18 research outputs found

    Temporal Information Processing and Stability Analysis of the MHSN Neuron Model in DDF

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    Implementation of a neuron like information processing structure at hardware level is a burning research problem. In this article, we analyze the modified hybrid spiking neuron model (the MHSN model) in distributed delay framework (DDF) for hardware level implementation point of view. We investigate its temporal information processing capability in term of inter-spike-interval (ISI) distribution. We also perform the stability analysis of the MHSN model, in which, we compute nullclines, steady state solution, eigenvalues corresponding the MHSN model. During phase plane analysis, we notice that the MHSN model generates limit cycle oscillations which is an important phenomenon in many biological processes. Qualitative behavior of these limit cycle does not changes due to the variation in applied input stimulus, however, delay effect the spiking activity and duration of cycle get altered

    Mitral valve replacement with the pulmonary autograft: The Ross II procedure

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    AbstractJ Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2001;122:378-

    Spiking Activity of a LIF Neuron in Distributed Delay Framework

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    Evolution of membrane potential and spiking activity for a single leaky integrate-and-fire (LIF) neuron in distributed delay framework (DDF) is investigated. DDF provides a mechanism to incorporate memory element in terms of delay (kernel) function into a single neuron models. This investigation includes LIF neuron model with two different kinds of delay kernel functions, namely, gamma distributed delay kernel function and hypo-exponential distributed delay kernel function. Evolution of membrane potential for considered models is studied in terms of stationary state probability distribution (SPD). Stationary state probability distribution of membrane potential (SPDV) for considered neuron models are found asymptotically similar which is Gaussian distributed. In order to investigate the effect of membrane potential delay, rate code scheme for neuronal information processing is applied. Firing rate and Fano-factor for considered neuron models are calculated and standard LIF model is used for comparative study. It is noticed that distributed delay increases the spiking activity of a neuron. Increase in spiking activity of neuron in DDF is larger for hypo-exponential distributed delay function than gamma distributed delay function. Moreover, in case of hypo-exponential delay function, a LIF neuron generates spikes with Fano-factor less than 1

    Comparative Study on Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) and K-Means Clustering Approaches for Jobs Scheduling and Energy Optimization Model in Internet of Things (IoT)

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    The concept of Internet of Things (IoT) was proposed by Professor Kevin Ashton of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1999. IoT is an environment that people understand in many different ways depending on their requirement, point of view and purpose. When transmitting data in IoT environment, distribution of network traffic fluctuates frequently. If links of the network or nodes fail randomly, then automatically new nodes get added frequently. Heavy network traffic affects the response time of all system and it consumes more energy continuously. Minimization the network traffic/ by finding the shortest path from source to destination minimizes the response time of all system and also reduces the energy consumption cost. The ant colony optimization (ACO) and K-Means clustering algorithms characteristics conform to the auto-activator and optimistic response mechanism of the shortest route searching from source to destination. In this article, ACO and K-Means clustering algorithms are studied to search the shortest route path from source to destination by optimizing the Quality of Service (QoS) constraints. Resources are assumed in the active and varied IoT network atmosphere for these two algorithms. This work includes the study and comparison between ant colony optimization (ACO) and K-Means algorithms to plan a response time aware scheduling model for IoT. It is proposed to divide the IoT environment into various areas and a various number of clusters depending on the types of networks. It is noticed that this model is more efficient for the suggested routing algorithm in terms of response time, point-to-point delay, throughput and overhead of control bits

    A framework to detect skin disease using deep learning techniques

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    Dermatological issues are one of the most unpreventable disorders on earth. In any case, being typical, its investigation is exceedingly problematic due to its intricacies of coloring, concealing, and handiness of hair. Recognizing skin sicknesses at the beginning phase plays a significant part in therapy. The steps which are used to dig down the problem statement and find out the solution for skin injury are finalized with the domain knowledge of the giant in that field. The analytic interaction should be exact and ideal. Because of the innovative improvements both in medication and data advancements, the achievement rates of both clinical diagnosing and clinical treatment frameworks are expanding step by step. A human-developed domain that works based on logic is utilized in the field of finding out skin illnesses with the help of AI calculations and the abuse of the immense measure of information accessible in wellbeing places and medical clinics, gathering past examinations for the specialists’ classifications is common practice in numerous works. A few frameworks have been effective in characterizing skin sicknesses and accomplishing fluctuating indicative precision. Different frameworks have depended on techniques for picture handling and component extraction that help foresee and recognize sickness types

    Temporal Information Processing and Stability Analysis of the MHSN Neuron Model in DDF

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    Implementation of a neuron like information processing structure at hardware level is a burning research problem. In this article, we analyze the modified hybrid spiking neuron model (the MHSN model) in distributed delay framework (DDF) for hardware level implementation point of view. We investigate its temporal information processing capability in term of inter-spike-interval (ISI) distribution. We also perform the stability analysis of the MHSN model, in which, we compute nullclines, steady state solution, eigenvalues corresponding the MHSN model. During phase plane analysis, we notice that the MHSN model generates limit cycle oscillations which is an important phenomenon in many biological processes. Qualitative behavior of these limit cycle does not changes due to the variation in applied input stimulus, however, delay effect the spiking activity and duration of cycle get altered

    Spiking Activity of a LIF Neuron in Distributed Delay Framework

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    Evolution of membrane potential and spiking activity for a single leaky integrate-and-fire (LIF) neuron in distributed delay framework (DDF) is investigated. DDF provides a mechanism to incorporate memory element in terms of delay (kernel) function into a single neuron models. This investigation includes LIF neuron model with two different kinds of delay kernel functions, namely, gamma distributed delay kernel function and hypo-exponential distributed delay kernel function. Evolution of membrane potential for considered models is studied in terms of stationary state probability distribution (SPD). Stationary state probability distribution of membrane potential (SPDV) for considered neuron models are found asymptotically similar which is Gaussian distributed. In order to investigate the effect of membrane potential delay, rate code scheme for neuronal information processing is applied. Firing rate and Fano-factor for considered neuron models are calculated and standard LIF model is used for comparative study. It is noticed that distributed delay increases the spiking activity of a neuron. Increase in spiking activity of neuron in DDF is larger for hypo-exponential distributed delay function than gamma distributed delay function. Moreover, in case of hypo-exponential delay function, a LIF neuron generates spikes with Fano-factor less than 1

    An Efficient Probabilistic Methodology to Evaluate Web Sources as Data Source for Warehousing

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    Internet is the largest source of data and the requirement of data analytics have fueled the data warehouse to switch from structured conventional Data Warehouse to complex Web Data Warehouse. The dynamic and complex nature of web poses various types of complexities during synthesis of web data into a conventional warehouse. Multi-Criteria-Decision Making (MCDM) is a prominent mechanism to select the best data for storing into the data-warehouse. In this article, a method, based on the probabilistic analysis of SAW and TOPSIS methods, has been proposed to select web data sources as data sources for web data warehouse. This method deals more efficiently with the dynamic and complex nature of web. Here, the result of the selection employs the analysis of both the methods (SAW and TOPSIS) to evaluate the probability of selection of respective score (1-9) for each feature. With these probability values, the probability of selection of the next web sources has been be determined. Moreover, using the same probability values, mean score and standard deviation of the scores of respective features of selected web sources have been deduced, which are further used to fix the standard score of each feature for selection of web sources. The standard score is a parameter of the proposed Mean-Standard-Deviation (MSD) method to check the suitability of web sources individually, whereas others do the same on comparative basis. The proposed method cuts down the cost of the repetitive comparison operation, once after computation of the Standard score using Mean and Standard deviation of each individual feature. Here, the respective value of the standard score of each feature is only compared with the score of each respective feature of the next web sources, so it reduces the cost of computation and selects the web sources faster as well

    Comparative study on ant colony optimization (ACO) and K-Means clustering approaches for jobs scheduling and energy optimization model in Internet of Things (IoT)

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    The concept of Internet of Things (IoT) was proposed by Professor Kevin Ashton of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1999. IoT is an environment that people understand in many different ways depending on their requirement, point of view and purpose. When transmitting data in IoT environment, distribution of network traffic fluctuates frequently. If links of the network or nodes fail randomly, then automatically new nodes get added frequently. Heavy network traffic affects the response time of all system and it consumes more energy continuously. Minimization the network traffic/by finding the shortest path from source to destination minimizes the response time of all system and also reduces the energy consumption cost. The ant colony optimization (ACO) and K-Means clustering algorithms characteristics conform to the auto-activator and optimistic response mechanism of the shortest route searching from source to destination. In this article, ACO and K-Means clustering algorithms are studied to search the shortest route path from source to destination by optimizing the Quality of Service (QoS) constraints. Resources are assumed in the active and varied IoT network atmosphere for these two algorithms. This work includes the study and comparison between ant colony optimization (ACO) and K-Means algorithms to plan a response time aware scheduling model for IoT. It is proposed to divide the IoT environment into various areas and a various number of clusters depending on the types of networks. It is noticed that this model is more efficient for the suggested routing algorithm in terms of response time, point-to-point delay, throughput and overhead of control bits