724 research outputs found

    Public jobs creation and unemployment dynamics

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    This paper raises the question of the dynamic effects of public spending in jobs on labor market performance. We use a dynamic matching model and study how public jobs creation affects endogenous workers' decisions to move on the labor market and private-sector firms' job creation and destruction decisions. We obtain that it exerts an attracting effect and a fiscal effect on the labor market that make the unemployment rate and job flows overshoot. As an empirical illustration, we estimate a SVAR model that focuses on the consequences of public job creations on unemployment, wages and job flows dynamics. We confirm our intuition : public employment has a significant ambiguous effect on private wages.Public sector labor market, unemployment dynamics.

    Is Sustainability Attractive for Corporate Real Estate Decisions ?

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    This paper provides an analysis of the impact of sustainable principles on corporate property decisions and attractiveness for business districts in the French context. It is based on a behavioural survey conducted across a large sample of corporate property managers and a MCA approach which highlights key factors about the influence of sustainable principles among traditional determinants of territorial attractiveness. This approach allows us to draw up a typology of actors regarding the diffusion of sustainability issues. It emphasizes a general improvement of sustainability on location choice especially for listed companies, owners of their head office and companies located into the main business districts of the Paris metropolitan area.Sustainable City ; Corporate Real Estate Management ; Territorial Attractiveness ; Office Business Districts

    A Spatial and Temporal Autoregressive Local Estimation for the Paris Housing Market

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    This original study examines the potential of a spatiotemporal autoregressive Local (LSTAR) approach in modelling transaction prices for the housing market in inner Paris. We use a data set from the Paris Region notary office (“Chambre des notaires d’Île-de-France”) which consists of approximately 250,000 transactions units between the first quarter of 1990 and the end of 2005. We use the exact X -- Y coordinates and transaction date to spatially and temporally sort each transaction. We first choose to use the spatiotemporal autoregressive (STAR) approach proposed by Pace, Barry, Clapp and Rodriguez (1998). This method incorporates a spatiotemporal filtering process into the conventional hedonic function and attempts to correct for spatial and temporal correlative effects. We find significant estimates of spatial dependence effects. Moreover, using an original methodology, we find evidence of a strong presence of both spatial and temporal heterogeneity in the model. It suggests that spatial and temporal drifts in households socio-economic profiles and local housing market structure effects are certainly major determinants of the price level for the Paris Housing Market.Hedonic Prices; Heterogeneity; Paris Housing Market; STAR Model

    A Spatiotemporal Autoregressive Price Index for the Paris Office Property Market

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    This paper applies the spatiotemporal hedonic approach to analysis of office transaction prices in the Paris property market (i.e. central Paris and its inner suburbs). The analysis focuses primarily on the market’s two main business districts (the CBD and the La Defense District). We find that spatial and temporal dependence effects are strongly present in these submarkets. Additionally, we propose a hybrid method for incorporating a temporal regime into the spatiotemporal autoregressive model proposed by Pace, Barry, Clapp and Rodriguez (1998). Regime switching around 1997 (i.e. in the presence of temporal heterogeneity) substantially affects the significance of spatial and temporal dependences. Finally, we build a new price index that incorporates both spatiotemporal dependences and temporal heterogeneity. This index differs strongly from the usual hedonic price indexHedonic Prices; Paris Office Property Market; Spatiotemporal Autoregressive Price Index; Temporal Heterogeneity

    Public jobs creation and unemployment dynamics

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    URL des Cahiers : https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/CAHIERS-MSECahiers de la Maison des Sciences Economiques 2006.26 - ISSN 1624-0340This paper raises the question of the dynamic effects of public spending in jobs on labor market performance. We use a dynamic matching model and study how public jobs creation affects endogenous workers' decisions to move on the labor market and private-sector firms' job creation and destruction decisions. We obtain that it exerts an attracting effect and a fiscal effect on the labor market that make the unemployment rate and job flows overshoot. As an empirical illustration, we estimate a SVAR model that focuses on the consequences of public job creations on unemployment, wages and job flows dynamics. We confirm our intuition: public employment has a significant ambiguous effect on private wages.Ce papier analyse la dynamique transitoire du marché du travail en présence d'emplois publics. Un modèle d'appariement dynamique nous permet d'étudier commment les effets de la création d'emplois publics se propagent dans le temps en présence de deux sources d'éviction : une concurrence entre les secteurs publlic et privé pour attirer les travailleurs et une pression fiscale qui accroît le coût du travail des entreprises privées. L'effet d'attraction et les externalités fiscales exercées affectent la dynamique du chômage et celle des flux de création et de destruction d'emplois privés. Un modèle vectoriel auto-régressif, appliqué aux données américaines (1972 : 2 - 1993 : 4), illustre empiriquement notre mécanisme théorique. Nos prédictions théoriques sont confirmées : le chômage diminue significativement à court terme suite à la création d'emplois publics et l'emploi public a un effet ambigu significatif sur les salaires privés

    Is Sustainability Attractive for Corporate Real Estate Decisions ?

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    ESSEC Working paper. Document de Recherche ESSEC / Centre de recherche de l'ESSEC ISSN : 1291-9616 WP1106This paper provides an analysis of the impact of sustainable principles on corporate property decisions and attractiveness for business districts in the French context. It is based on a behavioural survey conducted across a large sample of corporate property managers and a MCA approach which highlights key factors about the influence of sustainable principles among traditional determinants of territorial attractiveness. This approach allows us to draw up a typology of actors regarding the diffusion of sustainability issues. It emphasizes a general improvement of sustainability on location choice especially for listed companies, owners of their head office and companies located into the main business districts of the Paris metropolitan area

    Relationships between magmatism and extension along the Autun-La Serre fault system in the Variscan Belt of the eastern French Massif Central

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    International audienceThe ENE-WSW Autun Shear Zone in the northeastern part of the French Massif Central has been interpreted previously as a dextral wrench fault. New field observations and microstructural analyses document a NE-SW stretching lineation that indicates normal dextral motions along this shear zone. Further east, similar structures are observed along the La Serre Shear Zone. In both areas, a strain gradient from leucogranites with a weak preferred orientation to highly sheared mylonites supports a continuous Autun-La Serre fault system. Microstructural observations, and shape and lattice-preferred orientation document high-temperature deformation and magmatic fabrics in the Autun and La Serre granites, whereas low- to intermediate-temperature fabrics characterize the mylonitic granite. Electron microprobe monazite geochronology of the Autun and La Serre granites yields a ca. 320 Ma age for pluton emplacement, while mica 40Ar-39Ar datings of the Autun granite yield plateau ages from 305 to 300 Ma. The ca. 300 Ma 40Ar-39Ar ages, obtained on micas from Autun and La Serre mylonites, indicate the time of the mylonitization. The ca. 15-Ma time gap between pluton emplacement and deformation along the Autun-La Serre fault system argue against a synkinematic pluton emplacement during late orogenic to postorogenic extension of the Variscan Belt. A ductile to brittle continuum of deformation is observed along the shear zone, with Lower Permian brittle faults controlling the development of sedimentary basins. These results suggest a two-stage Late Carboniferous extension in the northeastern French Massif Central, with regional crustal melting and emplacement of the Autun and La Serre leucogranites around 320 Ma, followed, at 305-295 Ma, by ductile shearing, normal brittle faulting, and subsequent exhumation along the Autun-La Serre transtensional fault system

    L’Ecole de la vie industrielle

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    L’humanité d’aujourd’hui subit de plein fouet les effets révolutionnaires des nouveaux médias industriels, depuis le début du XIXe siècle, jusqu’à faire l’expérience d’une tout autre existence, qui n’a plus grand chose à voir avec celle de la civilisation agricole. C’est à l’École que revient la tâche de civiliser les nouveaux modes de vie, afin de résister aux formes barbares dominantes, par la constitution et l’instruction d’un savoir critique qui éclairera nos contemporains sur leur nouvelle vie matérielle surpuissante.Hoy en día, la humanidad sufre de lleno los efectos revolucionarios de los nuevos medios de comunicación industriales, comenzados a inicios del siglo XIX, y que la han llevado a hacer la experiencia de una existencia totalmente diferente, que tiene poco que ver con aquélla de la civilización agrícola. A la Escuela compete la tarea de civilizar estos nuevos modos de vida, a través de la constitución y la instrucción de un saber crítico, para poder resistir a las formas bárbaras que se imponen, e iluminando a nuestros contemporáneos sobre su nueva vida material superpoderosa