4 research outputs found

    Assistência pré-natal à adolescente e os atributos da Atenção Primária à Saúde

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    OBJECTIVE: evaluate prenatal care for adolescents in health units, in accordance with the attributes of Primary Health Care (PHC) guidelines. METHOD: quantitative study conducted with health professionals, using the Primary Care Assessment Tool-Brazil to assess the presence and extent of PHC attributes. RESULTS: for all the participating units, the attribute Access scored =6.6; the attributes Longitudinality, Coordination (integration of care), Coordination (information systems) and Integrality scored =6.6, and the Essential Score =6.6. Comparing basic units with family health units, the attribute scores were equally distributed; Accessibility scored =6.6, the others attributes scored =6.6; however, in the basic units, the Essential Score was =6.6 and, in the family health units, =6.6. CONCLUSION: expanding the coverage of family health units and the training of professionals can be considered strategies to qualify health care.OBJETIVO: evaluar la atención prenatal a las adolescentes en unidades de salud, según los atributos de la Atención Primaria a la Salud. MÉTODO: estudio de abordaje cuantitativo, realizado con profesionales de la salud, utilizando el instrumento Primary Care Assessment Tool-Brasil para analizar la presencia y extensión de los atributos vinculados a la APS en las unidades de salud. RESULTADOS: para todas las unidades participantes, el atributo Acceso obtuvo un puntaje =6,6; los atributos Longitudinalidad, Coordinación (integración de cuidados), Coordinación (sistemas de información) e Integralidad obtuvieron puntajes =6,6 y el Puntaje Esencial fue =6,6. Comparando las unidades básicas de salud y las unidades de salud de la familia, los puntajes están igualmente distribuidos: Accesibilidad =6,6 y los demás atributos con puntajes =6,6; sin embargo, el puntaje Esencial en las unidades básicas fue =6,6 y el de las unidades de salud de la familia fue =6,6. CONCLUSIÓN: la ampliación de la cobertura de las unidades de salud de la familia y la capacitación profesional pueden ser estrategias para calificar la atención a la salud.OBJETIVO: avaliar a atenção pré-natal às adolescentes em unidades de saúde, segundo os atributos da Atenção Primária à Saúde. MÉTODO: estudo de abordagem quantitativa, realizado com profissionais de saúde, utilizando-se o instrumento Primary Care Assessment Tool-Brasil, para analisar a presença e extensão dos atributos. RESULTADOS: para todas as unidades participantes, o atributo acesso obteve escore =6,6; os atributos longitudinalidade, coordenação (integração de cuidados), coordenação (sistemas de informação) e integralidade obtiveram escores =6,6 e escore essencial =6,6. Comparando-se as unidades básicas e as unidades de saúde da família, os escores estão igualmente distribuídos: acessibilidade: =6,6 e os demais atributos com escores =6,6, no entanto, o escore essencial nas unidades básicas foi =6,6 e nas unidades de saúde da família foi =6,6. CONCLUSÃO: a ampliação da cobertura das unidades de saúde da família e a capacitação profissional podem ser estratégias para qualificar a atenção à saúde

    Children's health care assistance according to their families: a comparison between models of Primary Care

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    OBJECTIVE To compare the health assistance models of Basic Traditional Units (UBS) with the Family Health Strategy (ESF) units for presence and extent of attributes of Primary Health Care (APS), specifically in the care of children. METHOD A cross-sectional study of a quantitative approach with families of children attended by the Public Health Service of Colombo, Paraná. The Primary Care Assessment Tool (PCA-Tool) was applied to parents of 482 children, 235 ESF units and 247 UBS units covering all primary care units of the municipality, between June and July 2012. The results were analyzed according to the PCA-Tool manual. RESULTS ESF units reached a borderline overall score for primary health care standards. However, they fared better in their attributes of Affiliation, Integration of care coordination, Comprehensiveness, Family Centeredness and Accessibility of use, while the attributes of Community Guidance/Orientation, Coordination of Information Systems, Longitudinality and Access attributes were rated as insufficient for APS. UBS units had low scores on all attributes. CONCLUSION The ESF units are closer to the principles of APS (Primary Health Care), but there is need to review actions of child care aimed at the attributes of APS in both care models, corroborating similar studies from other regions of Brazil