1,207 research outputs found

    Does The Knowing Alter The Known ? On the Troublesome Relation of Facts and Ideas in a Deweyan Epistemology

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    The claim I\u27ve made is that there is an often overlooked ontological realism that is properly associated with the Deweyan pragmatic inquiry, the implication of which is that what might be discovered in inquiry, what might be known, is in an important sense set in advance, and is independent of the beliefs, hopes and preferences of the inquirer(s). The production of knowledge, in virtue of this external limiting determination, is indeed the production of that which is stable, secure, general, and, in one very important sense, transcendent of the concrete particulars of its originating conditions. This is a rather controversial thesis. In explicating it further here, I shall examine several crucial issues, developing what I take to be the best Deweyan interpretations, and set these in contrast to the contrary positions on a Deweyan realism advanced recently by Cunningham and by Garrison

    Student Perceptions of Online Video Cases to Promote Helping Skills Training

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    Video case based learning was integrated with multimodal online learning to facilitate helping skills training for graduate students. Five online cases were utilized before students participated in classroom-based role-plays and live practice. Students’ reactions to the activity were positive, and recommendations for counselor training are described

    Historical and contemporary perspectives on the sediments of Lake Rotorua

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    Lake Rotorua is probably the oldest continuously inundated lake in New Zealand, occupying a caldera formed by or closely associated with the eruption of the Mamaku ignimbrite and the collapse of the Rotorua caldera (Healy, 1975; Lowe and Green, 1991). The lake has undergone drastic changes in size and depth as a result of tectonics, volcanic activity and erosion. Since the Rotoehu eruption, (~60 kyr), the lake level has fluctuated between 120 m above present (280 m asl) and 10 m below present level. The modern lake covers an area of 79 km2 and has a mean depth of 10 m. Despite its long history of sedimentation, Lake Rotorua has an irregular bathymetry with features including faulted blocks, slumps, hydrothermal explosion craters, springs and large methane discharge pock marks

    Hyperplanes That Intersect Each Ray of a Cone Once and a Banach Space Counterexample

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    Suppose � is a cone contained in real vector space �. When does � contain a hyperplane � that intersects each of the 0-rays in �\{0} exactly once? We build on results found in Aliprantis, Tourky, and Klee Jr.’s work to give a partial answer to this question.We also present an example of a salient, closed Banach space cone � for which there does not exist a hyperplane that intersects each 0-ray in � \ {0} exactly once

    The Impact of Flexible Working Arrangements on Work-Life Conflict and Work Pressure in Ireland. ESRI WP192. April 2007

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    The impetus for this study arose from the need to upgrade the case mix measure of choice in use at the national level in Ireland. Since 1993, various versions of the DRG grouper supported by the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) had been in use in Ireland. With improvements in available data, together with developments in the range and quality of alternative groupers available, it was considered timely to test performance of the alternative options on discharge abstract data for Irish hospitals. The groupers selected for testing included four versions of the Australian Refined (AR) DRGs, the AP DRGs (V18.0), CMS DRGs (V20) and IR DRGs (V1.2). Results for the HCFA DRGS (V16.0) were also included for purposes of compariso

    Does an athlete's anger differ by sport type and gender?

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    Anger is an emotion that is frequently associated with a bad reputation. Anger has proven to play an effective role in certain athletic achievements; however, it is unknown which sport and gender have the athletes whose performance is most influenced by anger. In this study, we administered the STAXI-2 to determine relationships between gender and levels of athlete anger in 156 British athletes across a range of contact and non-contact sports and competitive levels (from professional/Olympians to recreational). We investigated differences in levels of anger in relation to the sport they played. Although not statistically significant, the results indicated that male athletes scored higher in trait, expression-out, anger control-out, and overall anger index, but females scored higher in state anger. The findings revealed that athletes in contact sports have higher levels of trait anger, but non contact athletes have higher levels of state anger. This study’s findings imply that anger does not influence all athletes similarly because anger is subjective to persons and sports

    Measuring hospital case mix: Evaluation of alternative approaches for the Irish hospital system

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    The impetus for this study arose from the need to upgrade the case mix measure of choice in use at the national level in Ireland. Since 1993, various versions of the DRG grouper supported by the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) had been in use in Ireland. With improvements in available data, together with developments in the range and quality of alternative groupers available, it was considered timely to test performance of the alternative options on discharge abstract data for Irish hospitals. The groupers selected for testing included four versions of the Australian Refined (AR) DRGs, the AP DRGs (V18.0), CMS DRGs (V20) and IR DRGs (V1.2). Results for the HCFA DRGS (V16.0) were also included for purposes of comparison. The empirical analysis ranked the AR DRG Groupers highly relative to the alternatives. Additional factors favouring the AR DRG series of Groupers are the fact that they are the more widely used internationally, are updated regularly and supported by Australian government agencies. More support and training opportunities are also available for the use of these Groupers. Given these factors, together with the fact that the ICD-10-AM morbidity coding system is used in Ireland, the AR DRG classification system was recommended as the best option for use at the national level in Ireland