563 research outputs found

    Transition Delay via Vortex Generators in a Hypersonic Boundary Layer at Flight Conditions

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    The potential of realizable, stationary streaks undergoing non-modal growth to stabilize a hypersonic boundary-layer flow and, subsequently, delay the laminar-turbulent transition onset, is studied via numerical computations. The geometry and flow conditions are selected to match a relevant trajectory location from the ascent phase of the HIFiRE-1 flight experiment, namely, a 7-degree half-angle cone with 2.5 mm nose radius, freestream Mach number of 5.30, freestream unit Reynolds number equal to 13.42 x 10(exp 6)/m, and wall-to-adiabatic temperature ratio of approximately 0.35 over most of the test article. This paper investigates flow modifications induced by wall-mounted vortex generators (VGs), followed by an analysis of the modal instability of the perturbed, streaky boundary-layer flow. Results are presented both for a single array of VGs that was designed on the basis of optimal growth theory and for a VG configuration involving two separate arrays with opposite orientations that ware designed to provide staged control of flow instabilities while simultaneously reducing the amplification of streak instabilities resulting from the control devices. Earlier research had shown that the onset of transition during the HIFiRE-1 flight experiment, which did not include any control devices, correlated with an amplification factor of N = 14.7 for the planar Mack modes. If one assumes that the transition N -factor is not affected by the introduction of the VGs, then the control configurations based on a single array of VGs and two separate arrays would result in a transition delay of 17% and 40%, respectively. These findings suggest a passive flow control s to induce streaks that would delay transition in hypersonic boundary dominated by Mack-mode instabilities

    Instability WaveStreak Interactions in a High Mach Number Boundary Layer at Flight Conditions

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    The interaction of stationary streaks undergoing nonmodal growth with modally unstable instability waves in a hypersonic boundary-layer flow is studied using numerical computations. The geometry and flow conditions are selected to match a relevant trajectory location from the ascent phase of the HIFiRE-1 ight experiment; namely, a 7 degree half-angle, circular cone with 2:5 mm nose radius, freestream Mach number equal to 5:30, unit Reynolds number equal to 13:42 m-1, and wall-to-adiabatic temperature ratio of approximately 0:35 over most of the vehicle. This paper investigates the nonlinear evolution of initially linear optimal disturbances that evolve into finite-amplitude streaks, followed by an analysis of the modal instability characteristics of the perturbed, streaky boundary-layer flow. The investigation is performed with stationary direct numerical simulations (DNS) and plane-marching parabolized stability equations (PSE), in conjunction with partial-differential-equation-based planar eigenvalue analysis. The overall effect of streaks is to reduce the peak amplification factors of instability waves, indicating a possible downstream shift in the onset of laminar-turbulent transition. The present study conforms previous findings that the mean flow distorsion of the nonlinear streak perturbation reduces the amplification rates of the Mack-mode instability. More importantly, however, the present results demonstrate that the spanwise varying component of the streak can produce a larger effect on the Mack-mode amplification. The study with selected azimuthal wavenumbers for the stationary streaks reveals that a wavenumber of approximately 1:4 times larger than the optimal wavenumber is more effective in stabilizing the planar Mack-mode instabilities. In the absence of unstable first-mode waves for the present cold-wall condition, transition onset is expected to be delayed until the peak streak amplitude increases to nearly 35 percent of the freestream velocity, when intrinsic instabilities of the boundary-layer streaks begin to dominate the transition process. For streak amplitudes below that limit a significant net stabilization is achieved, yielding a potential transition delay that can exceed 100 percent of the length of the laminar region in the uncontrolled case

    Nonlinear Grtler Vortices and Their Secondary Instability in a Hypersonic Boundary Layer

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    Nonlinear development of the Grtler instability over a concave surface gives rise to a highly distorted inflectional flow field in the boundary layer that leads to both wall-normal and spanwise gradients in the flow. Such nonlinear structures are susceptible to strong, high-frequency secondary instabilities that may lead to the onset of laminar-turbulent transition. The present numerical study uses direct numerical simulations and linear secondary instability theory to investigate finite amplitude Grtler vortices and their secondary instability characteristics, respectively, in the hypersonic flow over an axisymmetric cone with a concave aft body. To complement previous studies in the literature wherein the Grtler instability was usually studied for a flat plate and initiated at some upstream location by imposing an eigenfunction as the inflow condition or by blowing and suction at the wall, the present investigation is focused on fully realizable Grtler instability that is excited by an azimuthally periodic array of surface protuberances. Furthermore, while the previous work had mostly focused on the secondary instability of Grtler vortices with cross-plane velocity contours that resembled bell-shaped structures, the present results confirm that fully developed mushroom structures also exist in the hypersonic regime when the Grtler vortex amplitude is sufficiently large. Computations further reveal that the dominant modes of secondary instability in these mushroom-shaped structures correspond to an antisymmetic (i.e., sinuous) stem mode that concentrates within the strong, nearly wall-normal internal shear layers surrounding the stem regions underneath the caps of the mushroom structures. Additionally, there exist a multitude of other significantly unstable secondary instability modes of both symmetric and antisymmetric types. Analogous to the secondary instability of crossflow vortices in hypersonic flows, secondary instability modes of both symmetric and antisymmetric types. Analogous to the secondary instability of crossflow vortices in hypersonic flows, secondary instability modes originating from the Mack mode instability play an important role during the nonlinear breakdown process

    Laminar-Turbulent Transition Upstream of the Entropy-Layer Swallowing Location in Hypersonic Boundary Layers

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    Numerical and experimental studies have demonstrated that modal growth of planar Mack modes is responsible for laminar-turbulent transition on sharp cones at hypersonic speeds. However, the physical mechanisms that lead to transition onset upstream of the entropy-layer swallowing location over sufficiently blunt geometries are not well understood as yet. Modal amplification is too weak or nonexistent to initiate transition at moderate-to-large bluntness values. Nonmodal analysis shows that, with increasing nose bluntness, both planar and oblique traveling disturbances that peak within the entropy layer experience appreciable energy amplification. However, because of the relatively weak signature of the nonmodal traveling disturbances within the boundary-layer region, the route to transition onset subsequent to the nonmodal growth remains unclear. Thus, nonlinear parabolized stability equations (NPSE) and direct numerical simulations (DNS) have been used to investigate the potential transition mechanisms over a 7-degree blunt cone that was tested in the AFRL Mach-6 high-Reynoldsnumber facility. Computations are performed to separately follow the nonlinear development of two classes of inflow disturbances, namely, a pair of oblique traveling waves with equal but opposite angles with respect to the mean flow direction and a planar traveling wave. Results in both cases show an excellent agreement between the NPSE and DNS predictions, establishing that the NPSE is an accurate and efficient technique for predicting the nonlinear development for these particular nonmodal traveling disturbances. Computations reveal that the oblique mode interactions lead to the generation of stationary streaks inside the boundary layer that, in turn, facilitate the growth of a subharmonic sinuous disturbance. For relatively modest amplitudes of the inflow disturbance, the oblique-mode breakdown can lead to transition at the measured location of transition onset during the experiment. On the other hand, the nonlinear development of a planar traveling wave leads to the formation of inclined structures just above the boundary-layer edge and these structures are strongly reminiscent of the transitional events observed during blunt cone experiments by using schlieren flow visualizations

    DNS of Laminar to Turbulent Transition on NACA 0012 Airfoil with Sand Grain Roughness

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    The Lattice-Boltzmann-based solver PowerFLOW is used to perform direct numerical simulations of the transitional flow over an airfoil at Reynolds number equal to 0.657 million. The leading edge of the airfoil is covered with sand particles, represented by polyhedra, to mimic the grit used in experiments. The sensitivity of the laminar to turbulent transition to the size of these particles, grid resolution, spanwise length is evaluated and rectangular trips are also tested

    Integrating CFD, CAA, and Experiments Towards Benchmark Datasets for Airframe Noise Problems

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    Airframe noise corresponds to the acoustic radiation due to turbulent flow in the vicinity of airframe components such as high-lift devices and landing gears. The combination of geometric complexity, high Reynolds number turbulence, multiple regions of separation, and a strong coupling with adjacent physical components makes the problem of airframe noise highly challenging. Since 2010, the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics has organized an ongoing series of workshops devoted to Benchmark Problems for Airframe Noise Computations (BANC). The BANC workshops are aimed at enabling a systematic progress in the understanding and high-fidelity predictions of airframe noise via collaborative investigations that integrate state of the art computational fluid dynamics, computational aeroacoustics, and in depth, holistic, and multifacility measurements targeting a selected set of canonical yet realistic configurations. This paper provides a brief summary of the BANC effort, including its technical objectives, strategy, and selective outcomes thus far

    Spatially Developing Secondary Instabilities and Attachment Line Instability in Supersonic Boundary Layers

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    This paper reports on progress towards developing a spatial stability code for compressible shear flows with two inhomogeneous directions, such as crossflow dominated swept-wing boundary layers and attachment line flows. Certain unique aspects of formulating a spatial, two-dimensional eigenvalue problem for the secondary instability of finite amplitude crossflow vortices are discussed. A primary test case used for parameter study corresponds to the low-speed, NLF-0415(b) airfoil configuration as tested in the ASU Unsteady Wind Tunnel, wherein a spanwise periodic array of roughness elements was placed near the leading edge in order to excite stationary crossflow modes with a specified fundamental wavelength. The two classes of flow conditions selected for this analysis include those for which the roughness array spacing corresponds to either the naturally dominant crossflow wavelength, or a subcritical wavelength that serves to reduce the growth of the naturally excited dominant crossflow modes. Numerical predictions are compared with the measured database, both as indirect validation for the spatial instability analysis and to provide a basis for comparison with a higher Reynolds number, supersonic swept-wing configuration. Application of the eigenvalue analysis to the supersonic configuration reveals that a broad spectrum of stationary crossflow modes can sustain sufficiently strong secondary instabilities as to potentially cause transition over this configuration. Implications of this finding for transition control in swept wing boundary layers are examined. Finally, extension of the spatial stability analysis to supersonic attachment line flows is also considered

    Effects Of Riblets On Skin Friction And Heat Transfer In High-speed Turbulent Boundary Layers

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    Direct numerical simulations of spatially developing turbulent boundary layers over riblets are conducted to examine the effects of riblets on skin friction and heat transfer at high speeds. Zero-pressure gradient boundary layers under two flow conditions (Mach 2.5 with Tw/Tr = 1 and Mach 7.2 with Tw/Tr = 0.5) are considered. Simulations are conducted for boundary-layer flows over a clean surface and symmetric V-groove riblets. The DNS results at Mach 2.5 confirm the few existing experimental observations and show that a drag reduction of approximately 7% can be achieved for riblets with proper spacing. The comparisons in turbulence statistics and flow visualizations between a drag-reducing configuration (s + ≈ 20) and a drag-increasing configuration (s+ ≈ 40) demonstrate that drag reduction mechanisms proposed for incompressible flows can still apply for highspeed boundary layers. DNS studies at Mach 7.2 further show that riblets remain effective in reducing drag in the hypersonic regime. The Reynolds analogy holds with 2Cf/Ch approximately equal to that of flat plates for the drag-reducing configuration. © 2012 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc

    Effects of Riblets on Skin Friction in High-Speed Turbulent Boundary Layers

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    Direct numerical simulations of spatially developing turbulent boundary layers over riblets are conducted to examine the effects of riblets on skin friction at supersonic speeds. Zero-pressure gradient boundary layers with an adiabatic wall, a Mach number of M1 = 2.5, and a Reynolds number based on momentum thickness of Re = 1720 are considered. Simulations are conducted for boundary-layer flows over a clean surface and symmetric V- groove riblets with nominal spacings of 20 and 40 wall units. The DNS results confirm the few existing experimental observations and show that a drag reduction of approximately 7% is achieved for riblets with proper spacing. The influence of riblets on turbulence statistics is analyzed in detail with an emphasis on identifying the differences, if any, between the drag reduction mechanisms for incompressible and high-speed boundary layers
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