5,236 research outputs found

    Stock Market Analysis in Fashion Marketing Class

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    Stock markets are at the center of today’s economy (Hafer & Hein, 2007). Despite the positive relationship between stock returns and marketing activities such as product innovations (Srinivasan et al. 2009), the discipline of fashion marketing has not been aggressively devoted to teach financial and stock trading systems in classroom. The purpose of the study is to enhance student motivation and learning in fashion financial markets

    Market orientation and innovation in US small business firms in small towns

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    The study investigated various aspects of market orientation and innovation performed by small-sized businesses in small towns of the U.S. The objectives for the study were: (1) to examine market orientation constructs in the small-sized organization, (2) to examine market orientation in relation to business innovation and business performance, and (3) to examine business innovation in relation to business performance.;A sub-sample of small businesses for the study was drawn from the larger national random sample. Small businesses located in communities of less than 20,000, counties adjacent and non-adjacent to non-metropolitan area were chosen for the study. The sample population of the study was small businesses operating with less than 20 employees and with annual sales of $1 million or less.;Simple and multiple regression analyses were performed to examine relationships among the variables under study. The simple regression analysis suggested a significant and positive relationship between small business owners/managers\u27 competitor and customer market orientation and their performance in terms of gross profit (before taxes) and perceived overall business success. The results also indicated that there was a positive and significant relationship between both small business owners/managers\u27 competitor and customer market orientation and innovation. A positive and significant relationship between the small town business owners/managers\u27 degree of innovativeness and their business performance in terms of gross profit and their perceived overall business success was also found.;The results of the multiple regression analyses indicated that among the three variables, business innovation, competitor market orientation, and customer market orientation, business innovation significantly influenced the small town business firms\u27 gross profit, while customer market orientation and competitor market orientation did not significantly affect small town businesses\u27 gross profit with innovation in the equation. Customer market orientation had the most significant influence on small business owners/managers\u27 perceived overall business success among the three variables.;Along with market orientation, innovation was found to be an important factor in business performance in small town businesses. The adoption of market orientation led innovation for small town businesses. When small town businesses are more market oriented, they are also more innovative and show strong business performance

    Envisioning Career Opportunities in the Fashion Business World

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    Unlike liberal art majors, seventy-five percent of students majoring in career-oriented fields expect to go to work directly after getting their bachelor\u27s degree (Koc, 2010). Fashion business and management programs emphasize students\u27 preparation for fashion careers and foster students to pursue their fashion business careers upon graduation in the business world. However, there has been little understanding of the specific job-related knowledge, competencies, and skills required for entry-level fashion business professionals in the filed clothing and textile. The purpose of this research is examine the nature of fashion business positions pertaining to buying and merchandising in terms of required qualifications, job-related knowledge, competencies, and skills. The results of this research provide educators in the fashion business and management programs with practical suggestions to facilitate a more industry-aligned curricular development

    Model-Free Reconstruction of Capacity Degradation Trajectory of Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Early Cycle Data

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    Early degradation prediction of lithium-ion batteries is crucial for ensuring safety and preventing unexpected failure in manufacturing and diagnostic processes. Long-term capacity trajectory predictions can fail due to cumulative errors and noise. To address this issue, this study proposes a data-centric method that uses early single-cycle data to predict the capacity degradation trajectory of lithium-ion cells. The method involves predicting a few knots at specific retention levels using a deep learning-based model and interpolating them to reconstruct the trajectory. Two approaches are used to identify the retention levels of two to four knots: uniformly dividing the retention up to the end of life and finding optimal locations using Bayesian optimization. The proposed model is validated with experimental data from 169 cells using five-fold cross-validation. The results show that mean absolute percentage errors in trajectory prediction are less than 1.60% for all cases of knots. By predicting only the cycle numbers of at least two knots based on early single-cycle charge and discharge data, the model can directly estimate the overall capacity degradation trajectory. Further experiments suggest using three-cycle input data to achieve robust and efficient predictions, even in the presence of noise. The method is then applied to predict various shapes of capacity degradation patterns using additional experimental data from 82 cells. The study demonstrates that collecting only the cycle information of a few knots during model training and a few early cycle data points for predictions is sufficient for predicting capacity degradation. This can help establish appropriate warranties or replacement cycles in battery manufacturing and diagnosis processes

    Fetal Cardiac Anomalies;A Fetal Echocardiographic Study

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    Sewn years' experience of fetal echocardiography was reviewed to assess the diagnostic accuracy of fetal echocardiography, distribution of individual cardiac anomalies, and some practical problems of fetal echocardiography in Korea. A total of 737 fetuses IMlre examined and 45 confirmed and 20 unconfirmed cardiac structural anomalies IMlre identified. In general, fetal echocardiography was accurate in assessing fetal cardiac anomalies. However there were three false positive and four false negatiw diagnosis. In addition, diagnosis was changed slightly in 10 cases. Common errors occurred in the diagnosis of atrial isomerism, anomalous pulmonary venous drainage, complex atrioventricular junctional anomaly, wntricular septal defect, and coarctation of aorta. Some minor errors in diagnosis seemed unavoidable but this rarely had an important effect on prognosis. The common cardiac anomalies were ventrtcular septal defect, tetralogy of Fallot, and hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Fetal echocardiography in Korea is at an early stage and does haw many problems. Some of the problems are 1) insufficient number of doctors capable of doing fetal echocardiography, 2) few cardiac pathologists. 3) people's attitude toward congenital anomalies, 4) high rate of termination of pregnacy when fetal anomaly is found, and 5) doctors' lack of interest in confirming anomalies in stilbom fetuses or terminated products of pregnancy. Continuing education to the society and medical personnel seems urgent to soloe some of these problems

    성장기 동안의 설탕용액 섭취가 마우스 공격성에 미치는 영향 및 관련 기전 연구

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    학위논문 (석사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 식품영양학과, 2016. 8. 신동미.Aggressive behavior has been traditionally defined as an overt behavior with the intention of inflicting physical damage on other individual. Alt-hough aggression has advantages in competitive situations for obtaining food or defending territories and mates from competitors in wild animal, it has been considered as one of the major social problems in the human society. Among extrinsic factors which are considered to affect aggres-sive behaviors, the association between specific food component in the diet such as sugar and aggressive behaviors has been suggested. Sugars are found in diet either as a natural component of the food or as an add-ed sugar of foods and beverages. Although added sugar enhances food desirability by sweetening foods and beverages, it provides only empty calories with no nutrient value. Although overconsumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) is widely known to be a key contributor to epidemic of overweight and obesity, its effects on behavioral changes have not been fully studied yet. In present study, we examined the long-term effects of SSB on social aggression in mice. 3 week old weaned mice started to drink either 30 w/v% of sucrose solution (S30), plain wa-ter (CT), or aspartame solution with equivalent sweetness of the sucrose solution (A30) until they grew to 11 week old adult. Resident-intruder test revealed the total duration spent on any of six different aggressive behav-iors- biting, sexual mounting, clinch, lateral threat and upright was signif-icantly longer in S30 than any other groups. The transcriptome analysis of brain tissues presented the gene expression profiles of S30 were readi-ly distinguished from those of CT or A30 in principal component analysis (PCA). Differentially expressed genes in S30 compared to CT or A30 were categorized on their biological functions and top 6 significant cate-gories were all related to immunological disorders. Bioinformatic analysis of upstream regulator molecules that control target gene expressions iden-tified Tlr4, Stat4, Chuk and Il1b that lead to inflammatory responses in mice of S30. Heightened levels of corticosterone, an analogue of cortisol for rodents, was observed in S30 and the dramatic increase in the number of CD11b+Gr-1+ cells was observed in the same group by FACS analysis. Furthermore, corticosterone resistance was found in mice of S30. Inter-estingly, the artificial sweetener failed to mimic the roles of sugar in ele-vating corticosterone and promoting social aggression. Taken together, these results demonstrate long-term SSB consumption promotes aggres-sive behaviors, and also inflammatory response in brain and corti-costerone resistance mediate the roles played by sugar in promoting so-cial aggression. Our studies provide information useful for development of intervening strategies to control social aggression for public health.I. Introduction 9 II. Materials and Methods 13 1. Experimental animals 13 2. Behavioral assessment 14 3. Serum biochemical analysis 15 4. RNA isolation 15 5. Microarray hybridization 15 6. Bioinformatic analysis of microarray data 16 7. FACS (Fluorescence activated cell sorter) analysis 17 8. Quantitative Real-Time PCR 18 9. Statistical analysis 19 III. Results 20 1. Mice provided with sucrose solution for long-term period displayed distinct patterns of drink and diet consumption 20 2. Consumption of sucrose solution reduced body weight gain without inhibiting growth curve 24 3. Long-term consumption of sucrose solution had influence on aggression-related hormones 26 4. Increased social aggression was induced by long-term consumption of sucrose solution 28 5. Transcriptome analysis revealed consumption of sucrose solution induced inflammatory response in brain 30 6. The consumption of sucrose solution resulted in increased CD11b+Gr-1+ cells in peripheral blood with development of glucocorticoid resistance 39 IV. Discussion 45 Ⅴ. References 51 국문 초록 55Maste

    The Bishop-Phelps-Bollobás properties in complex Hilbert space

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    In this paper, we consider theBishop–Phelps–Bollobás point propertyfor variousclasses of operators on complex Hilbert spaces, which is a stronger property thanthe Bishop–Phelps–Bollobás property. We also deal with analogous problem byreplacing the norm of an operator with its numerical radius

    On-Off Pattern Encoding and Path-Count Encoding as Deep Neural Network Representations

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    Understanding the encoded representation of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) has been a fundamental yet challenging objective. In this work, we focus on two possible directions for analyzing representations of DNNs by studying simple image classification tasks. Specifically, we consider \textit{On-Off pattern} and \textit{PathCount} for investigating how information is stored in deep representations. On-off pattern of a neuron is decided as `on' or `off' depending on whether the neuron's activation after ReLU is non-zero or zero. PathCount is the number of paths that transmit non-zero energy from the input to a neuron. We investigate how neurons in the network encodes information by replacing each layer's activation with On-Off pattern or PathCount and evaluating its effect on classification performance. We also examine correlation between representation and PathCount. Finally, we show a possible way to improve an existing DNN interpretation method, Class Activation Map (CAM), by directly utilizing On-Off or PathCount.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure