17 research outputs found

    Institutions, complementarity, human resource management and performance in a South-East Asian Petrostate: the case of Brunei

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    This is a study on the incidence and impact of specific sets of HR practices on organisational performance (OP) across different types of firm, within an emerging market setting, where institutional arrangements are fluid and developing. The literature on comparative capitalism suggests that, within advanced societies, formal and informal regulations are mutually supportive, and will be sustained by associated HR systems, optimising OP. In contrast, in settings where institutional arrangements are weaker, there will not be the same incentives for disseminating mutually supportive HR bundles, and when these do exist, they are unlikely to yield any better outcomes. We found that this was indeed the case in the petrostate of Brunei as the usage of integrated HR models did not work better than individual interventions. Whilst it is often assumed that, in petrostates, the primary focus of institution-building is to service the needs of the oil-and-gas industry, we found no evidence to suggest that integrated HR systems were any more effective there; this may reflect the extent to which the industry’s HR needs may be simply resolved through turning to overseas labour markets – both for skilled and unskilled labour. At the same time, we found that the efficacy of HR practices varied according to firm characteristics: even in challenging contexts, firms may devise their own solutions according to their capabilities and endowments

    Financial Health and Firm Productivity: Firm-Level Evidence from Viet Nam

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    Does financial health shore up firm productivity? This paper empirically investigates this question and presents productivity as another driving factor in translating financial development into real economic progress. Our empirical framework employs Levinsohn and Petrin's (2003) semi-parametric estimation of total factor productivity (TFP) using firm-level panel data during 2002 - 2008, and incorporates financial health variables into conventional determinants of firm productivity. Our findings suggest that liquidity and access to external credit boosts firm productivity, with the latter particularly imperative for exporting and/or importing firms. We also present supplementary results regarding economies of scale, high-tech capital accumulation, human capital investment and foreign ownership

    Health status, mental health and air quality: evidence from pensioners in Europe

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    Environmental quality is an important determinant of individuals’ well-being and one of the main concerns of the governments is the improvement on air quality and the protection of public health. This is especially the case of sensitive demographic groups, such as the old aged people. However, the question this study attempts to answer is how do individuals value the effects on the environment. The study explores the effects of old and early public pension schemes, as well as the impact of air pollution on health status of retired citizens. The empirical analysis relies on detailed micro-level data derived from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE). As proxies for health, we use the general health status and the Eurod mental health indicator. We examine two air pollutants: the sulphur dioxide (SO2) and ground-level ozone (O3). Next, we calculate the marginal willingness-to-pay (MWTP) which shows how much the people are willing to pay for improvement in air quality. We apply various quantitative techniques and approaches, including the fixed effects ordinary least squares (OLS) and the fixed effects instrumental variables (IV) approach. The last approach is applied to reduce the endogeneity problem coming from possible reverse causality between the air pollution, pensions and the health outcomes. For robustness check, we apply also a structural equation modelling (SEM) which is proper when the outcomes are latent variables. Based on our favoured IV estimates and the health status, we find that the MWTP values for one unit decrease in SO2 and O3 are respectively €221 and €88 per year. The respective MWTP values using the Eurod measure are €155 and €68. Overall, improvement of health status implies reduction in health expenditures, and in previous literature, ageing has been traditionally considered the most important determinant. However, this study shows that health lifestyle and socio-economic status, such as education and marital status, are more important, and furthermore, air pollution cannot be ignored in the agenda of policy makers

    Globalization, outsourcing and labour development in ASEAN

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    The empirical evidence this book reveals provides interesting insights into and implications on labour and industry development.Shandre Thangavelu and Aekapol Chongvilaiva

    Time-inconsistent domestic environmental policies and optimal international environmental arrangements

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    10.1628/093245607783242963Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics1634731-73

    The impact of material and service outsourcing on employment in Thailand's manufacturing industries

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    With increasing emphasis on the importance of outsourcing, the ‘fear of job losses’ has been of significant interest, not only in the developed countries, but also in the developing countries. In this article, we empirically investigate the impacts of intermediate inputs (material) and services outsourcing on the relative demands for skilled and unskilled labour in Thailand's manufacturing sectors from 1999 to 2003. Based on the aggregation of establishment-level data at 4-digit industrial classification, we find that both intermediate inputs and service outsourcing are relatively skill-biased. Further, our results show that intermediate inputs outsourcing has negative impacts on the relative demands for skilled and unskilled workers, whereas service outsourcing shifts the demand towards skilled workers at the expense of unskilled workers.Shandre M. Thangavelu and Aekapol Chongvilaiva

    SEURATOIMIJAN OPAS : Sudet Salibandy ry

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarve nousi esiin Sudet Salibandy ry:n puheenjohtajalta keväällä 2018. Sudet ry on vuonna 1912 perustettu urheiluseura, josta eriytyivät maaliskuussa 2017 omat lajiseurat; Sudet Salibandy ry sekä Sudet ry (Sudet Jalkapallo). Aiemmat oppaat oli tehty palvelemaan molempien lajien harrastajia, mutta nyt oli ajankohtaista luoda opas seuratoiminnan kehittämiseksi ja käytäntöjen yhtenäistämiseksi juuri salibandyn näkökulmasta. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on kehittää seuratoimintaa seuratoimijan oppaan muodossa. Sudet Salibandyn toiminta pohjautuu pitkälti vapaaehtoistyöhön; joukkueiden toimihenkilöt valitaan pääsääntöisesti pelaajien vanhemmista, ja erilaisia talkootöitä tehdään joukkueiden sisällä läpi kauden. Oppaaseen on koottu seuran toiminnan kannalta oleellisimmat tiedot, kuten seuran arvot ja toiminta-ajatus sekä erilaisia harrastusmahdollisuuksia. Oppaasta löytyvät myös joukkuetoiminnan kannalta tärkeimmät tiedot, kuten joukkueiden muodostaminen ja lisenssien hankinta sekä toimihenkilöiden tehtäviä ja tavoitteita. Ohjeistusten tarkoituksena on yhdenmukaistaa käytäntöjä seuran sisällä ja tukea vapaaehtoistyötä tekevien toimihenkilöiden toimimista seurassa sekä selkeyttää heidän tehtävänkuvaansa. Opas helpottaa myös uusien vapaaehtoisten liittymistä mukaan toimintaan, sillä selkeät työnkuvat auttavat ymmärtämään, mihin he ovat ryhtymässä ja mitä heiltä odotetaan. Myös uudet seuran jäsenet perheineen saavat oppaasta kattavasti tietoa seurasta ja sen toiminnasta. Suurin osa oppaassa käytetyistä materiaaleista oli jo olemassa, mutta niitä ei oltu koottu yhteen. Tietoa kerättiin vanhoista oppaista, joiden tiedot vaativat päivittämistä, Sudet Salibandyn internetsivuilta, salibandyliiton internetsivuilta sekä haastattelemalla seuran palkattuja työntekijöitä ja pitkään seurassa toimineita vapaaehtoistyöntekijöitä. Työn edetessä huomattiin myös, että jo olemassa olevissa ohjeistuksissa oli puutteita ja osa puuttui kokonaan. Näin esim. viestintästrategia on nyt työn alla ja valmistunee lähikuukausina. Seuratoimijan opas on nyt valmis julkaistavaksi. Opas julkaistaan myös seuran internetsivuilla (www.sudetsalibandy.fi) syksyn 2019 aikana

    FDI Financial Constraints, and Productivity: Firm Level Study in Vietnam

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    Outsourcing types, relative wages, and the demand for skilled workers: New evidence from U.S. manufacturing

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    10.1111/j.1465-7295.2008.00131.xEconomic Inquiry47118-3