1,182 research outputs found

    Study on Repayment Behavior of Beneficiary Farmers among Kisan Credit Card Scheme in Dewas District of Madhya Pradesh

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    India lives in villages. The majority of our country’s population depends upon agriculture. Hence, there is a great need for inclusion of rural people in the financial framework. When it is considered rural credit system to facilitate various financial needs of the rural folks or farmers, it has many dimensions. Over the years, NABARD has taken initiatives to supply adequate credit to farmers, which has made the rural finance system more efficient. Kisan credit card users were determined on the basis of the time to which they repaid their loan and categorized into three groups i.e. those who repaid their loan in schedule date termed as ‘regulars’. Those who repaid their loan after scheduled date of repayment termed as ‘irregulars’. Those who failed to repay their loan on schedule date termed as ‘defaulter’. Finding reported that repayment behaviour of KCC holders the result showed that the majority (46.67 per cent) of the respondents were found to repay their credit on timely, 29.17 per cent respondents were found who not capable to repay their credit on time schedule and 24.16 per cent respondents were found who had defaulter. View Article DOI: 10.47856/ijaast.2022.v09i03.00

    A Study on Decision Making Ability and Participation in Various Agriculture Activities Performed by Farm Women in Khargone District of M.P

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    The role of women has always been a multi-dimensional and significant as women have performed well in case of agricultural activities, domestic activities, marketing activities as far as labour requirement is considered. The decision-making process is an important segment of every household because the functioning of family resource management depends on the efficiency of decision-making progress. So, women involvement in decision-making process has been of great importance because sampling method to make a sample of 120 respondents. Hence finally the sampling consisted of 120 respondents. More number of farm women were found to have level of decision making process: the highest decision making behavior in sowing followed by winnowing process, seed processing, irrigation management , collection of harvested crop, storage, field preparation, selection of seed/variety, marketing, Manures and fertilizer application, weeding, harvesting, seed treatment, Pest and disease management and soil testing. View Article DOI: 10.47856/ijaast.2021.v08i8.01

    A Study on Training Need of Wheat Growers Regarding Improved Production Technology in Jabalpur District of Madhya Pradesh

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    The study area most of the farmers are growing Wheat at the farm level due to its genetically advance which caused low cost of cultivation due to low use of chemical and realizing high yield and less losses by insect pest damage. For production of Wheat the agricultural practices required needs special package of practices to boost-up the productivity with low cost of production. Results reported that training need in adoption of improved wheat production technology. Highly training need in case of Improved variety (mean score 2.56) followed by Marketing (mean score 2.35), Plant protection (mean score 2.30), Application of herbicides uses   (mean score 2.25), Insect –pest management (mean score 2.14), Storage (mean score 2.13), Use of affected equipment and machinery (mean score 2.12), Application of manure and fertilizers (mean score 2.11), Time of harvesting (mean score 1.96), Method of seed sowing (mean score 1.96) and Field preparation (mean score 1.80).Data reported overall training need in adoption of improved wheat production technology. Table show that majority of the respondents (45.00 percent) were need often training followed by 32.50 percent respondents were need always training and 22.50 percent respondents were need rarely training. View Article DOI: 10.47856/ijaast.2022.v09i04.00

    Constraints faced Panchayat Members in Relation to Agricultural Development Programs in Ujjain District (M.P.)

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    In india Panchayati Raj now functions as a system of governance in which Gram Panchayats are the basic units of local administration. The system has three levels: Gram Panchayat (village level), Mandal Parishad or Block Samiti or Panchayat Samiti (block level), and Zila Parishad (district level). Panchayat Raj has come to be related with two broad images. First, it is a government by itself and second it is an agency of the state government. In the integrated exercise of planning for social and economic development, co-ordinate roles, the present set up is a three-tier representative structure of government where the administrators, elected leaders and local population participate in the developmental effort. In this regard the members of Panchyat faced many problems there this study confront the constrains faced by members and suggestions to overcome them with 120 sample unit of Ujjain district. The major finding was obtained in this study that the most serious constraint perceived by the Gram Panchayat Members during agriculture development programmes was Insufficient use of communication media  (85.83%) as it was perceived to the highest extent by gram Panchayat Members with major suggestion of them Properly and timely use of communication media. View Article DOI: 10.47856/ijaast.2021.v08i9.01

    Energy Efficient Network Generation for Application Specific NoC

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    Networks-on-Chip is emerging as a communication platform for future complex SoC designs, composed of a large number of homogenous or heterogeneous processing resources. Most SoC platforms are customized to the domainspecific requirements of their applications, which communicate in a specific, mostly irregular way. The specific but often diverse communication requirements among cores of the SoC call for the design of application-specific network of SoC for improved performance in terms of communication energy, latency, and throughput. In this work, we propose a methodology for the design of customized irregular network architecture of SoC. The proposed method exploits priori knowledge of the application2019;s communication characteristic to generate an energy optimized network and corresponding routing tables

    An observational study on assessment of Sara in Madhumeha (Diabetes Mellitus) patients

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    Background: Sara one of the factor of Dashvidha Pariksha, is the excellent or best functional aspect of Dhatu responsible for rendering strength to a person. Madhumeha is a morbid condition in which vitiation of Kapha Dosha and Meda Dhatu is the major factor of this disease. In this disease almost all Dhatu get vitiated along with Oja, due to which the condition of patient afflicted with Madhumeha goes on deteriorating and leads to serious consequences in form of complications. Aim and Objectives: a) To assess the Sara condition in the patients of Madhumeha. b) To assess the Atura Bala on the basis of Sara Pariksha. c) Study of complications in Madhumeha patients. Materials and Methods: The present study is a cross sectional observational study, which has been conducted in 100 patients of Madhumeha under Stratum A and Stratum B with the help of proforma in the form of validated questionnaire. Results: Maximum 80.56% patients were having Avara Medasara in Stratum A and 85.94% patients in Stratum B were having Avara Shukrasara. On overall assessment, Madhyam Sara and Avara Sara was found in maximum patients of Stratum A and B respectively

    Fuzzy Analysis for Nodes Deployment Strategies in Wireless Sensor Network

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    The objective of a best sensor deployment policy is to have a fully connected network while optimizing coverage area at the same time. By optimizing the different parameters like distance, energy level, transmission loss and density of sensor nodes. the deployment plan would guarantee the optimum connectivity of sensor nodes, as required by the essential applications. By making sure that the network is connected, it is also ensured that the sensed data is transmitted to other nodes and perhaps to a centralized base station that can make important decisions for the application. This paper investigates the fundamental parameters of a wireless sensor network: that is optimization of node density, transmission range, transmission loss, residual energy and connectivity

    Vishaghna (anti-toxic) property of Shirisha (Albizia lebbeck) : A Review

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    Ayurveda is a traditional healthcare system of Indian medicine since ancient times. Majority of medicine mentioned in Ayurveda are plant based. Herbal medicine is based on the premise that plants and plants extracts contain natural phytochemicals with biological activity that can promote health or alleviate illness. Shirisha (Albizia lebbeck) is one of the important herbs having broad spectrum therapeutic effects. In classical textbook it is mentioned as the best among the Vishaghna (anti poisonous) drug. In Ayurveda it is used in allergic skin conditions, allergic cough and seasonal cold to get relief. It’s action is Shothara (anti-inflammatory), Vedanasthapan (analgesic), Varnya (complexion promoter), Vrishya (Spermatogogue), Vishaghna (antipoisonous), Shirovirechana (Nasya), Chakshushya (beneficial to eyes), Stambhana (anti Diarrheal), Kaphagna (antitussive), Raktashodhaka (Blood purifier) and Kustaghna (anti leprotic), Kandughna (Antipruritic). Research conducted during past have also reported its anti-inflammatory, anti-histaminic, antianaphylactic, anti-asthmatic, anti-microbial properties

    Conceptual study on Partimarsha Nasya - A Review Article

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    In this competitive era, it is a big challenge for a person to maintain healthy life. Ayurveda has described preventive aspects in detail such as Dincharya (daily regimen), Ritucharya (seasonal regimen), Rasayana (rejuvenation) and Yoga (exercise). Apart from these factors related to preventive aspects, some factors like Ritu-Shodhana (~body purification according to season) is also one of the factors. There are five types of Shodhana (body purification) procedures. Nasya is one of them which administered to prevent the disease mainly of organs above the Urdhva Jatrugata (organs above from the jugular notch). Nasya is classified in various ways by different Ayurvedic literatures, all types of Nasya are not only use for curing the diseases but also for prevention. Pratimarsha Nasya is one of important type among them. Pratimarsha Nasya is a special type of Snehana Nasya with low dose and minimal complications. It can be administered daily and even in all the season at morning and evening time. It is given by dipping the finger in the required Sneha then dropping it in each nostril. It can also be administered during rainy season. Acharya Vagbhatta has explained its beneficial effects on various organs. Detail description including indication and contraindication regarding the Pratimarsha Nasya explained in this study
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