7 research outputs found

    Particules colloïdales multifonctionnalisées pour la vectorisation d'un principe actif : vers une nouvelle formulation pour la dermatologie

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    L’acné est la dermatose la plus courante dans le monde. Cette pathologie, à causes multiples, peut impliquer des traitements longs dont l’efficacité reste à améliorer. Au niveau topique, le ciblage de la surface cutanée et en particulier des foyers infectieux (impliquant notamment la bactérie P. acnes) est un axe de recherche visant un meilleur traitement de la pathologie. Ces travaux de thèse s’inscrivent dans cet objectif, et portent sur l’utilisation de particules submicroniques minéral-organiques à base d’apatites bio-inspirées pour le traitement de l’acné en vue de la vectorisation d’un antibiotique via une nouvelle formulation galénique. Dans un premier temps, les recherches se sont focalisées sur l’élaboration et la caractérisation physico-chimique de particules apatitiques préparées en présence d’un agent dispersant. Parmi les conditions testées, un protocole de référence permettant d’obtenir une suspension colloïdale de particules d’apatite de diamètre hydrodynamique moyen (DLS) de 180 nm, stabilisées à l’aide d’un polyéthylène glycol phosphonaté, a été retenu. L’analyse des particules par DRX et IRTF a mis en évidence le caractère nanocristallin biomimétique de la phase apatitique. Dans un second temps, l’adsorption d’une molécule modèle phosphatée puis d’un antibiotique – le phosphate de clindamycine (ClindP) – a été quantifiée et analysée à l’aide de différents modèles d’adsorption. Par ailleurs, la possibilité d’une incorporation d’ions biologiquement actifs (ex : antibactériens, antiinflammatoires) tels que Cu2+ et/ou Zn2+ dans l’apatite colloïdale a été établie. Dans un troisième temps, des évaluations biologiques ainsi que divers essais de suivi des particules ont été entrepris. L’interaction avec des éléments du sang – globules rouges et protéines plasmatiques – a été explorée (dans l’éventualité d’une application sur peau lésée), mettant en évidence l’excellente hémocompatibilité de ces particules colloïdales. Différentes techniques de suivi des particules ont ensuite été abordées sur membranes synthétiques et sur explants d’oreilles de porcs, telles que l’utilisation de cellules de Franz en modes statique et dynamique, ou encore la microscopie confocale Raman. Les résultats obtenus indiquent que cette dernière technique est adaptée à l’étude de la localisation cutanée de ces particules colloïdales, et montrent une accumulation de celles-ci au niveau de l’épiderme et des follicules pileux. Enfin, une étude préliminaire d’élaboration et de caractérisation d’une forme galénique (bigel) a été abordée

    Adsorption of nucleotides on biomimetic apatite: the case of cytidine 5′ monophosphate (CMP)

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    The chemical interaction between DNA macromolecules and hard tissues in vertebrate is of foremost importance in paleogenetics, as bones and teeth represent a major substrate for the genetic material after cell death. Recently, the empirical hypothesis of DNA ‘‘protection’’ over time thanks to its adsorption on hard tissues was revisited from a physico-chemical viewpoint. In particular, the existence of a strong interaction between phosphate groups of DNA backbone and the surface of apatite nanocrystals (mimicking bone/dentin mineral) was evidenced on an experimental basis. In the field of nanomedicine, DNA or RNA can be used for gene transport into cells, and apatite nanocarriers then appear promising. In order to shed some more light on interactions between DNA molecules and apatite, the present study focuses on the adsorption of a ‘‘model’’ nucleotide, cytidine 50 monophosphate (CMP), on a carbonated biomimetic apatite sample. The follow-up of CMP kinetics of adsorption pointed out the rapidity of interaction with stabilization reached within few minutes. The adsorption isotherm could be realistically fitted to the Sips model (Langmuir–Freundlich) suggesting the influence of surface heterogeneities and adsorption cooperativity in the adsorption process. The desorption study pointed out the reversible character of CMP adsorption on biomimetic apatite. This contribution is intended to prove helpful in view of better apprehending the molecular interaction of DNA fragments and apatite compounds, independently of the application domain, such as bone diagenesis or nanomedicine. This study may also appear informative for researchers interested in the origins of life on Earth and the occurrence and behavior of primitive biomolecules

    Nanomedicine: Interaction of biomimetic apatite colloidal nanoparticles with human blood components

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    This contribution investigates the interaction of two types of biomimetic-apatite colloidal nanoparticles (negatively-charged 47nm, and positively-charged 190nm NPs) with blood components, namely red blood cells (RBC) and plasma proteins, with the view to inspect their hemocompatibility. The NPs, preliminarily characterized by XRD, FTIR and DLS, showed low hemolysis ratio (typically lower than 5%) illustrating the high compatibility of such NPs with respect to RBC, even at high concentration (up to 10mg/ml). The presence of glucose as water-soluble matrix for freeze-dried and re-dispersed colloids led to slightly increased hemolysis as compared to glucose-free formulations. NPs/plasma protein interaction was then followed, via non-specific protein fluorescence quenching assays, by contact with whole human blood plasma. The amount of plasma proteins in interaction with the NPs was evaluated experimentally, and the data were fitted with the Hill plot and Stern-Volmer models. In all cases, binding constants of the order of 101–102 were found. These values, significantly lower than those reported for other types of nanoparticles or molecular interactions, illustrate the fairly inert character of these colloidal NPs with respect to plasma proteins, which is desirable for circulating injectable suspensions. Results were discussed in relation with particle surface charge and mean particle hydrodynamic diameter (HD). On the basis of these hemocompatibility data, this study significantly complements previous results relative to the development and nontoxicity of biomimetic-apatite-based colloids stabilized by non-drug biocompatible organic molecules, intended for use in nanomedicine

    Bio-inspired apatite particles limit skin penetration of drugs for dermatology applications

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    Most treatments of skin pathologies involve local administration of active agents. One issue can however be the partial transcutaneous diffusion of the drug to blood circulation, leading to undesirable effects. In this work, the original use of submicron mineral particles based on bio-inspired calcium phosphate apatite was explored for the first time as drug carriers for favoring topical delivery. The permeation of a model drug across synthetic and biological membranes was investigated in both static and dynamic conditions. Our data show that adsorption of the drug on the apatite particles surface drastically limits its permeation, with lower effective diffusion coefficients (Peff) and smaller total released amounts. The retention of the apatite colloidal particles on porcine ear skin explants surface was demonstrated by combining histological observations and Raman confocal microscopy. All results converge to show that association of the drug to apatite particles favors skin surface effects. These findings point to the relevance of mineral-based particles as drug carriers for local delivery to the skin, and open the way to novel applications of bio-inspired apatites in dermatology. Statement of Significance Calcium phosphates (CaP) are major biomaterials in orthopedics and dentistry. Their resemblance to bone mineral allows new applications beyond bone repair, e.g. in nanomedicine. In 2018, a 14-page detailed review (M. Epple, Acta Biomaterialia 77 (2018) 1–14) provided clear facts in favor of the non-toxicity of nanosized CaP as an answer to discussions from EU and US study groups, thus clarifying the path to novel applications of nano CaP. In the present paper, bio-inspired apatite nanoparticles are used for the first time as drug carriers for dermatology for drastically limiting drug transcutaneous permeation and retaining a topical effect. We demonstrate this proof of concept via permeation cell tests, histology, Raman microscopy and photoluminescence after application on porcine ear skin

    Biomimetic Apatite-Based Functional Nanoparticles as Promising Newcomers in Nanomedicine: Overview of 10 Years of Initiatory Research

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    Biomimetic calcium phosphate apatites, analogous to bone mineral, may now be produced synthetically. Their intrinsic biocompatibility and the nanometer dimensions of their constitutive crystals not only allow one to envision applications in bone tissue regeneration, but also in other medical fields such as nanomedicine, and in particular in view of cell diagnosis. In this mini-review, we look back at 10 years of our dedicated research, and summarize the main advances made in terms of preparation, physical-chemical characterizations and biological evaluations of colloidal formulations of biomimetic apatite-based nanoparticles, which we illustrate here with the angle of cancer diagnosis. The confirmed exceptional biocompatibility of these engineered nanoparticles, associated to the possibility to confer them luminescence properties by way of controlled lanthanide doping, and their capacity to be internalized by cells, including with cancer cell addressing abilities (shown here as a proof of concept), underline that biomimetic apatite-based colloidal nanoparticles are particularly promising for nanomedicine applications, for example related to diseased cells diagnosis. Multidisciplinary research on these functional nanoparticles, initiated as described here, has now generated emulation in the scientific community where the concept of apatite nanoparticles for nanomedicine is being, gratifyingly, appropriated

    In vitro digestion of emulsions: mechanistic and experimental models

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    International audienceDigestion is a complex combination of physical, chemical and biological processes. In orderto investigate the impact of food structure on the digestion of lipids, we work on acontrollable triglyceride-based system: emulsion. In this study, the emulsion was composed ofa single triglyceride (tricaprylin or triolein), decanal as a model lipophilic micronutrient, and asingle emulsifier (-lactoglobulin or sodium oleate) at different concentrations. Weinvestigated the effects of these parameters on an in vitro intestinal static digestion, which wasmonitored using classic physicochemical methods: fatty acid titration, lipidsextraction/chromatography and sizing.To interpret the results, we developed several mechanistic models based on mass transferkinetics, which enable a direct comparison and identify the factors influencing the digestion.Those are the molar mass of the lipids, the initial interfacial area (droplet size) and dispersedvolume fraction, the interfacial tension and dilatational viscoelasticity.We also developed an experimental digestion model based on a single droplet usingtensiometry. This technique was able to monitor the kinetics of lipolysis and micellarsolubilization simultaneously.All methods confirmed the result from our previous study that the type of triglyceride is themajor parameter influencing the digestion. Moreover, the mechanistic and experimentalmodels allowed to evidence that digestion was usually faster for -lactoglobulinemulsions/droplets compared to sodium oleate ones. There was no clear effect of theemulsifier concentrati

    Colloidal Apatite Particles : A Multifunctional Platform in (Nano)Medicine

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    Calcium phosphate apatites are naturally present in all vertebrates, as a biomineral in teeth and bones. The possibility to prepare synthetic analogs in close-to-physiological conditions allows the development of bio-inspired materials for medical use. While apatite-based biomaterials are extensively developed for bone regeneration, their intrinsic biocompatibility also allows designing original applications as in nanomedicine. In this paper, we will illustrate why colloidal apatite particles can be seen as a multifunctional platform for (nano)medical uses, well beyond bone repair. Retrospective data will be summarized in this mini-review, especially relating to oncology and hematology applications of apatite colloidal particles. Then novel data will be presented, in the field of dermatology and of particle tracking, using Raman confocal microscopy and μPIXE elemental mapping on substituted apatites. By exploiting their exceptional surface and bulk reactivities, colloidal apatite particles appear as robust new comers to nanomedicine, with the capacity to exhibit tailorable functionalities