549 research outputs found

    Micromoments Matter: Finding Agency and Connection Through a Micromoments Mindset

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    As humans, our tendency is to reduce uncertainty, leading us to want to hold things still rather than accept the inevitable change that comes (Langer, 2009). However, psychological and behavioral attempts to do so can result in clinging to outdated and erroneous information, limiting our perspectives and narrowing opportunities for meaningful choice. In this paper, we merge Western psychology and Eastern wisdom traditions and build upon conceptions of mindfulness from both perspectives, to present our theory of the micromoments mindset as a tool for well-being. We define a micromoment as both the instant opening into conscious awareness of the present moment, as well as the brief stretch of experience that follows, until awareness recedes. A micromoments mindset is the cognitive prioritization toward these openings. It serves as both an entryway into mindfulness and the experience of being more mindful within the micromoment. We argue that tapping into micromoments throughout our days can facilitate factors of well-being, particularly agency and connection, so that we have more tools for living with intention in the world of uncertainty and flux in which we find ourselves. We also present the PEACE framework for optimizing well-being within micromoments

    Boundary Layer Instabilities Generated by Freestream Laser Perturbations

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    A controlled, laser-generated, freestream perturbation was created in the freestream of the Boeing/AFOSR Mach-6 Quiet Tunnel (BAM6QT). The freestream perturbation convected downstream in the Mach-6 wind tunnel to interact with a flared cone model. The geometry of the flared cone is a body of revolution bounded by a circular arc with a 3-meter radius. Fourteen PCB 132A31 pressure transducers were used to measure a wave packet generated in the cone boundary layer by the freestream perturbation. This wave packet grew large and became nonlinear before experiencing natural transition in quiet flow. Breakdown of this wave packet occurred when the amplitude of the pressure fluctuations was approximately 10% of the surface pressure for a nominally sharp nosetip. The initial amplitude of the second mode instability on the blunt flared cone is estimated to be on the order of 10 6 times the freestream static pressure. The freestream laser-generated perturbation was positioned upstream of the model in three different configurations: on the centerline, offset from the centerline by 1.5 mm, and offset from the centerline by 3.0 mm. When the perturbation was offset from the centerline of a blunt flared cone, a larger wave packet was generated on the side toward which the perturbation was offset. The offset perturbation did not show as much of an effect on the wave packet on a sharp flared cone as it did on a blunt flared cone

    Transition Induced by a Streamwise Array of Roughness Elements on a Supersonic Flat Plate

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    Roughness is unavoidable on practical high-speed vehicles, so it is critical to determine its impact on boundary layer transition. The flow field downstream of a streamwise array of cylindrical roughness elements is probed with hot-wire anemometry in this experiment. Mean flow distortion is examined in several measurement planes in the wake of the cylindrical roughness using the streak strength profiles and contour plots of the mass flux and total temperature. The roughness element heights and spacings were varied and their instability modes were examined. Cylindrical roughness elements approximately 140 micron tall produce an odd instability mode that grows weakly with downstream distance in the measurement range of this experiment. Cylindrical roughness elements approximately 280 micron tall produce an even instability mode that grows, becomes nonlinear, and then breaks down. Transition onset remains constant relative to the most downstream roughness in the streamwise array when the 280 micron roughness elements are spaced 2 diameters apart. Transition onset occurs at an earlier upstream location relative to the most downstream roughness in the streamwise array when the roughness elements are spaced 4 diameters appear to recover before the next downstream roughness element, so the location of transition shifts with the location of the most downstream roughness element in the array. When the rough- apart. The wake behind roughness elements spaced 2 diameters apart do not ness elements are spaced 4 diameters apart, the flow behind the first roughness element has enough space to recover before feeding into the second roughness element, and thus, moves transition forward

    Time-Frequency Analysis of Boundary-Layer Instabilites Generated by Freestream Laser Perturbations

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    A controlled disturbance is generated in the freestream of the Boeing/AFOSR Mach-6 Quiet Tunnel (BAM6QT) by focusing a high-powered Nd:YAG laser to create a laser-induced breakdown plasma. The plasma then cools, creating a freestream thermal disturbance that can be used to study receptivity. The freestream disturbance convects down-stream in the Mach-6 wind tunnel to interact with a flared cone model. The adverse pressure gradient created by the flare of the model is capable of generating second-mode instability waves that grow large and become nonlinear before experiencing natural transition in quiet flow. The freestream laser perturbation generates a wave packet in the boundary layer at the same frequency as the natural second mode, complicating time-independent analyses of the effect of the laser perturbation. The data show that the laser perturbation creates an instability wave packet that is larger than the natural waves on the sharp flared cone. The wave packet is still difficult to distinguish from the natural instabilities on the blunt flared cone

    Azimuthal Variation of Instabilities Generated on a Flared Cone by Laser Perturbations

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    To study the azimuthal development of boundary-layer instabilities, a controlled, laser-generated perturbation was created in the freestream of the Boeing/U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research Mach 6 Quiet Tunnel. The freestream perturbation convected downstream in the wind tunnel to interact with a flared-cone model. The flared cone is a body of revolution bounded by a circular arc with a 3 m radius. Pressure transducers were used to measure a wave packet generated in the cone boundary layer by the freestream perturbation. Nine of these sensors formed three stations of azimuthal arrays and were used to determine the azimuthal variation of the wave packets in the boundary layer. The freestream laser-generated perturbation was positioned upstream of the model in three different configurations: along the centerline axis, offset from the centerline axis by 1.5 mm, and offset from the centerline axis by 3.0 mm. When the freestream perturbation was offset from the centerline of a flared cone with a 1.0 mm nose radius, a larger wave packet was generated on the side toward which the perturbation was offset. As a result, transition occurred earlier on that side. The offset perturbation did not have as large of an effect on the boundary layer of a nominally sharp flared cone

    Two-Point Focused Laser Differential Interferometry Second-Mode Measurements at Mach 6

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    A two-point focused laser differential interferometer (FLDI) is used to make measurements of density fluctuations on a 7 degree half-angle cone in a Mach 6 flow. The system was first characterized in the laboratory using laser induced breakdown to provide a well defined density fluctuation. The speed of the shock wave generated by the breakdown is verified using simultaneous high-speed schlieren. The FLDI system is then installed at the NASA Langley 20-Inch Mach 6 air tunnel to make measurements in the boundary layer of the 7 degree half-angle cone model and in the tunnel freestream for a unit Reynolds number range of 3.0 to 8.22 x 10(exp 6)/ft. Second-mode packets are visible in the spectra, with peak frequencies increasing linearly and peak amplitude increasing as a function of unit Reynolds number. The two-point measurement allows for the calculation of the second-mode wavepacket speeds, which propagate between 88% and 92% of the freestream velocity of the tunnel for all Reynolds numbers. The FLDI measurements are compared to surface-mounted fast-response pressure transducer measurements, where second-mode frequencies and wavepacket speeds are in good agreement

    Supersonic Crossflow Transition Control in Ground and Flight Tests

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    This paper describes the use of distributed-roughness-element (DRE) patterns along a Mach 2 design swept-wing leading edge to increase the laminar flow extent and thereby reduce drag. One swept-wing model was tested in a supersonic wind tunnel as well as beneath a supersonic flight vehicle. Wing model surface data acquired during these tests included pressures, temperatures, and boundary-layer transition locations. Similarities and differences in experimental results are discussed. While wind tunnel and flight results show some differences, the wind tunnel results still provide key insights necessary for understanding how to design effective DRE patterns for use in flight applications. Experimental results demonstrate a DRE flow control effect observed in flight similar to that observed in the wind tunnel. Finally, a different perspective is discussed concerning what flow control role RE patterns might perform in any future swept-wing laminar flow control applications

    Transition Induced by Tandem Rectangular Roughness Elements on a Supersonic Flat Plate

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    The flow behind two rectangular roughness elements with a height approximately 38-41 percent of the boundary layer thickness was examined with a hot-wire probe. The rectangular roughness elements are oriented so that one element was at a plus 45-degree angle relative to the leading edge of the plate. A second roughness element was placed 7.16 millimeters downstream of the first one with either the same orientation relative to the leading edge of the plate, or an opposing orientation of minus 45 degrees from the leading edge. Mean mass-flux and total-temperature profiles of the flow field downstream of the tandem roughness elements were examined for mean-flow distortion. Using streak strength as a measure of mean-flow distortion, the tandem roughness elements had approximately the same amount of distortion, regardless of their relative orientation. Mass-flux fluctuation profiles show that the dominant mode downstream of the tandem roughness elements with the same orientation was similar to that of a single roughness element and centered at a frequency of approximately 55 kilohertz (kHz). The dominant instability downstream of the tandem roughness elements with opposing orientation was centered at a frequency of 65 kHz and grew more slowly than the instabilities behind the single roughness element

    Characterization of a Laser-Generated Perturbation in High-Speed Flow for Receptivity Studies

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    A better understanding of receptivity can contribute to the development of an amplitude-based method of transition prediction. This type of prediction model would incorporate more physics than the semi-empirical methods, which are widely used. The experimental study of receptivity requires a characterization of the external disturbances and a study of their effect on the boundary layer instabilities. Characterization measurements for a laser-generated perturbation were made in two different wind tunnels. These measurements were made with hot-wire probes, optical techniques, and pressure transducer probes. Existing methods all have their limitations, so better measurements will require the development of new instrumentation. Nevertheless, the freestream laser-generated perturbation has been shown to be about 6 mm in diameter at a static density of about 0.045 kg/cubic m. The amplitude of the perturbation is large, which may be unsuitable for the study of linear growth
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