33 research outputs found

    Correlations between Repeated Use of Dry Sauna for 4 x 10 Minutes, Physiological Parameters, Anthropometric Features and Body Composition in Young Sedentary and Overweight Men:Health Implications

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    Background. The effect of thermal stress on the physiological parameters of young overweight and sedentary men who sporadically use the sauna remains insufficiently investigated. Aim. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of sauna bathing on the physiological parameters of young overweight, physically inactive men and to test the correlations between physiological parameters versus anthropometric features and body composition parameters. Materials and Methods. Forty-five overweight and sedentary men aged 20.76±2.4 y were exposed to four sauna sessions of 10 minutes each (temperature: 90-91°C; relative humidity: 14-16 %) with four 5-minute cool-down breaks. Body composition was determined before sauna, and body mass and blood pressure were measured before and after sauna. Physiological parameters were monitored during four 10-minute sauna sessions. Results. A significant (p<0.0001) increase in all analyzed physiological parameters was observed during four successive 10-minute sauna sessions. Heart rate, energy expenditure, blood pressure, and body mass loss were most strongly correlated with anthropometric parameters (body mass, body mass index, and body surface area) and body composition parameters (percent body fat, body fat mass, and visceral fat level). The 60-minute treatment resulted in a significant reduction in body mass (0.65 kg). Conclusions. Repeated use of Finnish sauna induces significant changes in the physiological parameters of young sedentary overweight men, and these changes are intensified during successive treatments. Deleterious cardiovascular adaptations were most prevalent in men characterized by the highest degree of obesity and the largest body size

    Sauna-Induced Body Mass Loss in Young Sedentary Women and Men

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and body mass loss (BML) induced by thermal stress in a dry sauna. The study was conducted on a group of 674 sedentary students, 326 women and 348 men aged 19-20. The correlations between BMI scores and BML were determined. The subjects were placed in supine position in a dry sauna for two sessions of 10 minutes each with a 5-minute break. The influence of BMI on the amount of BML in the sauna was determined by nonlinear stepwise regression. The smallest BML was noted in underweight subjects; students with normal weight lost more weight, whereas the greatest BML was reported in overweight and obese subjects. Persons with a high BMI are at higher risk of dehydration, and they should pay particular attention to replenishing fluids during a visit to the sauna. The proposed equations for calculating BML based on a person's BMI can be useful in estimating the amount of fluids that should be replenished by both men and women during a visit to a dry sauna

    Assessment of the Physical and Energetic Properties of Fuel Pellets Made from Sage Waste Biomass with the Addition of Rye Bran

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of rye bran addition on the pelleting process of sage waste biomass, and the quality and energetic properties of fuel pellets. The pelleting process was conducted on an SS-4 test stand equipped with a P-300 pelletizer with flat die roller compactors. The addition of 20% rye bran reduced the pelletizer’s power/energy consumption from 3.75 kW/107 kWh t−1 (0% rye bran content) to 3.19 kW/91 kWh t−1, decreased physical and bulk density, and increased the pellet durability index (PDI). The higher heating value—HHV (19.39 MJ kg−1 at 10% humidity) and the lower heating value—LHV (18.17 MJ kg−1) of sage waste biomass indicate that this plant material is highly suitable for heat generation. The addition of 20% rye bran decreased HHV by 2.07% and LHV by 2.67%

    An Analysis of Selected Physical Properties of Ancient Wheat Species

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    Recent years have witnessed a revived interest in ancient wheats on account of their health-promoting properties. The aim of this study was to determine selected physical properties of hulled and hulless kernels of ancient wheats for optimizing the parameters of seed processing operations such as husking, cleaning, and sorting. The geometric parameters (length, width and thickness), mass, and angle of external friction (on steel and PVC) of hulled and hulless spelt, emmer, and einkorn kernels were determined. The spikelets and kernels of ancient wheats are characterized by similar physical properties and differ most considerably in mass

    Optimization of the Separation Parameters and Indicators of Separation Efficiency of Buckwheat Seeds

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    The separation parameters and the indicators of separation efficiency for buckwheat seeds and impurities that are difficult to separate were optimized with the use of self-designed software based on genetic algorithms. The results of the calculations differed significantly from the suboptimal values determined in previous studies. The optimal values of the indicator of separation efficiency were higher; whereas the values of the indicator of buckwheat seed loss were significantly lower. The optimal working parameters for a seed separator in order to promote separation efficiency were determined

    Geometric models for analyzing the shape of cauliflower heads

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    Selected geometric properties of cauliflower heads cv. Gohan F1 were analyzed by building numerical models with the use of a 3D scanner. Geometric models of cauliflower heads were developed in ScanStudio HD PRO, FreeCAD, and MeshLab programs. Five geometric models describing the shape of cauliflower heads were generated with the use basic geometric figures and drawing tools in FreeCAD. The geometry of numerical models and geometric models was compared in GOM Inspect. The surface area, volume, and detailed geometric dimensions of the developed models were determined. The deviations in cauliflower dimensions calculated by geometric models were mapped. The surface area, volume, and geometric dimensions of cauliflower heads were most accurately represented by the model generated with the Quadric Edge Collapse Decimation (QECD) function. In this model, the relative error of surface area measurements did not exceed 5%, and the relative error of volume measurements did not exceed 4%. This model was also characterized by the smallest average maximum deviation (+) and the smallest average minimum deviation (-) which was estimated at 8%. The proposed geometric model can be used for research and design purposes


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    Cel: Celem pracy jest określenie związków między cechami antropometrycznymi (masa ciała, wysokość ciała, długość kończyn dolnych i górnych) i BMI a poziomem zdolności motorycznych młodych kobiet i mężczyzn, w teście skiping z klaskaniem – 8 s (8s-SHC). W badaniach analizowano także zmiany w zakresie HR oraz zróżnicowanie płciowe badanych pod względem rozwoju somatyczno-motorycznego. Materiał i metody: W badaniach uczestniczyło 102 studentki i 108 studentów (wiek odpowiednio: 19,40 ± 0,493 lat i 19,57 ± 0,497 lat) Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie (UWM). U badanych dokonano pomiaru masy i wysokości ciała oraz długości kończyn dolnych i górnych, a na ich podstawie obliczono BMI. Poziom zdolności szybkościowych zbadano przy pomocy 8s-SHC. Dodatkowo zmierzono HR przed i po wysiłku oraz obliczono jego przyrost i spadek. Dla wszystkich badanych cech obliczono podstawowe charakterystyki statystyczne oraz współczynniki korelacji przy zastosowaniu nieparametrycznego testu U Manna-Whitneya pomiędzy cechami antropometrycznymi, HR i wynikami uzyskanymi w 8s-SHC. Wyniki: Mężczyźni charakteryzują się istotnie wyższymi (p<0,01) wartościami cech antropometrycznych (masa ciała, wysokość ciała, długość kończyn dolnych i górnych) oraz wykonują istotnie więcej klaśnięć od kobiet w teście 8s-SHC (odpowiednio: 25,95 ± 2,111 i 23,98 ± 2,068 klaśnięć, p<0,01). Liczba klaśnięć wykonywanych podczas 8s-SHC oraz wartości HR maleją istotnie wraz ze wzrostem wysokości i masy ciała oraz BMI. Wnioski: Wzrost wielkości ciała wpływa istotnie negatywnie na poziom zdolności szybkościowych u młodych kobiet i mężczyzn w teście 8s-SHC.Aim: The aim of the study is to determine relationships between anthropometric characteristics (body weight, body height, and length of upper and lower limbs), the BMI and the level of motor abilities of young women and men in the 8-second skipping with hand clapping test (8s-SHC). In the research, changes in the HR and gender the somatomotoric development were also analyzed. Material & Methods: In the research 102 female and 108 male students of University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn participated (aged 19.40 ± 0.493 and 19.57 ± 0.497 respectively). In the study, the participants' body mass, body height and the length of upper and lower limbs were measured. On the basis of the measurements, the BMI was calculated. The speed abilities were analyzed with the use of the 8s-SHC. Additionally, the HR before and after the physical effort was measured and its increase and decrease were calculated. For all analyzed indicators, the descriptive statistics and the correlation coefficients between the anthropometric features, the HR and the results gained in the 8s-SHC were calculated with the use of the nonparametric Mann–Whitney U test. Results: Men are characterized by significantly higher (p<0.01) values of anthropometric features (body mass, body height, the length of upper and lower limbs) and they perform significantly more hand clapping than women in the 8s-SHC (25.95 ± 2.111 and 23.98 ± 2.068 of hand clapping, respectively, p<0.01). The number of hand clapping performed during the 8s-SHC and the HR values decrease significantly with the increase of body weight, body height and the BMI. Conclusions: An increase in the body size of young women and men has a significant negative effect on their speed abilities measured in the 8s-SHC test

    Analiza procesu obłuskiwania orkiszu w seperatorze cylindrycznym

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    Spelt is one of unprofitable wheat types and requires an additional hulling process, in which the husks are removed from the grain. A device for dehulling spelt kernels was proposed. The described solution consists of a stainless-steel wire mesh cylinder with 4×20 mm and 4×30 mm longitudinal openings and a rotor with adjustable blade angles. Kernels were dehulled at the following angular speeds of the shaft: 16.76, 23.04, 29.32, 35.60, and 41.89 rad‧s-1 , and the following rotor blade angles: 50°, 60°, 70°, 80°, and 90°. The efficiency of glume and glumelle removal, the proportion of damaged kernels, and kernel and husk separation efficiency were evaluated during the experiment. The highest of kernel separation efficiency ηz was 81.86% using a wire mesh cylinder with 4×30 mm longitudinal openings and 81.60% for a wire mesh cylinder with 4×20 mm longitudinal openings.Orkisz jako pszenica miewymłacalna wymaga dodatkowego procesu obłuskiwania, w którym zostają usunięte z ziarna plewy i plewki. W pracy przedstawiono rozwiązanie konstrukcyjne obłuskiwacza ziarna orkiszu. W pracy przedstawiono rozwiązanie konstrukcyjne obłuskiwacza ziarna orkiszu. Istotą rozwiązania jest zastosowanie w badaniach powierzchni trącej w postaci sita cylindrycznego stalowego o otworach podłużnych 4×20 mm i 4×30 mm wyposażonego w wirnik z możliwością regulacji kąta pochylenia jego łopat. W urządzeniu stosowano pięć prędkości kątowych wału wirnika: 16,76; 23,04; 29,32; 35,60 oraz 41,89 rad‧s-1 oraz pięć kątów położenia łopat wirnika: 50°, 60°, 70°, 80°, oraz 90°. Przeprowadzony eksperyment pozwolił ocenić efektywność usuwania plew i plewek z ziarna orkiszu pod kątem: uszkodzeń i skuteczności wydzielenia ziarniaków oraz skuteczności wydzielenia plew. Stosując jako powierzchnię trącą cylinder sitowy o otworach podłużnych 4×30 mm największa skuteczność wydzielenia ziarniaków ηz wynosiła 81.86%. W przypadku cylindra sitowego o otworach podłużnych 4×20 mm największa skuteczność wydzielenia ziarniaków ηz 81.60%