462 research outputs found

    Temporal Arteritis

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    Temporal arteritis, a chronic inflammatory vasculitis involving medium- and large-sized arteries, has rarely been reported in Asia. However, we report 2 cases, in which the patients initially presented with headache. Physical examination disclosed engorged, hard and palpable vessels in the temporal areas. Temporal-artery biopsy revealed 2 different types of arteritis: the multinucleated giant cell type and the panarteritis type without multinucleated giant cells. One patient was positive for immunoglobulin G anticardiolipin antibody. The pathologic findings of the different subsets of temporal arteritis, and the relationship between anticardiolipin antibody and the extent of vascular complications of temporal arteritis, are discussed

    Extensive hepatic infarction in severe preeclampsia as part of the HELLP syndrome (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets): Evolution of CT findings and successful treatment with plasma exchange therapy

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    AbstractObjectiveWe describe the serial computed tomography (CT) findings of extensive hepatic infarction and successful plasma exchange therapy in a severe preeclamptic woman with postpartum HELLP syndrome.Case ReportA 38 year-old woman presented with elevated blood pressure of 140–180/90–120 mmHg and 3+ proteinuria at 28 weeks of gestation. Two days after admission, the patient suddenly complained of severe epigastric pain and headache. Her blood pressure rose sharply to 195/120 mmHg. A 980 g female was delivered by emergency cesarean section. Following delivery, the patient's clinical condition and laboratory values deteriorated, with progressive liver insufficiency (peak AST level = 4246 IU/L, ALT = 3685 IU/L, LDH = 6237 IU/L, platelets = 72,000/mm3). Two consecutive plasma exchanges (PEX) were undertaken on the 3rd and 4th postpartum day. A contrast-enhanced CT of the abdomen performed 8 days postpartum showed geographically wedge-shaped areas of low attenuation, with a mottled appearance in the right hepatic lobe. Shortly thereafter, the patient recovered and all laboratory parameters gradually normalized 3 weeks after delivery. Follow-up CT-scan of the liver 2 months postpartum showed no evidence of infarction, with complete recovery.ConclusionWe recommend that severely ill patients with HELLP syndrome having epigastric pain should undergo CT imaging of the liver. A trial of postpartum PEX therapy should be considered for treatment of the HELLP syndrome complicated with hepatic infarction, which is recalcitrant to conventional medical management, and fails to abate within 72–96 hours of delivery

    The yeast Cdc8 exhibits both deoxythymidine monophosphate and diphosphate kinase activities

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    AbstractThe existence of multifunctional enzymes in the nucleotide biosynthesis pathways is believed to be one of the important mechanisms to facilitate the synthesis and the efficient supply of deoxyribonucleotides for DNA replication. Here, we used the bacterially expressed yeast thymidylate kinase (encoded by the CDC8 gene) to demonstrate that the purified Cdc8 protein possessed thymidylate-specific nucleoside diphosphate kinase activity in addition to thymidylate kinase activity. The yeast endogenous nucleoside diphosphate kinase is encoded by YNK1, which appears to be non-essential. Our results suggest that Cdc8 has dual enzyme activities and could duplicate the function of Ynk1 in thymidylate synthesis. We also discuss the importance of the coordinated expression of CDC8 during the cell cycle progression in yeast

    The design of a prospective, randomized, open-labeled study to compare the efficacy of lercanidipine with amlodipine on renal function in hypertensive patients aged at least 55 years (LEADER study)

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    AbstractBackgroundAlthough all classes of antihypertensive treatment can successfully reduce morbidity and mortality of cardiac pathology, prevention of target organ damages is of great importance beyond blood pressure lowering. Unlike most dihydropyridines, lercanidipine dilates both afferent and the efferent arterioles of nephrons, so it may provide renoprotective effects, which other CCBs may not have. The main purpose of this study is to compare the renoprotective effect of lercanidipine and amlodipine among hypertensive people aged 55years and older with newly diagnosed hypertension or those who were treatment-naïve for one month.MethodsThe study is a prospective, open-labelled, randomized, controlled trial to enrol 232 hypertensive patients aged ≥55 years. Subjects will be randomized into lercanidipine arm (10–20mg/day) and amlodipine arm (5–10mg/day) by 1:1 ratio. The dosage can be up-titrated to 20mg/day (lercanidipine group) and 10mg/day (amlodipine group), respectively, at week 4 or any following visit thereafter. Efficacy and safety data will be collected at week 4, 12 and 24 by evaluating the blood pressure lowering, estimated glomerular filtration rate, creatinine clearance, and urine albumin-creatinine ratio.ConclusionsThe reno-protective effects of new generation of CCBs such as lercanidipine administered to patients with hypertension are not investigated well. After all, this study will bring benefit to older patients who need drugs with both excellent anti-hypertensive and reno-protective efficacy. And the results will be provided for future treatment guideline of elder population in Taiwan

    Effects of and satisfaction with short message service reminders for patient medication adherence: a randomized controlled study

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    BACKGROUND: Medication adherence is critical for patient treatment. This study involved evaluating how implementing Short Message Service (SMS) reminders affected patient medication adherence and related factors. METHODS: We used a structured questionnaire to survey outpatients at three medical centers. Patients aged 20 years and older who were prescribed more than 7 days of a prescription medication were randomized into SMS intervention or control groups. The intervention group received daily messages reminding them of aspects regarding taking their medication; the control group received no messages. A phone follow-up was performed to assess outcomes after 8 days. Data were collected from 763 participants in the intervention group and 435 participants in the control group. RESULTS: After participants in the intervention group received SMS reminders to take medication or those in the control group received no messages, incidences of delayed doses were decreased by 46.4 and 78.8% for those in the control and intervention groups, respectively. The rate of missed doses was decreased by 90.1% for participants in the intervention group and 61.1% for those in the control group. We applied logistic regression analysis and determined that participants in the intervention group had a 3.2-fold higher probability of having a decrease in delayed doses compared with participants in the control group. Participants in the intervention group also showed a 2.2-fold higher probability of having a decrease in missed doses compared with participants in the control group. CONCLUSIONS: Use of SMS significantly affected the rates of taking medicine on schedule. Therefore, daily SMS could be useful for reminding patients to take their medicine on schedule

    An Evaluation of the Additive Effect of Natural Herbal Medicine on SARS or SARS-like Infectious Diseases in 2003: A Randomized, Double-blind, and Controlled Pilot Study

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    Natural herbal medicine (NHM) has been used to control infectious diseases for thousands of years. In view of the possible beneficial effect of NHM on SARS, we conducted this study to examine whether NHM is of any benefit as a supplementary treatment of SARS or SARS-like infectious disease. This was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Twenty-eight patients fulfilled the WHO inclusion criteria and our exclusion criteria. All enrolled patients received routine western-medicine treatment. Patients were randomly allocated to one of the three supplementary treatment groups: NHM A (Group A, n = 9) NHM B (Group B, n = 9) or placebo (Group C, n = 10). Chest X-ray was done every 1 or 2 days for every patient. Reading radiologists use a standard 0–3 scoring system (0: no infiltration; 1: focal haziness or even small patchy lesion; 2: ground glass picture; 3: lobar consolidation) according to the severity of infiltration in each lung field (three lung fields in both right and left lungs). The main outcome measurements were the improving chest radiographic scores (IRS) and the duration (days) till improvement (DI). One patient from the placebo group passed away. Patients from NHM A took less days before showing improvement (6.7 ± 1.8) compared with placebo group (11.2 ± 4.9), which showed statistical significance (P = 0.04). The cases were too few to be conclusive, the initial observations seem to indicate NHM appears to be safe in non-criticallly ill patients and clinical trials are feasible in the setting of pandemic outbreaks

    Application of Frequent Itemsets Mining to Analyze Patterns of One-Stop Visits in Taiwan

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    BACKGROUND: The free choice of health care facilities without limitations on frequency of visits within the National Health Insurance in Taiwan gives rise to not only a high number of annual ambulatory visits per capita but also a unique "one-stop shopping"phenomenon, which refers to a patient' visits to several specialties of the same healthcare facility in one day. The visits to multiple physicians would increase the potential risk of polypharmacy. The aim of this study was to analyze the frequency and patterns of one-stop visits in Taiwan. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The claims datasets of 1 million nationally representative people within Taiwan's National Health Insurance in 2005 were used to calculate the number of patients with one-stop visits. The frequent itemsets mining was applied to compute the combination patterns of specialties in the one-stop visits. Among the total 13,682,469 ambulatory care visits in 2005, one-stop visits occurred 144,132 times and involved 296,822 visits (2.2% of all visits) by 66,294 (6.6%) persons. People tended to have this behavior with age and the percentage reached 27.5% (5,662 in 20,579) in the age group ≥80 years. In general, women were more likely to have one-stop visits than men (7.2% vs. 6.0%). Internal medicine plus ophthalmology was the most frequent combination with a visited frequency of 3,552 times (2.5%), followed by cardiology plus neurology with 3,183 times (2.2%). The most frequent three-specialty combination, cardiology plus neurology and gastroenterology, occurred only 111 times. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Without the novel computational technique, it would be hardly possible to analyze the extremely diverse combination patterns of specialties in one-stop visits. The results of the study could provide useful information either for the hospital manager to set up integrated services or for the policymaker to rebuild the health care system

    Rate of Evolution in Brain-Expressed Genes in Humans and Other Primates

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    Brain-expressed genes are known to evolve slowly in mammals. Nevertheless, since brains of higher primates have evolved rapidly, one might expect acceleration in DNA sequence evolution in their brain-expressed genes. In this study, we carried out full-length cDNA sequencing on the brain transcriptome of an Old World monkey (OWM) and then conducted three-way comparisons among (i) mouse, OWM, and human, and (ii) OWM, chimpanzee, and human. Although brain-expressed genes indeed appear to evolve more rapidly in species with more advanced brains (apes > OWM > mouse), a similar lineage effect is observable for most other genes. The broad inclusion of genes in the reference set to represent the genomic average is therefore critical to this type of analysis. Calibrated against the genomic average, the rate of evolution among brain-expressed genes is probably lower (or at most equal) in humans than in chimpanzee and OWM. Interestingly, the trend of slow evolution in coding sequence is no less pronounced among brain-specific genes, vis-à-vis brain-expressed genes in general. The human brain may thus differ from those of our close relatives in two opposite directions: (i) faster evolution in gene expression, and (ii) a likely slowdown in the evolution of protein sequences. Possible explanations and hypotheses are discussed