988 research outputs found

    On the Lipschitz continuity of spectral bands of Harper-like and magnetic Schroedinger operators

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    We show for a large class of discrete Harper-like and continuous magnetic Schrodinger operators that their band edges are Lipschitz continuous with respect to the intensity of the external constant magnetic field. We generalize a result obtained by J. Bellissard in 1994, and give examples in favor of a recent conjecture of G. Nenciu.Comment: 15 pages, accepted for publication in Annales Henri Poincar

    Towards 5D Grand Unification without SUSY Flavor Problem

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    We consider the renormalization group approach to the SUSY flavor problem in the supersymmetric SU(5) model with one extra dimension. In higher dimensional SUSY gauge theories, it has been recently shown that power corrections due to the Kaluza-Klein states of gauge fields run the soft masses generated at the orbifold fixed point to flavor conserving values in the infra-red limit. In models with GUT breaking at the brane where the GUT scale can be larger than the compactification scale, we show that the addition of a bulk Higgs multiplet, which is necessary for the successful unification, is compatible with the flavor universality achieved at the compactification scale.Comment: JHEP style file of 35 pages with 3 figures, Version to appear in JHE

    Flipping SU(5) Towards Five Dimensional Unification

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    It is shown that embedding of flipped SU(5) in a five-dimensional SO(10) enables exact unification of the gauge coupling constants. The demand for the unification uniquely determines both the compactification scale and the cutoff scale. These are found to be 5.5 \times 10^{14} GeV and 1.0 \times 10^{17} GeV respectively. The theory explains the absence of d=5 proton-decay operators through the implementation of the missing partner mechanism. On the other hand, the presence of d=6 proton-decay operators points towards the bulk localization of the first and the second family of matter fields.Comment: 21 pages, references added, 3 Postscript figures, ReVTeX

    First-Principles Calculation of the Superconducting Transition in MgB2 within the Anisotropic Eliashberg Formalism

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    We present a study of the superconducting transition in MgB2 using the ab-initio pseudopotential density functional method and the fully anisotropic Eliashberg equation. Our study shows that the anisotropic Eliashberg equation, constructed with ab-initio calculated momentum-dependent electron-phonon interaction and anharmonic phonon frequencies, yields an average electron-phonon coupling constant lambda = 0.61, a transition temperature Tc = 39 K, and a boron isotope-effect exponent alphaB = 0.31 with a reasonable assumption of mu* = 0.12. The calculated values for Tc, lambda, and alphaB are in excellent agreement with transport, specific heat, and isotope effect measurements respectively. The individual values of the electron-phonon coupling lambda(k,k') on the various pieces of the Fermi surface however vary from 0.1 to 2.5. The observed Tc is a result of both the raising effect of anisotropy in the electron-phonon couplings and the lowering effect of anharmonicity in the relevant phonon modes.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Specific Heat Study of the Magnetic Superconductor HoNi2B2C

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    The complex magnetic transitions and superconductivity of HoNi2B2C were studied via the dependence of the heat capacity on temperature and in-plane field angle. We provide an extended, comprehensive magnetic phase diagram for B // [100] and B // [110] based on the thermodynamic measurements. Three magnetic transitions and the superconducting transition were clearly observed. The 5.2 K transition (T_{N}) shows a hysteresis with temperature, indicating the first order nature of the transition at B=0 T. The 6 K transition (T_{M}), namely the onset of the long-range ordering, displays a dramatic in-plane anisotropy: T_{M} increases with increasing magnetic field for B // [100] while it decreases with increasing field for B // [110]. The anomalous anisotropy in T_{M} indicates that the transition is related to the a-axis spiral structure. The 5.5 K transition (T^{*}) shows similar behavior to the 5.2 K transition, i.e., a small in-plane anisotropy and scaling with Ising model. This last transition is ascribed to the change from a^{*} dominant phase to c^{*} dominant phase.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figure

    Reversible magnetization of MgB2 single crystals with a two-gap nature

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    We present reversible magnetization measurements on MgB2 single crystals in magnetic fields up to 2.5 T applied parallel to the crystal's c-axis. This magnetization is analyzed in terms of the Hao-Clem model, and various superconducting parameters, such as the critical fields [Hc(0) and Hc2(0)], the characteristic lengths [xi(0) and lambda(0)], and the Ginzburg-Landau parameter, kappa, are derived. The temperature dependence of the magnetic penetration depth, lambda(T), obtained from the Hao-Clem analysis could not be explained by theories assuming a single gap. Our data are well described by using a two-gap model.Comment: 20 pages, 1 table, 4 figures, will be published in Phys. Rev.

    Pair Production of the Lightest Chargino via Gluon-Gluon Collisions

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    The production of the lightest chargino pair from gluon-gluon fusion is studied in the minimal supersymmetric model(MSSM) at proton-proton colliders. We find that with the chosen parameters, the production rate of the subprocess can be over 2.7 femto barn when the chargino is higgsino-like, and the corresponding total cross section in proton-proton collider can reach 56 femto barn at the LHC in the CP-conserving MSSM. It shows that this loop mediated subprocess can be competitive with the standard Drell-Yan subprocess in proton-proton colliders, especially at the LHC. Furthermore, our calculation shows it would be possible to extract information about some CP-violating phase parameters, if we collected enough chargino pair events.Comment: 39 pages, LaTex, 8 figure

    Family Unification on an Orbifold

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    We construct a family-unified model on a Z_2xZ_2 orbifold in five dimensions. The model is based on a supersymmetric SU(7) gauge theory. The gauge group is broken by orbifold boundary conditions to a product of grand unified SU(5) and SU(2)xU(1) flavor symmetry. The structure of Yukawa matrices is generated by an interplay between spontaneous breaking of flavor symmetry and geometric factors arising due to field localization in the extra dimension.Comment: 13 page

    Multiband model for penetration depth in MgB2

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    The results of first principles calculations of the electronic structure and the electron-phonon interaction in MgB2 are used to study theoretically the temperature dependence and anisotropy of the magnetic field penetration depth. The effects of impurity scattering are essential for a proper description of the experimental results. We compare our results with experimental data and we argue that the two-band model describes the data rather well.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Ginzburg-Landau theory of vortices in a multi-gap superconductor

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    The Ginzburg-Landau functional for a two-gap superconductor is derived within the weak-coupling BCS model. The two-gap Ginzburg-Landau theory is, then, applied to investigate various magnetic properties of MgB2 including an upturn temperature dependence of the transverse upper critical field and a core structure of an isolated vortex. Orientation of vortex lattice relative to crystallographic axes is studied for magnetic fields parallel to the c-axis. A peculiar 30-degree rotation of the vortex lattice with increasing strength of an applied field observed by neutron scattering is attributed to the multi-gap nature of superconductivity in MgB2.Comment: 11 page
