10 research outputs found

    Strategi Dakwah Salafi Di Indonesia

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    Pertumbuhan dakwah Salafi di Indonesia mencapai puncaknya setelah tumbangnya rezim Orde Baru. Kemunculannya berawal dari Dewan Dakwah Islam Indonesia (DDII) dan Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Islam dan Bahasa Arab (LIPIA), yang memperkenalkan manhaj salâf as-sâlih kepada umat Islam Indonesia. Mereka didukung oleh lembaga-lembaga donor dari Timur Tengah berupa pendidikan gratis di Timur Tengah serta dana untuk mendirikan lembaga-lembaga untuk menunjang eksistensi dakwah Salafi, seperti pendirian yayasan, sekolah, rumah sakit, pondok pesantren, dan lembaga kursus bahasa Arab. Di samping mendirikan lembaga-lembaga formal, mereka pun mengisi ceramah keagamaan, khutbah, tablig akbar, halaqah, dan daurah.Kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut didokumentasikan menjadi kaset, VCD, DVD, yang kemudian dijual bersama buku, jurnal, dan majalah. Di samping itu, ada pula yang memberikan tausiah, nasehat, dan dakwah melalui media penyiaran, seperti stasiun televisi dan radio, serta dunia maya, seperti website, blog, mailing list (milis), dan jejaring sosial

    Identifikasi Senyawa Fenol Beberapa Aksesi Teki (Cyperus Rotundus L.) Serta Pengaruhnya terhadap Perkecambahan Biji Borreria Alata (Aubl.) DC.

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    Purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus L.) is one of the important weeds in the world because of its ability to suppress the production of crops and difficult to control. C. rotundus residues can suppress the growth of others weeds. The experiments were conducted to identify the phenolic compound of C. rotundus from six different accessions and to determine the allelopathic effects of C. rotundus extracts on germination of Borreria alata (Aubl.) DC. The identification of phenolic compound was done using extract from all part of mature C. rotundus taken from different accessions and was analyzed using GC-MS. Analysis of C. rotundus extracts on germination of B. alata was designed using completely randomized design with three replications. The treatments were extract of C. rotundus from different accessions (from Cikarawang-Darmaga, Babakan-Darmaga, Ciawi, Megamendung, Cisarua, and Cianjur) with different concentration, 0.75 kg L-1 and 1.5 kg L-1. The result showed that C. rotundus from six accession had phenolic compond with different amounts. Cianjur accesion contained the most phenol content such as 2-furanmethanol; 1,4-benzenediol; 2-methoxy-4-vinylphenol; phenol, 2,6-dimethoxy; syringic acid; and 3-hydroxybenzoic acid. Germination test showed that C. rotundus extracts from different accessions and concentration had the same inhibitory effect on germination of B. alata

    Potensi Gangguan Gulma pada Tiga Sistem Budidaya Padi Sawah

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    Weeds has become a big problem in system of rice intensification (SRI), integrated crop management (ICM) and conventional cultivation systems. The objective of the research was to study the dominancy and potential of harmful effect of weed in these three cultivation systems. The research was conducted at Sukamandi research station of Indonesian Center for Rice Research, Subang, from November 2013 to April 2014 during rainy season. The experiment was arranged in a split plot design with four replications. The cultivation systems was main plot consisted of system of rice intensification (SRI), integrated crop management (ICM) and conventional system. The weeding techniques as subplot consisted of no weeding, manual weeding, mechanical weeding and chemical weeding. The result showed that based on dry mass of weeds the highest risk of weed was exhibited at SRI with total dry mass of weed 51.53 g m-2 (0.5 ton ha-1) and the lowest was at conventional system with 32.45 g m-2 (0.3 ton ha-1). Proper weed control increased rice production by 28.9% for SRI, by 29.4% for ICM and by 14.6% for conventional cultivation systems

    Kompetisi Tanaman Jagung dan Ubikayu dalam Sistem Tumpang Sari

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    Intercropping system of maize and cassava has been practiced widely by Indonesian farmer on dry land. Competition between the plant will happen in the system. Field experiment to understand about the competition has been conducted. Field experiment of growing maize (Arjuna, Pioneer 4, and Cargill 9 in various planting densities) and cassava (Adira 1) was conducted for monoculture and intercropped plants. Intercropped cassava increased intraspesific competition of maize. Yield of maize variety of Arjuna, Pioner 4, and Cargill 9 decreased by about 9.7%, 6.7%, and 16.9% respectively. Maize also reduced growth and yield of cassava. When intercropped with Arjuna, pioner 4, and Cargill 9 at the highest density (80 000 plants ha-1), yield of cassava tuber decreased by about 40.6%, 43% and 64.3%, respectively. However, the intercropping still gave a better land productivity, where land equivalent ratio (LER) was larger than 1.0

    Karakter Fotosintesis Genotipe Tomat Senang Naungan Pada Intensitas Cahaya Rendah

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    Salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan produksi hortikultura di Indonesia adalah pengembangan tanaman dengan sistem tumpangsari atau agroforestri, pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman tersebut terkendala defisit cahaya karena naungan. Defisit cahaya menyebabkan terganggunya proses metabolisme akibat menurunnya laju fotosintesis dan sintesis karbohidrat. Tanaman mempunyai mekanisme adaptasi antara lain terjadi Perubahan fisiologi jika mengalami tekanan lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mempelajari karakter fotosintesis genotipe tomat senang naungan pada intensitas cahaya rendah. Percobaan bertempat di kebun percobaan Sekolah Tinggi Penyuluhan Pertanian (STPP) Bogor dari bulan Oktober 2014 sampai dengan Januari 2015. Percobaan faktorial berupa Rancangan Petak Tersarang diulang tiga kali, faktor pertama terdiri dari dua taraf naungan, N0=tanpa naungan (0%) dan N1=naungan 50%. Faktor kedua berupa 3 kelompok genotipe terdiri dari senang naungan, toleran dan peka. Pengamatan komponen hasil berupa jumlah buah, bobot buah, produksi pertanaman. Parameter fisiologi meliputi kandungan total klorofil, klorofil a, klorofil b, rasio klorofil a/b, antosianin, karoten, laju fotosintesis, konduktansi stomata, konsentrasi CO2 internal daun, kandungan pati dan gula daun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mekanisme toleransi genotipe tomat senang naungan terjadi melalui peningkatan kandungan klorofil a dan b, penurunan rasio klorofil a/b daun yang lebih tinggi. Genotipe senang naungan memiliki konduktansi stomata dan kandungan CO2 internal lebih baik sehingga mampu mempertahankan laju fotosintesis, kandungan pati dan gula daun tetap tinggi, serta produksi pertanaman genotipe tersebut meningkat ketika ditanam di bawah naunga

    Evaluasi Konsumsi Air Beberapa Genotipe Padi untuk Potensi Efisiensi Penggunaan Air

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    Water use efficient varieties in rice may have good opportunity in term of economic value and scarcity of water. This study was conducted to determine water consumption among rice genotypes that conventionally cultivated as low land (IR64, IPB97-F-15, Ciherang, Mentik Wangi, and Rokan hybrid), up land (Jatiluhur, Silugonggo), and amphibian type (Way Apo Buru, that could be planted both as lowland and up land). Rice seedlings at 14 days old were transplanted in a plastic container containing 83 kg of air dried soil, 1 plant per whole and 6 plants per container. The experiment was conducted in a vinyl house, using randomized complete block design with three replications. During rice growth, water table was maintained at 2 cm above soil surface, and water was added and recorded weekly. The results showed that varieties reveal production components and yield were different significantly. Water consumptions among varieties were significantly different, ranged from 15.93 L plant-1 for IR64 to 24.13 L plant-1 for Jatiluhur, or equal with 3,639 to 4,827 m3 ha-1. Jatiluhur was the most efficient variety in using water. This finding may guide us to explore benefit of water use efficient variety as sustainable option in water management of rice cultivation

    Tantangan Tata Kelola Pemerintahan di 33 Provinsi: Kompilasi Laporan 33 Provinsi Indonesia Governance Index 2012

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    Sesuai dengan visi misi Partnership untuk mewujudkan Indonesia yang adil, demokratis dan sejahtera di atas prinsip dan praktik tata kelola pemerintahan yang baik, Partnership meluncurkan kembali upaya mengukur kemajuan daerah di bidang tata kelola pemerintahan melalui apa yang kami sebut sebagai Indonesia Governance Index (IGI). Hasil dari IGI akan memberikan gambaran terkini mengenai proses penyelenggaraan pemerintahan provinsi di seluruh Indonesia. IGI merupakan kelanjutan dan penyempurnaan dari Partnership Governance Index (PGI) yang dilakukan tahun 2008 oleh Knowledge and Resource Center (KRC), sebuah unit di Partnership yang juga menjadi lumbung pengetahuan, keahlian dan pengalaman mengawal reformasi tata kelola pemerintahan di Indonesia. Hasil PGI 2008 telah memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan bagi perbaikan tata pemerintahan kita dan sudah diakui oleh UKP4 (Unit Kerja Presiden Bidang Pengawasan dan Pengendalian) dan Kementerian Dalam Negeri (Kemendagri). Kedua lembaga negara tersebut bahkan merekomendasikan agar hasil-hasil PGI bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai alat evaluasi dan monitoring penyelenggaraan tata kelola pemerintahan di daerah. Bukan hanya itu, pengakuan juga datang dari dunia internasional. UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) sebagai lembaga PBB yang membidangi pembangunan internasional memasukkan PGI sebagai salah satu materi dalam Users\u27 Guide to Measuring Local Governance

    Senyawa Fenol dari Tajuk dan Umbi Teki (Cyperus rotundus L.) pada Berbagai Umur Pertumbuhan serta Pengaruhnya terhadap Perkecambahan Gulma Berdaun Lebar

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    Purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus L.) is noxious weed that contains allelochemicals which inhibit other plants germination, thereby it can be potentially used as bioherbicide. Laboratorium experiments were conducted to identify phenol compound in purple nutsedge's shoot and tuber from three plant ages, and to study its effect on germination of Asystasia gangetica and Borreria alata. First experiment was single factor using descriptive method and the second experiment was arranged in completely randomized design with single factor. The first experiment treatments were shoot and tuber extracts of purple nutsedge from 1, 2, and 3 months after planting. The second experiment treatments were control, shoot, tuber, and all parts extracts of purple nutsedge from 1, 2, and 3 months after planting, with 3 replications. Data from the second experiment was analyzed using F test and followed by Tukey test 5%. Result showed that shoot extracts from 2 months after planting had the highest type of phenol compound namely 2-methoxy-4-vinylphenol; phenol,2,6-dimethoxy; 2-furanmethanol; and α-tocopherol. Tuber extract from 3 months after planting suppressed germination rate of A. gangetica about 54.72%. All parts extracts from 2 months after planting suppressed germination rate of B. alata about 60.98%. Purple nutsedge's extracts inhibited growth of plumule and radicle of B. alata at 2 days after sowing. This showed that purple nutsedge's extract gave different effects on different weed species

    The Effect of Mixed Cultivars Plantings on Pest Abundance and Grain Yields in Rice

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    A field study was carried out to assess the effects of mixed cultivar plantings on grain yields and on the abundance of pests in rice. Increasing plantation species diversity through cultivar mixtures is often claimed to decrease pest problems while stabilizing or even increasing yield, but the effects on pest abundance of planting rice cultivar mixtures in Indonesia have not been extensively studied. We tested for changes in pest abundance in experimental plots planted with five genetically distinct rice cultivars, combined in two different mixture arrangements (seed mix and row mix). These mixes were cultivated in lowland paddy areas, in replicated randomized block designs, during two growing seasons. Pest abundance was measured weekly in all plots, and rice yields were measured at harvest time. The results showed that the average abundance of pests was reduced in plots planted with cultivar mixes, compared to those planted with monocrops comprised of each of the component cultivars. Plots planted with the seed mix showed consistently reduced brown plant-hopper (Nilaparvata lugens (Stål)) abundance compared to monocrops in each growing season, with a relative reduction in pest abundance of 29.83% at the end of season 1 and 6.61% at the end of season 2, respectively. Plots planted with the row mix consistently showed decreased stem borer abundance compared to monocrops in each growing season, with a relative reduction in pest abundance of 100% at the end of season 1 and 1.4% at the end of season 2, respectively. In terms of yield, plant height proved to be a consistent yield component character, correlating positively with plant yield for both seed mix and row mix in both growing seasons. Our results showed higher average yields –and plant heights--for the mixed genotype plots compared to pure genotype stands in 2013. We found a greater relative increase in the yield of seed mix plots than row mix, measuring 7.26% and 4.63%, respectively in 2013. Among the two types of mixtures, seed mix showed higher overall grain yield. Our findings suggest that rice farmers can both increase yield and decrease pest abundance by planting cultivar mixes