Extracting and Labelling the Objects from an Image by Using the Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm and a New Cluster Validity


[[abstract]]Many real-world and man-made objects are line symmetry. To detection the line-symmetry objects from an image, in this paper, a new cluster validity measure which adopts a non-metric distance measure based on the idea of "line symmetry" is presented. The thresholding technique is first applied to extract the objects from the original image; and the object pixels are transferred to be the data patterns. Then the fuzzy clustering algorithm is applied to label the object pixels; and the proposed validity measure is used in determining the number of objects. Simulation results are used to illustrate the performance of the proposed measure.[[sponsorship]]International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20130224~20130225[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]羅馬, 義大

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