmental impacts, such as soil erosion and a decline in the condition of rivers and adjacent near shore coastal areas from sediment transport, has increased also. This concern has matured somewhat to include the critical link between land condition and production, and the threat to sustainable carrying capacity that comes from declining land condition. Concurrently, interest has increased in optimising the use of pasture, e.g. through the development of infrastructure (watering points, fencing), through more pro-active management e.g. alternative grazing systems, spelling of pastures, and through pasture development. In fact, it can be argued that achieving production goals while improving and maintaining the health of the land has become the major on-property issue for northern Australian graziers

    Implementing a comprehensive newborn monitoring chart: barriers, enablers, and opportunities

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    Documenting inpatient care is largely paper-based and it facilitates team communication and future care planning. However, studies show that nursing documentation remains suboptimal especially for newborns, necessitating introduction of standardised paper-based charts. We report on a process of implementing a comprehensive newborn monitoring chart and the perceptions of health workers in a network of hospitals in Kenya. The chart was launched virtually in July 2020 followed by learning meetings with nurses and the research team. This is a qualitative study involving document review, individual in-depth interviews with nurses and paediatricians and a focus group discussion with data clerks. The chart was co-designed by the research team and hospital staff then implemented using a trainer of trainers' model where the nurses-in-charge were trained on how to use the chart and they in turn trained their staff. Training at the hospital was delivered by the nurse-in-charge and/or paediatrician through a combined training with all staff or one-on-one training. The chart was well received with health workers reporting reduced writing, consolidated information, and improved communication as benefits. Implementation was facilitated by individual and team factors, complementary projects, and the removal of old charts. However, challenges arose related to the staff and work environment, inadequate supply of charts, alternative places to document, and inadequate equipment. The participants suggested that future implementation should be accompanied by mentorship or close follow-up, peer experience sharing, training at the hospital and in pre-service institutions and wider stakeholder engagement. Findings show that there are opportunities to improve the implementation process by clarifying roles relating to the filing system, improving the chart supply process, staff induction and specifying a newborn patient file. The chart did not meet the need for supporting documentation of long stay patients presenting an opportunity to explore digital solutions that might provide more flexibility and features

    Experience in the Use of Social Media in Medical and Health Education

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    Objectives: Social media are online tools that allow collaboration and community building. Succinctly, they can be described as applications where “users add value”. This paper aims to show how five educators have used social media tools in medical and health education to attempt to add value to the education they provide. Methods: We conducted a review of the literature about the use of social media tools in medical and health education. Each of the authors reported on their use of social media in their educational projects and collaborated on a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of this approach to delivering educational projects. Results: We found little empirical evidence to support the use of social media tools in medical and health education. Social media are, however, a rapidly evolving range of tools, websites and online experiences and it is likely that the topic is too broad to draw definitive conclusions from any particular study. As practitioners in the use of social media, we have recognised how difficult it is to create evidence of effectiveness and have therefore presented only our anecdotal opinions based on our personal experiences of using social media in our educational projects. Conclusion: The authors feel confident in recommending that other educators use social media in their educational projects. Social media appear to have unique advantages over non-social educational tools. The learning experience appears to be enhanced by the ability of students to virtually build connections, make friends and find mentors. Creating a scientific analysis of why these connections enhance learning is difficult, but anecdotal and preliminary survey evidence appears to be positive and our experience reflects the hypothesis that learning is, at heart, a social activity