188 research outputs found

    A Reinforcement-Learning Approach to Color Quantization

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    [[abstract]]Color quantization is a process of sampling three-dimensional color space (e.g. RGB) to reduce the number of colors in a color image. By reducing to a discrete subset of colors known as a color codebook or palette, each pixel in the original image is mapped to an entry according to these palette colors. In this paper, a reinforcement-learning approach to color image quantization is proposed. Fuzzy rules, which are used to select appropriate parameters for the adaptive clustering algorithm applied to color quantization, are built through reinforcement learning. By comparing this new method with the original adaptive clustering algorithm on 30 color images, our method shows an improvement of 3.3% to 5.8% in peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) values on average and results in savings of about 10% in computation time. Moreover, we demonstrate that reinforcement learning is an efficacious as well as efficient way to provide a solution of the learning problem where there is a lack of knowledge regarding the input-output relationship.[[notice]]補正完畢[[incitationindex]]EI[[booktype]]紙

    AustimSpace: A Visualized Scenario Learning Aid on Tablet PC for Chinese Children with High-Functioning Autism

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    [[abstract]]In this paper, a visualized scenario learning aid on Tablet PC is developed for children with high-functioning autism. The aid assists autistic children in learning how to use daily living equipments or daily living skills with specific scenarios. Caretakers of autistic children can directly design learning targets on the corresponding space, e.g. bathroom or kitchen. When the autistic children select a specific space, this aid shows the possible learning targets. After they click on a learning target, then the corresponding videos or pictures are given. The developed aid links the specific space and its learning objective, thereby enhancing the autistic child’s learning outcome. Furthermore, the developed aid employs a cloud server that enables caretakers to upload and share their self-produced learning scenarios with other caretakers who have similar needs. In addition, the developed aid is available to download cost-free from the iTunes App Store, and the software content is presented in Mandarin Chinese. Users of this aid do not require any cost and a specific level of English ability to use it.[[notice]]補正完畢[[incitationindex]]EI[[booktype]]電子

    A Home Rehabilitation System Combined with Somatosensory Games for Stroke Patients

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    [[abstract]]The rehabilitation is a long and boring process. In order to enhance the entertaining and efficient to rehabilitation, we design a rehabilitation system for stroke patients at home. In this system, two somatosensory games are designed by using kinect. The stroke patients are assigned suitable rehabilitation games targeted at different limbic areas of them, and the system can also document the daily health status and rehabilitation efficiency of patients. Furthermore, by participating in games, patients would be more likely to participate in the tedious rehab process. This result illustrated that the designed system successfully provides a new mode of home rehabilitation for stroke patients.[[notice]]補正完畢[[incitationindex]]EI[[ispeerreviewed]]Y[[booktype]]紙本[[countrycodes]]JP

    Extracting the Critical Frequency Bands to Classify Vigilance States of Rats by Using a Novel Feature Selection Algorithm

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    [[abstract]]Identifying mammalian vigilance states has recently become an important topic in biological science research. The biological researchers concern not only to improve the accuracy rate for classifying the vigilance states, but also to extract the meaningful frequency bands. In this study, we propose a novel feature selection to extract the critical frequency bands of rat’s EEG signals. The proposed algorithm adopts the concept of neighborhood relation during adding and eliminating a candidate feature. In the experiments, the proposed method shows better accuracy rate, and find out the feature subset which locate on the critical frequency bands for recognizing rat’s vigilance states.[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20130224~20130225[[booktype]]電子版[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Rome, Ital

    To Develop the Virtual Physics Laboratory by Integrating Kinect with Gesture Classi-fication Algorithm

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    [[abstract]]Physics is an experimental science, which is through experiments for initiating students into physical concepts and principles. To motivate students in learning physics, in this study, a virtual physics laboratory was developed by using the techniques of Kinect, Unity3D and a gesture classification algorithm. The visual physics experiments were designed in the virtual physics laboratory. The experimental results show that the user can accurately interact with the virtual objects in the virtual physics laboratory, and the developed system provides an interesting way to assist students in learning physics.[[cooperationtype]]國外[[conferencetype]]國際[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Kyoto, Japa

    Extracting and Labelling the Objects from an Image by Using the Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm and a New Cluster Validity

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    [[abstract]]Many real-world and man-made objects are line symmetry. To detection the line-symmetry objects from an image, in this paper, a new cluster validity measure which adopts a non-metric distance measure based on the idea of "line symmetry" is presented. The thresholding technique is first applied to extract the objects from the original image; and the object pixels are transferred to be the data patterns. Then the fuzzy clustering algorithm is applied to label the object pixels; and the proposed validity measure is used in determining the number of objects. Simulation results are used to illustrate the performance of the proposed measure.[[sponsorship]]International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20130224~20130225[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]羅馬, 義大

    A New Measure of Cluster Validity Using Line Symmetry

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    [[abstract]]Many real-world and man-made objects are symmetry, therefore, it is reasonable to assume that some kind of symmetry may exist in data clusters. In this paper a new cluster validity measure which adopts a non-metric distance measure based on the idea of "line symmetry" is presented. The proposed validity measure can be applied in finding the number of clusters of different geometrical structures. Several data sets are used to illustrate the performance of the proposed measure.[[notice]]補正完畢[[journaltype]]國外[[incitationindex]]SCI[[incitationindex]]EI[[ispeerreviewed]]Y[[booktype]]紙本[[booktype]]電子版[[countrycodes]]TW

    Novel polythiophene derivatives functionalized withconjugated side-chain pendants comprisingtriphenylamine/carbazole moieties for photovoltaic cellapplications†

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    We synthesized a series of polythiophenes (PTs) featuring 2-ethylhexyl-substituted terthiophene (T) orquaterthiophene (BT) as the conjugated unit in the polymer backbone with pendant conjugated tertbutyl-substituted triphenylamine (tTPA)- or carbazole (tCz)-containing moieties as side chains, namelyPTtTPA, PBTtTPA, PTtCz and PBTtCz. Incorporating T and BT moieties into the polymer backbone andattaching tTPA or tCz units promoted efficient conjugation within the extended conjugated frameworksof the polymers, resulting in lower band-gap energies and red-shifting of the maximal UV-Visabsorption wavelength. The higher electron-donating ability of tTPA resulted in broader absorptionbands and lower band-gap energies of PTtTPA and PBTtTPA as compared with PTtCz and PBTtCz.Incorporation of the T and BT moieties into the polymer backbone enhanced the compatibility of PTand the fullerene derivative by reducing the side-chain density of PT, thus providing sufficient freevolume for efficient incorporation of [6,6]phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PC61BM) into thepolymer chains. Polymer solar cells (PSCs) were fabricated by spin-coating a blend of each PT with thefullerene derivative (PC61BM) as a composite film-type photoactive layer; PBTtTPA/PC61BM-based PSCsshowed superior photovoltaic (PV) performance to PTtTPA/PC61BM-based PSCs in terms of conjugationand absorption band broadness. However, PBTtCz/PC61BM-based PSCs showed inferior PV performanceto PTtCz/PC61BM-based PSCs. The lower HOMO level led to a higher open-circuit voltage (Voc; 0.74 V)and larger photo-energy conversion efficiency (h; 2.77%) of PTtCz/PC61BM-based PSCs

    Clinical parameters associated with absence of endocervical/transformation zone component in conventional cervical Papanicolaou smears

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    AbstractObjectiveTo study clinical factors predicting the absence of endocervical/transformation zone (EC/TZ) components of conventional cervical Papanicolaou (Pap) smears.Materials and methodsThe medical charts of patients who received Pap smears between March 2006 and August 2006 in the hospital were reviewed. The results of their Pap smears were retrieved while their demographic and clinical information were obtained from the medical charts. After excluding 378 cases with incomplete demographic data and 1397 cases with a history of pelvic irradiation, pelvic malignancy, and hysterectomy, 5662 cases were enrolled for data analysis. The relationship between clinical parameters and the absence of EC/TZ component was analyzed by Pearson Chi-square tests with Yates continuity correction and binary logistic regression tests.ResultsThe incidence of satisfactory but absence of EC/TZ component was 8.7% (491/5662). Pregnancy increased the absence of EC/TZ component [odds ratio (OR}: 2.84, 95% confidence interval (CI): 2.14–3.77, p<0.0001]. Postpartum status and endocervical polyps decreased incidence (OR: 0.61, 95% CI: 0.38–0.98, p = 0.043 and OR: 0.33, 95% CI: 0.25–0.44, p<0.0001, respectively).ConclusionsPregnancy is the only clinical factor associated with increased incidence of absence of EC/TZ cells. For these pregnant women undergoing a Pap smear, a more effective strategy may be needed to get a satisfactory smear with adequate EC/TZ components