31 research outputs found

    Co-encapsulation of human serum albumin and superparamagnetic iron oxide in PLGA nanoparticles: Part I. Effect of process variables on the mean size

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    PLGA (poly d,l-lactic-co-glycolic acid) nanoparticles (NPs) encapsulating magnetite nanoparticles (MNPs) along with a model drug human serum albumin (HSA) were prepared by double emulsion solvent evaporation method. This Part I will focus on size and size distribution of prepared NPs, whereas encapsulation efficiency will be discussed in Part II. It was found that mean hydrodynamic particle size was influenced by five important process variables. To explore their effects, a five-factorial, three-level experimental design and statistical analysis were carried out using STATISTICA® software. Effect of process variables on the mean size of nanoparticles was investigated and finally conditions to minimize size of NPs were proposed. GAMS™/MINOS software was used for optimization. The mean hydrodynamic size of nanoparticles ranged from 115 to 329 nm depending on the process conditions. Smallest possible mean particle size can be achieved by using low polymer concentration and high dispersion energy (enough sonication time) along with small aqueous/organic volume ratio

    Role of antioxidant enzymes and small molecular weight antioxidants in the pathogenesis of age-related macular degeneration (AMD)

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    Nevo da epidermólise bolhosa: aspectos clínicos, dermatoscópicos e histológicos em um caso de portador da forma distrófica recessiva Epidermolysis bullosa nevi: clinical, dermatoscopical and histological features in a case of recessive dystrofic form

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    As lesões melanocíticas adquiridas podem apresentar aspecto clínico não-usual em pacientes portadores de epidermólise bolhosa hereditária. Essas lesões são conhecidas como "nevos EB" e, muitas vezes, constituem um desafio diagnóstico ao dermatologista por apresentarem características clínicas, dermatoscópicas e histopatológicas semelhantes às encontradas no melanoma. Não são exclusivas de nenhuma forma de epidermólise bolhosa e têm sua frequência aumentada na infância. Relata-se o caso de um doente do sexo masculino, de 6 meses de idade, portador da forma distrófica recessiva da doença, com lesão pigmentada de rápido crescimento na coxa esquerda. Optou-se por seguimento clínico da lesão, considerando que os aspectos clínicos, dermatoscópicos e histológicos eram compatíveis com a descrição de outros casos de nevo EB previamente descritos<br>Acquired melanocytic lesions may present unusual clinical features in all forms of hereditary epidermolysis bullosa. These lesions are known as "EB nevi", and often pose a diagnostic challenge for dermatologists given their resemblance - clinically, dermoscopically and histologically - to melanoma. The lesions have been reported in all types of hereditary EB, most of them in childhood. We report the case of a 6-month-old boy suffering from recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (RDEB) that presented as a large pigmented lesion on his left thigh. We decided to monitor the lesion closely since we considered that the clinical and pathological aspects of the lesion were compatible with the description of other previously reported cases of EB nev

    A equipe multiprofissional da 'Saúde da Família': uma reflexão sobre o papel do fisioterapeuta 'Family health' multiprofessional teams: a reflection on the physiotherapist's role

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    Este artigo pretende contribuir para o debate instituído sobre a composição das equipes de Saúde da Família. Deve ser apreendido como uma reflexão sobre a possibilidade de integração do fisioterapeuta nas equipes, na intenção de mostrar os aspectos da profissão que a tornam capaz de potencializar a resolutividade da atenção básica. No estudo, foram analisados os documentos legais que aprovam as normas para habilitação ao exercício da profissão de fisioterapeuta. Nos anos setenta e oitenta, acompanhando a reforma sanitária brasileira, tais documentos oficializaram o processo que levou a fisioterapia, profissão historicamente reconhecida pela atuação clínica, a mudar seu objeto de trabalho, aproximando o fisioterapeuta de práticas preventivas e de promoção da saúde, típicas do primeiro nível do cuidado. Concluiu-se que tal mudança abriu importante espaço de integração ainda pouco trabalhado e propõe-se seu aprofundamento, direcionando a reflexão para as formas de integração e a necessidade que se impõe aos gestores de planejar suas ações de forma articulada com a comunidade, a partir da análise da situação de saúde no nível local, garantindo a intervenção sobre problemas e grupos populacionais prioritários.<br>This article is intended to contribute for the debate instituted about the composition of "Family Health" teams. It must be understood as a reflection about the possibility of integrating the physiotherapist to those teams, aiming to present some aspects of the profession that might potentially improve the outcomes of primary health care. On this study, we analyze the legal documents that approve the rules for qualifying professional physiotherapists. In the 1970s and 1980s, following Brazilian sanitary reform, those documents made official the process that led physiotherapy, which was historically recognized for its clinic acting, into a shift on its work object. This change approximated physiotherapists to preventive and health promotion practices, typical of the first level of care. We conclude that such changes opened an important space for integration still little explored. We propose to strengthen these new fields, by focusing the reflection on integration forms and on the necessity to impose to managers to plan their actions in association with the community, taking into account the local health situation and assuring intervention on problems according to priority population groups

    Cell cycle analysis can differentiate thin melanomas from dysplastic nevi and reveals accelerated replication in thick melanomas.

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    Cell replication integrates aberrations of cell cycle regulation and diverse upstream pathways which all can contribute to melanoma development and progression. In this study, cell cycle regulatory proteins were detected in situ in benign and malignant melanocytic tumors to allow correlation of major cell cycle fractions (G1, S-G2, and G2-M) with melanoma evolution. Dysplastic nevi expressed early cell cycle markers (cyclin D1 and cyclin-dependent kinase 2; Cdk2) significantly more (p 1 mm) than in thin melanomas. Marker expression did not differ between metastatic melanomas and thick melanomas, with the exception of aurora kinase A of which the expression was higher in metastatic melanomas. Combined detection of cyclin A (post-G1 phase) with Mcm6 (replication licensing) and Ki67 correctly classified thin melanomas and dysplastic nevi in 95.9 % of the original samples and in 93.2 % of cross-validated grouped cases at 89.5 % sensitivity and 92.6 % specificity. Therefore, cell cycle phase marker detection can indicate malignancy in early melanocytic lesions and accelerated cell cycle progression during vertical melanoma growth