98 research outputs found

    Cyber Blackbox for collecting network evidence

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    In recent years, the hottest topics in the security field are related to the advanced and persistent attacks. As an approach to solve this problem, we propose a cyber blackbox which collects and preserves network traffic on a virtual volume based WORM device, called EvidenceLock to ensure data integrity for security and forensic analysis. As a strategy to retain traffic for long enough periods, we introduce a deduplication method. Also this paper includes a study on the network evidence which is collected and preserved for analyzing the cause of cyber incident. Then, a method is proposed to suggest a starting point for incident analysis to a forensic practitioner who has to investigate on the vast amount of network traffic collected using the cyber blackbox. Experimental results show this approach is effectively able to reduce the amount of data to search by dividing doubtful flows from normal traffic. Finally, we discuss the results with the forensically meaningful point of view and present further works

    Smart Retail, Replaces All? Some? : Different Influence of Amazon Go to Local Restaurant Industry.

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    Amazon Go, the pioneering smart retailer, has been opening physical stores in metropolitan areas of the USA, and seductively distracted customers from adjacent competitors by provisioning quick-and-easy service. This study focuses on how the appearance of the smart retailer affects adjacent competing businesses. We constructed a panel dataset with various features and reviews of restaurants from Yelp.com, and created two dummies, , one if the restaurant is in a certain radius of a smart retailer and zero outside, and , one after the introduction and zero before. By using Difference-in-Difference estimation, we find that (1) negative impacts on the adjacent restaurants after Amazon Go compared to non-adjacent and before the appearance, and (2) less negative impact on adjacent fine-dining restaurants than fast-food restaurants. After Amazon Go, customers’ sentiments about the adjacent restaurants have changed more negatively. This paper may provide businesses with useful implications for their strategies

    Diffusion-Stego: Training-free Diffusion Generative Steganography via Message Projection

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    Generative steganography is the process of hiding secret messages in generated images instead of cover images. Existing studies on generative steganography use GAN or Flow models to obtain high hiding message capacity and anti-detection ability over cover images. However, they create relatively unrealistic stego images because of the inherent limitations of generative models. We propose Diffusion-Stego, a generative steganography approach based on diffusion models which outperform other generative models in image generation. Diffusion-Stego projects secret messages into latent noise of diffusion models and generates stego images with an iterative denoising process. Since the naive hiding of secret messages into noise boosts visual degradation and decreases extracted message accuracy, we introduce message projection, which hides messages into noise space while addressing these issues. We suggest three options for message projection to adjust the trade-off between extracted message accuracy, anti-detection ability, and image quality. Diffusion-Stego is a training-free approach, so we can apply it to pre-trained diffusion models which generate high-quality images, or even large-scale text-to-image models, such as Stable diffusion. Diffusion-Stego achieved a high capacity of messages (3.0 bpp of binary messages with 98% accuracy, and 6.0 bpp with 90% accuracy) as well as high quality (with a FID score of 2.77 for 1.0 bpp on the FFHQ 64×\times64 dataset) that makes it challenging to distinguish from real images in the PNG format

    Building PRFs from TPRPs: Beyond the Block and the Tweak Length Bounds

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    A secure nn-bit tweakable block cipher (TBC) using tt-bit tweaks can be modeled as a tweakable uniform random permutation, where each tweak defines an independent random nn-bit permutation. When an input to this tweakable permutation is fixed, it can be viewed as a perfectly secure tt-bit random function. On the other hand, when a tweak is fixed, it can be viewed as a perfectly secure nn-bit random permutation, and it is well known that the sum of two random permutations is pseudorandom up to 2n2^n queries. A natural question is whether one can construct a pseudorandom function (PRF) beyond the block and the tweak length bounds using a small number of calls to the underlying tweakable permutations. As a positive answer to this question, we propose two PRF constructions based on tweakable permutations, dubbed XoTP1c\mathsf{XoTP1}_c and XoTP2c\mathsf{XoTP2}_c, respectively. Both constructions are parameterized by cc, giving a (t+nc)(t+n-c)-to-nn bit PRF. When t<2nt<2n, XoTP1t2\mathsf{XoTP1}_{\frac{t}{2}} becomes an (n+t2)(n+\frac{t}{2})-to-nn bit pseudorandom function, which is secure up to 2n+t22^{n+\frac{t}{2}} queries. XoTP2t3\mathsf{XoTP2}_{\frac{t}{3}} is even better, giving an (n+2t3)(n+\frac{2t}{3})-to-nn bit pseudorandom function, which is secure up to 2n+2t32^{n+\frac{2t}{3}} queries, when t<3nt<3n. These PRFs provide security beyond the block and the tweak length bounds, making two calls to the underlying tweakable permutations. In order to prove the security of XoTP1\mathsf{XoTP1} and XoTP2\mathsf{XoTP2}, we firstly extend Mirror theory to q2nq \gg 2^n, where qq is the number of equations. From a practical point of view, our constructions can be used to construct TBC-based MAC finalization functions and CTR-type encryption modes with stronger provable security compared to existing schemes

    Building PRFs from TPRPs: Beyond the Block and the Tweak Length Bounds

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    A secure n-bit tweakable block cipher (TBC) using t-bit tweaks can be modeled as a tweakable uniform random permutation, where each tweak defines an independent random n-bit permutation. When an input to this tweakable permutation is fixed, it can be viewed as a perfectly secure t-bit random function. On the other hand, when a tweak is fixed, it can be viewed as a perfectly secure n-bit random permutation, and it is well known that the sum of two random permutations is pseudorandom up to 2n queries. A natural question is whether one can construct a pseudorandom function (PRF) beyond the block and the tweak length bounds using a small number of calls to the underlying tweakable permutations. A straightforward way of constructing a PRF from tweakable permutations is to xor the outputs from two tweakable permutations with c bits of the input to each permutation fixed. Using the multi-user security of the sum of two permutations, one can prove that the (t + n − c)-to-n bit PRF is secure up to 2n+c queries. In this paper, we propose a family of PRF constructions based on tweakable permutations, dubbed XoTPc, achieving stronger security than the straightforward construction. XoTPc is parameterized by c, giving a (t + n − c)-to-n bit PRF. When t < 3n and c = t/3 , XoTPt/3 becomes an (n + 2t/3 )-to-n bit pseudorandom function, which is secure up to 2n+2t/3 queries. It provides security beyond the block and the tweak length bounds, making two calls to the underlying tweakable permutations. In order to prove the security of XoTPc, we extend Mirror theory to q ≫ 2n, where q is the number of equations. From a practical point of view, our construction can be used to construct TBC-based MAC finalization functions and CTR-type encryption modes with stronger provable security compared to existing schemes

    Conditional Cross Attention Network for Multi-Space Embedding without Entanglement in Only a SINGLE Network

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    Many studies in vision tasks have aimed to create effective embedding spaces for single-label object prediction within an image. However, in reality, most objects possess multiple specific attributes, such as shape, color, and length, with each attribute composed of various classes. To apply models in real-world scenarios, it is essential to be able to distinguish between the granular components of an object. Conventional approaches to embedding multiple specific attributes into a single network often result in entanglement, where fine-grained features of each attribute cannot be identified separately. To address this problem, we propose a Conditional Cross-Attention Network that induces disentangled multi-space embeddings for various specific attributes with only a single backbone. Firstly, we employ a cross-attention mechanism to fuse and switch the information of conditions (specific attributes), and we demonstrate its effectiveness through a diverse visualization example. Secondly, we leverage the vision transformer for the first time to a fine-grained image retrieval task and present a simple yet effective framework compared to existing methods. Unlike previous studies where performance varied depending on the benchmark dataset, our proposed method achieved consistent state-of-the-art performance on the FashionAI, DARN, DeepFashion, and Zappos50K benchmark datasets.Comment: ICCV 2023 Accepte

    KoMultiText: Large-Scale Korean Text Dataset for Classifying Biased Speech in Real-World Online Services

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    With the growth of online services, the need for advanced text classification algorithms, such as sentiment analysis and biased text detection, has become increasingly evident. The anonymous nature of online services often leads to the presence of biased and harmful language, posing challenges to maintaining the health of online communities. This phenomenon is especially relevant in South Korea, where large-scale hate speech detection algorithms have not yet been broadly explored. In this paper, we introduce "KoMultiText", a new comprehensive, large-scale dataset collected from a well-known South Korean SNS platform. Our proposed dataset provides annotations including (1) Preferences, (2) Profanities, and (3) Nine types of Bias for the text samples, enabling multi-task learning for simultaneous classification of user-generated texts. Leveraging state-of-the-art BERT-based language models, our approach surpasses human-level accuracy across diverse classification tasks, as measured by various metrics. Beyond academic contributions, our work can provide practical solutions for real-world hate speech and bias mitigation, contributing directly to the improvement of online community health. Our work provides a robust foundation for future research aiming to improve the quality of online discourse and foster societal well-being. All source codes and datasets are publicly accessible at https://github.com/Dasol-Choi/KoMultiText.Comment: Accepted to the NeurIPS 2023 Workshop on Socially Responsible Language Modelling Research (SoLaR