28 research outputs found

    Motion sickness, stress and the endocannabinoid system

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    A substantial number of individuals are at risk for the development of motion sickness induced nausea and vomiting (N&V) during road, air or sea travel. Motion sickness can be extremely stressful but the neurobiologic mechanisms leading to motion sickness are not clear. The endocannabinoid system (ECS) represents an important neuromodulator of stress and N&V. Inhibitory effects of the ECS on N&V are mediated by endocannabinoid-receptor activation

    Evaluation of techniques for performing cellular isolation and preservation during microgravity conditions

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    Genomic and epigenomic studies require the precise transfer of microliter volumes among different types of tubes in order to purify DNA, RNA, or protein from biological samples and subsequently perform analyses of DNA methylation, RNA expression, and chromatin modifications on a genome-wide scale. Epigenomic and transcriptional analyses of human blood cells, for example, require separation of purified cell types to avoid confounding contributions of altered cellular proportions, and long-term preservation of these cells requires their isolation and transfer into appropriate freezing media. There are currently no protocols for these cellular isolation procedures on the International Space Station (ISS). Currently human blood samples are either frozen as mixed cell populations (within the CPT collection tubes) with poor yield of viable cells required for cell-type isolations, or returned under ambient conditions, which requires timing with Soyuz missions. Here we evaluate the feasibility of translating terrestrial cell purification techniques to the ISS. Our evaluations were performed in microgravity conditions during parabolic atmospheric flight. The pipetting of open liquids in microgravity was evaluated using analog-blood fluids and several types of pipette hardware. The best-performing pipettors were used to evaluate the pipetting steps required for peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) isolation following terrestrial density-gradient centrifugation. Evaluation of actual blood products was performed for both the overlay of diluted blood, and the transfer of isolated PBMCs. We also validated magnetic purification of cells. We found that positive-displacement pipettors avoided air bubbles, and the tips allowed the strong surface tension of water, glycerol, and blood to maintain a patent meniscus and withstand robust pipetting in microgravity. These procedures will greatly increase the breadth of research that can be performed on board the ISS, and allow improvised experimentation by astronauts on extraterrestrial missions

    PlanHab Study: Consequences of combined normobaric hypoxia and bed rest on adenosine kinetics

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    Adenosine plays a role in the energy supply of cells and provokes differential, hormone-like functions in circulating cells and various tissues. Its release is importantly regulated by oxygen tension. This renders adenosine and its kinetics interesting to investigate in humans subjected to low oxygen conditions. Especially for space exploration scenarios, hypoxic conditions - together with reduced gravity - represent two foreseen living conditions when planning manned long-duration space missions or planetary habitats. The PlanHab study investigated microgravity through inactivity in bed rest and normobaric hypoxia to examine their independent or combined effect on adenosine and its kinetics. Healthy male subjects (n = 14) completed three 21-day interventions: hypoxic bed rest (HBR); hypoxic ambulatory confinement (HAMB); normoxic bed rest (NBR). The interventions were separated by 4 months. Our hypothesis of a hypoxia-triggered increase in adenosine was confirmed in HAMB but unexpectedly also in NBR. However, the highest adenosine levels were noted following HBR. Furthermore, the percentage of hemolysis was elevated in HBR whereas endothelial integrity markers stayed low in all three interventions. In summary, these data suggest that neocytolysis accounts for these effects while we could reduce evidence for microcirculatory changes

    Towards human exploration of space: The THESEUS review series on immunology research priorities

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    Dysregulation of the immune system occurs during spaceflight and may represent a crew health risk during exploration missions because astronauts are challenged by many stressors. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the biology of immune modulation under spaceflight conditions in order to be able to maintain immune homeostasis under such challenges. In the framework of the THESEUS project whose aim was to develop an integrated life sciences research roadmap regarding human space exploration, experts working in the field of space immunology, and related disciplines, established a questionnaire sent to scientists around the world. From the review of collected answers, they deduced a list of key issues and provided several recommendations such as a maximal exploitation of currently available resources on Earth and in space, and to increase increments duration for some ISS crew members to 12 months or longer. These recommendations should contribute to improve our knowledge about spaceflight effects on the immune system and the development of countermeasures that, beyond astronauts, could have a societal impact

    Stress Related Shift Toward Inflammaging in Cosmonauts After Long-Duration Space Flight

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    Space flight exerts a specific conglomerate of stressors on humans that can modulate the immune system. The mechanism remains to be elucidated and the consequences for cosmonauts in the long term are unclear. Most of the current research stems from short-term spaceflights as well as pre- and post-flight analyses due to operational limitations. Immune function of 12 cosmonauts participating in a long-duration (>140 days) spaceflight mission was monitored pre-, post-, and on two time-points in-flight. While the classical markers for stress such as cortisol in saliva where not significantly altered, blood concentrations of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) were found to be highly increased in-flight indicating a biological stress response. Moreover, subjects showed a significant rise in white blood cell counts. Neutrophils, monocytes and B cells increased by 50% whereas NK cells dropped by nearly 60% shortly after landing. Analysis of blood smears showed that lymphocyte percentages, though unchanged pre- and post-flight were elevated in-flight. Functional tests on the ground revealed stable cellular glutathione levels, unaltered baseline and stimulated ROS release in neutrophils but an increased shedding of L-selectin post-flight. In vitro stimulation of whole blood samples with fungal antigen showed a highly amplified TNF and IL-1β response. Furthermore, a significant reduction in CD4+CD25+CD27low regulatory T cells was observed post-flight but returned to normal levels after one month. Concomitantly, high in-flight levels of regulatory cytokines TGF-β, IL-10 and IL-1ra dropped rapidly after return to Earth. Finally, we observed a shift in the CD8+ T cell repertoire toward CD8+ memory cells that lasted even one month after return to Earth.Conclusion: Long-duration spaceflight triggered a sustained stress dependent release of endocannabinoids combined with an aberrant immune activation mimicking features of people at risk for inflammation related diseases. These effects persisted in part 30 days after return to Earth. The currently available repertoire of in-flight testing as well as the post-flight observation periods need to be expanded to tackle the underlying mechanism for and consequences of these immune changes in order to develop corresponding mitigation strategies based on a personalized approach for future interplanetary space explorations

    Modulations of Neuroendocrine Stress Responses During Confinement in Antarctica and the Role of Hypobaric Hypoxia

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    The Antarctic continent is an environment of extreme conditions. Only few research stations exist that are occupied throughout the year. The German station Neumayer III and the French-Italian Concordia station are such research platforms and human outposts. The seasonal shifts of complete daylight (summer) to complete darkness (winter) as well as massive changes in outside temperatures (down to -80 degrees C at Concordia) during winter result in complete confinement of the crews from the outside world. In addition, the crew at Concordia is subjected to hypobaric hypoxia of similar to 650 hPa as the station is situated at high altitude (3,233 m). We studied three expedition crews at Neumayer Ill (sea level) (n = 16) and two at Concordia (high altitude) (n = 15) to determine the effects of hypobaric hypoxia on hormonal/metabolic stress parameters [endocannabinoids (ECs), catecholamines, and glucocorticoids] and evaluated the psychological stress over a period of 11 months including winter confinement. In the Neumayer III (sea level) crew, EC and n-acylethanolamide (NAE) concentrations increased significantly already at the beginning of the deployment (p < 0.001) whereas catecholamines and cortisol remained unaffected. Over the year, ECs and NAEs stayed elevated and fluctuated before slowly decreasing till the end of the deployment. The classical stress hormones showed small increases in the last third of deployment. By contrast, at Concordia (high altitude), norepinephrine concentrations increased significantly at the beginning (p < 0.001) which was paralleled by low EC levels. Prior to the second half of deployment, norepinephrine declined constantly to end on a low plateau level, whereas then the EC concentrations increased significantly in this second period during the overwintering (p < 0.001). Psychometric data showed no significant changes in the crews at either station. These findings demonstrate that exposition of healthy humans to the physically challenging extreme environment of Antarctica (i) has a distinct modulating effect on stress responses. Additionally, (ii) acute high altitude/hypobaric hypoxia at the beginning seem to trigger catecholamine release that downregulates the EC response. These results (iii) are not associated with psychological stress

    Immune System Dysregulation During Spaceflight: Potential Countermeasures for Deep Space Exploration Missions

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    Recent studies have established that dysregulation of the human immune system and the reactivation of latent herpesviruses persists for the duration of a 6-month orbital spaceflight. It appears certain aspects of adaptive immunity are dysregulated during flight, yet some aspects of innate immunity are heightened. Interaction between adaptive and innate immunity also seems to be altered. Some crews experience persistent hypersensitivity reactions during flight. This phenomenon may, in synergy with extended duration and galactic radiation exposure, increase specific crew clinical risks during deep space exploration missions. The clinical challenge is based upon both the frequency of these phenomena in multiple crewmembers during low earth orbit missions and the inability to predict which specific individual crewmembers will experience these changes. Thus, a general countermeasure approach that offers the broadest possible coverage is needed. The vehicles, architecture, and mission profiles to enable such voyages are now under development. These include deployment and use of a cis-Lunar station (mid 2020s) with possible Moon surface operations, to be followed by multiple Mars flyby missions, and eventual human Mars surface exploration. Current ISS studies will continue to characterize physiological dysregulation associated with prolonged orbital spaceflight. However, sufficient information exists to begin consideration of both the need for, and nature of, specific immune countermeasures to ensure astronaut health. This article will review relevant in-place operational countermeasures onboard ISS and discuss a myriad of potential immune countermeasures for exploration missions. Discussion points include nutritional supplementation and functional foods, exercise and immunity, pharmacological options, the relationship between bone and immune countermeasures, and vaccination to mitigate herpes (and possibly other) virus risks. As the immune system has sentinel connectivity within every other physiological system, translational effects must be considered for all potential immune countermeasures. Finally, we shall discuss immune countermeasures in the context of their individualized implementation or precision medicine, based on crewmember specific immunological biases

    The Immune System in Space: Are We Prepared? Conclusions, Outlook, and Recommendations

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    PlanHab: Hypoxia counteracts the erythropoietin suppression, but seems to exaggerate the plasma volume reduction induced by 3 weeks of bed rest

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    The study examined the distinct and synergistic effects of hypoxia and bed rest on the erythropoietin (EPO) concentration and relative changes in plasma volume (PV). Eleven healthy male lowlanders underwent three 21-day confinement periods, in a counterbalanced order: (1) normoxic bed rest (NBR;PIO2: 133.1 +/- 0.3 mmHg);(2) hypoxic bed rest (HBR;PIO2: 90.0 +/- 0.4 mmHg, ambient simulated altitude of similar to 4000 m);and (3) hypoxic ambulation (HAMB;PIO2: 90.0 +/- 0.4 mmHg). Blood samples were collected before, during (days 2, 5, 14, and 21) and 2 days after each confinement to determine EPO concentration. Qualitative differences in PV changes were also estimated by changes in hematocrit and hemoglobin concentration along with concomitant changes in plasma renin concentration. NBR caused an initial reduction in EPO by similar to 39% (P = 0.04). By contrast, HBR enhanced EPO (P = 0.001), but the increase was less than that induced by HAMB (P < 0.01). All three confinements caused a significant reduction in PV (P < 0.05), with a substantially greater drop in HBR than in the other conditions (P < 0.001). Thus, present results suggest that hypoxia prevents the EPO suppression, whereas it seems to exaggerate the PV reduction induced by bed rest