49,784 research outputs found

    The effect of supersymmetric CP phases on Chargino-Pair Production via Drell-Yan Process at the LHC

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    We compute the rates for pp annihilation into chargino-pairs via Drell-Yan process taking into account the effects of supersymmetric soft phases, at proton-proton collider. In particular, the phase of the mu parameter gains direct accessibility via the production of dissimilar charginos. The phases of the trilinear soft masses do not have a significant effect on the cross sections.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figure

    Study of CP Property of the Higgs at a Photon Collider using γγttˉlX\gamma\gamma\to t\bar t\to l X

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    We study possible effects of CP violation in the Higgs sector on ttˉt\bar t production at a γγ\gamma\gamma-collider. These studies are performed in a model-independent way in terms of six form-factors {(Sγ),(Sγ),(Pγ),(Pγ),St,Pt}\{\Re(S_{\gamma}), \Im(S_{\gamma}), \Re(P_{\gamma}), \Im(P_{\gamma}), S_t, P_t\} which parametrize the CP mixing in the Higgs sector, and a strategy for their determination is developed. We observe that the angular distribution of the decay lepton from t/tˉt/\bar t produced in this process is independent of any CP violation in the tbWtbW vertex and hence best suited for studying CP mixing in the Higgs sector. Analytical expressions are obtained for the angular distribution of leptons in the c.m. frame of the two colliding photons for a general polarization state of the incoming photons. We construct combined asymmetries in the initial state lepton (photon) polarization and the final state lepton charge. They involve CP even (xx's) and odd (yy's) combinations of the mixing parameters. We study limits up to which the values of xx and yy, with only two of them allowed to vary at a time, can be probed by measurements of these asymmetries, using circularly polarized photons. We use the numerical values of the asymmetries predicted by various models to discriminate among them. We show that this method can be sensitive to the loop-induced CP violation in the Higgs sector in the MSSM.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures added one referenc

    The neutralino projector formalism for complex SUSY parameters

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    We present a new formalism describing the neutralino physics in the context of the minimal supersymmetric model (MSSM), where CP violation induced by complex M1M_1 and μ\mu parameters is allowed. The formalism is based on the construction of neutralino projectors, and can be directly generalized to non-minimal SUSY models involving any number of neutralinos. It extends a previous work applied to the real SUSY parameter case. In MSSM, the method allows to describe all physical observables related to a specific neutralino, in terms of its CP eigenphase and three complex numbers called its "reduced projector elements". As the experimental knowledge on the neutralino-chargino sectors will be being accumulated, the problem of extracting the various SUSY parameters will arise. Motivated by this, we consider various scenarios concerning the quantities that could be first measured. Analytical disentangled expressions determining the related SUSY parameters from them, are then derived, which also emphasize the efficiency of the formalism.Comment: Version accepted in Phys. Rev. D. e-mail: [email protected]

    Relic density of neutralino dark matter in the MSSM with CP violation

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    We calculate the relic density of dark matter in the MSSM with CP violation. We analyse various scenarios of neutralino annihilation: the cases of a bino, bino-wino and bino-Higgsino LSP, annihilation through Higgs, as well as sfermion coannihilation scenarios. Large phase effects are found, on the one hand due to shifts in the masses, on the other hand due to modifications of the couplings. Taking special care to disentangle the effects in masses and couplings, we demonstrate that the presence of CP phases can have a significant influence on the neutralino relic abundance. Typical variations in \Omega h^2 solely from modifications in the couplings are O(10%-100%), but can reach an order of magnitude in some cases.Comment: 36 pages, 21 figures (low resolution). A version with high-resolution figures can be downloaded from http://cern.ch/kraml/papers/omc

    Origin of Electric Field Induced Magnetization in Multiferroic HoMnO3

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    We have performed polarized and unpolarized small angle neutron scattering experiments on single crystals of HoMnO3 and have found that an increase in magnetic scattering at low momentum transfers begins upon cooling through temperatures close to the spin reorientation transition at TSR ~ 40 K. We attribute the increase to an uncompensated magnetization arising within antiferromagnetic domain walls. Polarized neutron scattering experiments performed while applying an electric field show that the field suppresses magnetic scattering below T ~ 50 K, indicating that the electric field affects the magnetization via the antiferromagnetic domain walls rather than through a change to the bulk magnetic order