146 research outputs found

    Response to the Research Report “Social-Political Impact of Labour Migration on Armenia”

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    Reply to the CARIM-East RR2012/33CARIM-East: Creating an Observatory of Migration East of EuropeIn the framework of the CARIM-East Project, author Vardan Gevorgyan has conducted research to examine the social-political impact of labour migration in Armenia across three dimensions: first, social institutions; second, vulnerable social categories in society including women and children, the elderly, ethnic, racial and religious minorities, the disabled, the poor; and third, geographic, namely, the differential impact of labour migration on rural and urban areas. On the basis of the chosen methodology the following wide range of issues were studied: the social institution of work, one of the main social structures that contribute to the reproduction of social inequality in society; social inequality, and the extent to which changes induced by labour migration open new opportunities for social mobility or marginalization for traditionally vulnerable social categories; then based on the findings recorded during the research the author made recommendations for policy makers. This review of the above-mentioned research aims to assess to what extent the recommendations are realistic and feasible, as well as consistent with current migration policies. Prior to assessment chosen methodological approaches were critically assessed and available information resources were examined. Besides, this attempt was made to present the impact of labour emigration to Armenia in a more comprehensive way.CARIM-East is co-financed by the European University Institute and the European Union

    Pitfalls in the measurement of tissue DDAH activity: is DDAH sensitive to nitrosative and oxidative stress?

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    Migration in the Armenian mass media

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    Migration of the population is the most pressing issue in Armenia. It is a widely discussed, and it is an extremely sensitive topic for the Armenian society. Migration and especially emigration-related issues are always in the focus of Armenian mass media. On average, dozens of articles on migration issues are published each month, some of them are solely informative, others are both informative and analytical. This paper reviews the publications on migration issues that have appeared in electronic media during July 2011- May 2013. This period is distinguished by two most important political processes in Armenia: elections to the RA National Assembly in May 2012, and presidential elections in February 2013. Below is the analysis of both pro-governmental and opposition media1 The purpose of the study was to analyze the most important migration themes covered by the media during the period mentioned. The information obtaining methodology included the review of the publications dealing with emigration, repatriation and other migration issues. The underlying methodology for publications review was the analysis of headlines and contents, as well as the visual design of the publications, etc.Migration of the population is the most pressing issue in Armenia. It is a widely discussed, and it is an extremely sensitive topic for the Armenian society. Migration and especially emigration-related issues are always in the focus of Armenian mass media. On average, dozens of articles on migration issues are published each month, some of them are solely informative, others are both informative and analytical. This paper reviews the publications on migration issues that have appeared in electronic media during July 2011- May 2013. This period is distinguished by two most important political processes in Armenia: elections to the RA National Assembly in May 2012, and presidential elections in February 2013. Below is the analysis of both pro-governmental and opposition media1 The purpose of the study was to analyze the most important migration themes covered by the media during the period mentioned. The information obtaining methodology included the review of the publications dealing with emigration, repatriation and other migration issues. The underlying methodology for publications review was the analysis of headlines and contents, as well as the visual design of the publications, etc.Migration of the population is the most pressing issue in Armenia. It is a widely discussed, and it is an extremely sensitive topic for the Armenian society. Migration and especially emigration-related issues are always in the focus of Armenian mass media. On average, dozens of articles on migration issues are published each month, some of them are solely informative, others are both informative and analytical. This paper reviews the publications on migration issues that have appeared in electronic media during July 2011- May 2013. This period is distinguished by two most important political processes in Armenia: elections to the RA National Assembly in May 2012, and presidential elections in February 2013. Below is the analysis of both pro-governmental and opposition media1 The purpose of the study was to analyze the most important migration themes covered by the media during the period mentioned. The information obtaining methodology included the review of the publications dealing with emigration, repatriation and other migration issues. The underlying methodology for publications review was the analysis of headlines and contents, as well as the visual design of the publications, etc.Migration of the population is the most pressing issue in Armenia. It is a widely discussed, and it is an extremely sensitive topic for the Armenian society.Consortium for Applied Research on International Migration (CARIM-East) is co-financed by the European University Institute and the European Unio

    Human trafficking in Armenia

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    With the aim of preventing trafficking, various programs are being implemented by both state and international organizations. The most important programs should be highlighted:Consortium for Applied Research on International Migration (CARIM-East) is co-financed by the European University Institute and the European Unio

    Programa psicoeducativo para alumnos en Enseñanzas Elementales de música

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    El desarrollo de la disciplina de la psicología de la música se vio impulsado por la Society for Education, Music and Psychology Research (SEMPRE) fundada en 1972 por Arnold Bentley. A pesar de ello, el crecimiento en la investigación y creación de programas de intervención en este campo es reciente. Éstos normalmente están centrados en aspectos específicos de la psicología de la música, por ello, en el presente trabajo se realiza una recopilación de diversas temáticas que se complementan y relacionan entre sí. El presente trabajo es una propuesta de programa formado por quince sesiones que se aplicarían durante un curso académico en las Enseñanzas Elementales de Música. Los principales elementos que conforman el programa son: ayudar a los alumnos a mejorar y aumentar la autoeficacia y autoconcepto musical, reducir el impacto de la ansiedad escénica y contribuir al logro de un rendimiento positivo del alumnado. La evaluación consistirá en la aplicación de una serie de cuestionarios los cuales medirán la ansiedad escénica, el aprendizaje autorregulado, la autoeficacia y autoconcepto, la gestión del tiempo y el rendimiento. La psicoeducación que obtendrá el alumnado gracias al programa permitirá la construcción de una base de apoyo para la adquisición de las habilidades que se proponen. La propuesta de futuro espera que los alumnos apliquen las estrategias a lo largo de toda la trayectoria musical diseñando las adaptaciones necesarias al programa para los cursos más avanzados. Además, la implementación del programa permitiría impulsar el auge de la psicología de la música.The development of the discipline of music psychology was furthered by the Society for Education, Music and Psychology Research (SEMPRE) founded in 1972 by Arnold Bentley. Despite this, the growth in research and creation of intervention programs in this field is recent. These are normally focused on specific aspects of the psychology of music, therefore, in the present work a compilation of various themes that complement and relate to each other is made. The present work is a program proposal made up of fifteen sessions that would be applied during an academic year in the Elementary Music Teachings. The main elements that make up the program are helping students improve and increase musical self-efficacy and self-concept, reducing the impact of stage anxiety and contributing to the achievement of positive student performance. The evaluation will consist of the application of a series of questionnaires which will measure performance anxiety, self regulated learning, self-efficacy and self-concept, time management and performance. The psychoeducation that the students will obtain thanks to the program will allow the construction of a support base for the acquisition of the skills that are proposed. The proposal for the future expects students to apply the strategies throughout their entire musical career, designing the necessary adaptations to the program for the more advanced courses. In addition, the implementation of the program would make the rise of psychology of music possible.Psicologí

    Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Vaccination of Animals in the Buffer Zone of the Republic of Armenia in 2016–2020

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    BACKGROUND: Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a high impact viral disease of livestock for which vaccines are extensively used for limiting the spread of infection. Armenia shares a border with both Turkey and Iran where FMD is endemic, making vaccination an important component of Armenia\u27s control strategy. Additionally, Armenian veterinary services utilize both passive and active monitoring for prevention control. METHODS: We sought to determine the immune status of animals vaccinated against FMD and to evaluate the effectiveness of our vaccination policy in Armenia. This was conducted in three regions including Shirak, Armavir, and Ararat Region which are located in the buffer zones that border Turkey and Iran. Through active monitoring in 2020, we studied blood serum samples from cattle and sheep using an enzyme immunoassay to determine the level of immune animals in these regions following the use of a polyvalent inactivated vaccine containing FMDV serotypes A, O, and Asia-1 that are relevant for this region. ELISA titers were assessed at 28, 90, and 180 days after vaccination in cattle of three age groups at the time of initial vaccination: 4-6 months, 6-18 months and ≥ 24 months of age with sheep of all ages. RESULTS: The 3 age groups of cattle had similarly high levels of immunity with over 90% of the cattle showing a ≥ 50% protective titer 28 days after the first vaccination. By day 90, titers in cattle from the initial 4-18-month age groups dropped below 58% across the 3 serotypes and at or below 80% for the oldest cattle ≥ 24 months. Re-vaccination of cattle at 120 days did improve protective titers but never reached the level of immunity of the first vaccination. Sheep showed a similar rapid drop to less than 50% having a ≥ 50% protective titer at 90 days emphasizing the need for continual revaccination. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study have important implications for the current FMD vaccine policy in Armenia and improves our understanding of the rapid loss of protective titers over short periods. Since small ruminants are only vaccinated once per year and vaccination titers drop rapidly by 90 days suggests that they are vulnerable to FMD and that vaccination protocols need to be updated. Cattle should continue to be vaccinated every 3-6 months depending on their age to maintain a protective level of antibodies to protect them from FMD. More studies are needed to understand the possible role of small ruminants in the epidemiology of FMD and to evaluate revaccination at shorter intervals. These results show the concerns of rapid loss of protection to both cattle and small ruminants following 1 or more doses of commercial vaccines and that additional vaccines need to be evaluated in both groups to know how often they must be vaccinated to provide full protection. The addition of challenge studies should also be considered to better understand the level of protection as measured by serology and how it relates to protection from challenge. These results should be considered by anyone using these vaccines in cattle and sheep at longer than 3 month intervals

    Elevated asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) and inverse correlation between circulating ADMA and glomerular filtration rate in children with sporadic focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS)

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    Background. Steroid-resistant nephrotic syndromes (NS) with focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) can be differentiated into sporadic and syndromic forms. In sporadic NS, a circulating FSGS-factor is discussed in the pathogenesis and is thought to inhibit the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO) from l-arginine by blocking the NO synthase (NOS). Asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) is an endogenous inhibitor of all types of NOS. In a previous study we did not find an elevation of ADMA in a syndromic form of FSGS, the Schimke-immuno-osseous dysplasia. Here we report for the first time data on the l-arginine/NO pathway in sporadic FSGS of childhood. Methods. Nine children (5 to 18 years of age) suffering from sporadic FSGS and age-matched healthy controls were investigated. ADMA in plasma and urine as well as l-arginine in plasma were determined by gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. The NO metabolites nitrate and nitrite were measured in plasma and urine by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The ADMA metabolite dimethylamine (DMA) was measured in urine by GC-MS. Results. We found elevated plasma levels of ADMA in children suffering from sporadic FSGS compared to healthy controls (851 nmol/L versus 684 nmol/L, P = 0.008). An inverse correlation between ADMA and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was found in sporadic FSGS (Pearson's correlation coefficient −0.784, P = 0.012). Conclusion. Our study suggests that ADMA synthesis is elevated in sporadic FSGS. This finding argues for the involvement of ADMA in the pathogenesis of this disease in childhoo

    Эффективность компрессионной терапии в профилактике венозных тромбоэмболических осложнений у пациентов с COVID-19

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    Background The main method for preventing thrombotic complications in patients with coronavirus infection is anticoagulant therapy (ACT). However, its use is not always possible, in particular in patients with bleeding. The only method of prevention in this case is elastic compression (EC) of the lower extremities.Aim of study To evaluate the effectiveness of lower extremity EC for the prevention of venous thromboembolic complications (VTEC) in patients with a new coronavirus infection.Material and methods The study was approved by the local Ethics Committee of the Ryazan State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russian Federation and registered on the ClinicalTrials.gov platform (identifier NCT05143567). The study included 69 patients without prophylactic compression (Group 1) and 65 patients who used prophylactic compression stockings (Group 2). The patients were treated in the covid hospital from July to November 2021. All patients had verified coronavirus infection, they took ACT and underwent ultrasound duplex scanning of the veins of the lower extremities upon admission, in the intensive care unit and upon discharge. We assessed the frequency of venous thromboembolic complications (VTEC), hemorrhagic complications, and mortality. To assess the severity of bleeding, the classification of the Committee of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) was used.Results In patients without prophylactic compression (Group 1) there were 7 VTEC cases (10.14%); deep vein thrombosis (DVT) — 4 (5.8%), pulmonary embolism (PE) — 3 (4.3%). All 6 cases (8.7%) with PE were fatal. It was noted that 2 cases of PE (2.8%) were verified upon autopsy, and not clinically. In patients of the 2nd group with the use of elastic compression, the overall incidence of VTEC was only one case (1.6%). When analyzing the frequency of bleeding in the 1st group, there was one pulmonary bleeding (1.4%), in the 2nd group there was also one case of intense intermuscular hematoma (1.6%). Significant bleeding was observed in one patient (1.4%) of the 1st group, and in 3 (4.8%) cases of the 2nd group. The minor bleeding was observed in 11 patients (15.9%) of the 1st group, and in 8 (12.7%) patients of the 2nd group. The mortality during hospitalization was 11 (15.9%) cases in patients of the 1st group (without EC) and 7 (11.1%) in patients of the 2nd group (with EC) (p=0.419).Conclusions The mortality in patients with coronavirus infection without compression therapy is higher than in patients with compression stockings (p=0.419). Patients wearing compression stockings in the hospital had a low incidence of VTEC (1.6% of cases in group 2 versus 10.14% of cases in group 1, p=0.039). The study groups had the same frequency of bleeding (group 1 — one case (1.4%), group 2 — one case (1.6%). The use of preventive compression at the inpatient stage of treatment of a new coronavirus infection makes it possible to prevent VTEC in patients with bleeding when anticoagulant therapy is not possible.Актуальность Основным методом профилактики тромботических осложнений у больных коронавирусной инфекцией является антикоагулянтная терапия (АКТ). Однако и ее применение не всегда возможно, в частности, у пациентов с кровотечениями. Единственным способом профилактики в данном случае является эластическая компрессия (ЭК) нижних конечностей.Цель работы Оценить эффективность применения ЭК нижних конечностей в профилактике венозных тромбоэмболических осложнений (ВТЭО) у пациентов с новой коронавирусной инфекцией.Материал и методы Исследование одобрено локальным этическим комитетом ФГБОУ ВО РязГМУ Минздрава России и зарегистрировано на платформе ClinicalTrials.gov (идентификатор NCT05143567). В исследование включены 69 пациентов без применения трикотажа (1-я группа) и 65 пациентов, которым применялся профилактический компрессионный трикотаж (2-я группа). Больные проходили лечение в ковидном госпитале с июля по ноябрь 2021 г. Все пациенты были с верифицированной коронавирусной инфекцией, им назначали АКТ и проводили ультразвуковое дуплексное сканирование вен нижних конечностей при поступлении, в отделении реанимации и при выписке. Оценивали частоту венозных тромбоэмболических осложнений (ВТЭО), геморрагические осложнения, летальность. Для оценки тяжести кровотечении использовали классификацию Комитета Международного общества по тромбозу и гемостазу (International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis, ISTH).Результаты У пациентов без трикотажа (1-я группа) ВТЭО составили 7 случаев (10,14%); тромбоз глубоких вен (ТГВ) — 4 (5,8%), тромбоэмболия легочной артерии (ТЭЛА) — 3 (4,3%). Все 6 пациентов (8,7%) с ТЭЛА — со смертельным исходом. Отмечено, что 2 случая ТЭЛА (2,8%) были верифицированы на аутопсии, а не клинически.У пациентов 2-й группы с применением эластической компрессии общая частота ВТЭО составила всего один случай (1,6%). При анализе частоты кровотечений в 1-й группе было одно легочное кровотечение (1,4%), во 2-й группе также один случай напряженной межмышечной гематомы (1,6%). Значимые кровотечения в 1-й группе наблюдались у одного больного (1,4%), а во 2-й группе — у 3 (4,8%). Малые кровотечения в 1-й группе отмечены у 11 пациентов (15,9%), во 2-й группе — у 8 (12,7%). Летальность во время госпитализации у пациентов 1-й группы (без ЭК) составила 11 больных (15,9%) , во 2-й группе (с ЭК) — 7 (11,1%) (р=0,419).Выводы Летальность у пациентов с коронавирусной инфекцией без компрессионной терапии выше, чем у пациентов с применением компрессионного трикотажа (р=0,419). У пациентов, носивших компрессионные чулки в стационаре, обнаружена низкая частота развития ВТЭО (1,6% случаев во 2-й группе против 10,14% случаев в 1-й группе, р=0,039). В исследуемых группах была одинаковая частота больших кровотечений (1-я группа — один случай (1,4%), 2-я группа — один (1,6%) случай). Применение профилактического трикотажа на стационарном этапе лечения новой коронавирусной инфекции позволяет выполнять профилактику ВТЭО у пациентов с кровотечениями при невозможности проведения антикоагулянтной терапии