38,056 research outputs found

    Strong and Electromagnetic Decays of Two New LambdacLambda_c^* Baryons

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    Two recently discovered excited charm baryons are studied within the framework of Heavy Hadron Chiral Perturbation Theory. We interpret these new baryons which lie 308 \MeV and 340 \MeV above the Λc\Lambda_c as I=0I=0 members of a P-wave spin doublet. Differential and total decay rates for their double pion transitions down to the Λc\Lambda_c ground state are calculated. Estimates for their radiative decay rates are also discussed. We find that the experimentally determined characteristics of the Λc\Lambda_c^* baryons may be simply understood in the effective theory.Comment: 16 pages with 4 figures not included but available upon request, CALT-68-191

    RF System Upgrades to the Advanced Photon Source Linear Accelerator in Support of the Fel Operation

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    The S-band linear accelerator, which was built to be the source of particles and the front end of the Advanced Photon Source injector, is now also being used to support a low-energy undulator test line (LEUTL) and to drive a free-electron laser (FEL). The more severe rf stability requirements of the FEL have resulted in an effort to identify sources of phase and amplitude instability and implement corresponding upgrades to the rf generation chain and the measurement system. Test data and improvements implemented and planned are describedComment: LC 2000 (3 pages, 6 figures

    Magnetic Field Structure and Stochastic Reconnection in a Partially Ionized Gas

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    We consider stochastic reconnection in a magnetized, partially ionized medium. Stochastic reconnection is a generic effect, due to field line wandering, in which the speed of reconnection is determined by the ability of ejected plasma to diffuse away from the current sheet along magnetic field lines, rather than by the details of current sheet structure. We consider the limit of weak stochasticity, so that the mean magnetic field energy density is greater than either the turbulent kinetic energy density or the energy density associated with the fluctuating component of the field. We consider field line stochasticity generated through a turbulent cascade, which leads us to consider the effect of neutral drag on the turbulent cascade of energy. In a collisionless plasma, neutral particle viscosity and ion-neutral drag will damp mid-scale turbulent motions, but the power spectrum of the magnetic perturbations extends below the viscous cutoff scale. We give a simple physical picture of the magnetic field structure below this cutoff, consistent with numerical experiments. We provide arguments for the reemergence of the turbulent cascade well below the viscous cut-off scale and derive estimates for field line diffusion on all scales. We note that this explains the persistence of a single power law form for the turbulent power spectrum of the interstellar medium, from scales of tens of parsecs down to thousands of kilometers. We find that under typical conditions in the ISM stochastic reconnection speeds are reduced by the presence of neutrals, but by no more than an order of magnitude.Comment: Astrophysical Journal in pres

    Modelling the dynamics of global monopoles

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    A thin wall approximation is exploited to describe a global monopole coupled to gravity. The core is modelled by de Sitter space; its boundary by a thin wall with a constant energy density; its exterior by the asymptotic Schwarzschild solution with negative gravitational mass MM and solid angle deficit, ΔΩ/4π=8πGη2\Delta\Omega/4\pi = 8\pi G\eta^2, where η\eta is the symmetry breaking scale. The deficit angle equals 4π4\pi when η=1/8πGMp\eta=1/\sqrt{8\pi G} \equiv M_p. We find that: (1) if η<Mp\eta <M_p, there exists a unique globally static non-singular solution with a well defined mass, M0<0M_0<0. M0M_0 provides a lower bound on MM. If M0<M<0M_0<M<0, the solution oscillates. There are no inflating solutions in this symmetry breaking regime. (2) if ηMp\eta \ge M_p, non-singular solutions with an inflating core and an asymptotically cosmological exterior will exist for all M<0M<0. (3) if η\eta is not too large, there exists a finite range of values of MM where a non-inflating monopole will also exist. These solutions appear to be metastable towards inflation. If MM is positive all solutions are singular. We provide a detailed description of the configuration space of the model for each point in the space of parameters, (η,M)(\eta, M) and trace the wall trajectories on both the interior and the exterior spacetimes. Our results support the proposal that topological defects can undergo inflation.Comment: 44 pages, REVTeX, 11 PostScript figures, submitted to the Physical Review D. Abstract's correcte

    Doping - dependent superconducting gap anisotropy in the two-dimensional 10-3-8 pnictide Ca10_{10}(Pt3_3As8_8)[(Fe1x_{1-x}Ptx_{x})2_2As2_2]5_5

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    The characteristic features of Ca10_{10}(Pt3_3As8_8)[(Fe1x_{1-x}Ptx_x)2_2As2_2]5_5 ("10-3-8") superconductor are relatively high anisotropy and a clear separation of superconductivity and structural/magnetic transitions, which allows studying the superconducting gap without complications due to the coexisting order parameters. The London penetration depth, measured in underdoped single crystals of 10-3-8 (x=x = 0.028, 0.041, 0.042, and 0.097), shows behavior remarkably similar to other Fe-based superconductors, exhibiting robust power-law, Δλ(T)=ATn\Delta \lambda(T) = A T^n. The exponent nn decreases from 2.36 (x=x = 0.097, close to optimal doping) to 1.7 (x=x = 0.028, a heavily underdoped composition), suggesting that the superconducting gap becomes more anisotropic at the dome edge. A similar trend is found in low-anisotropy superconductors based on BaFe2_2As2_2 ("122"), implying that it is an intrinsic property of superconductivity in iron pnictides, unrelated to the coexistence of magnetic order and superconductivity or the anisotropy of the normal state. Overall this doping dependence is consistent with s±s_{\pm} pairing competing with intra-band repulsion

    Die Spacer Thickness Reproduction for Central Incisor Crown Fabrication with Combined Computer-aided Design and 3D Printing Technology: An in vitro Study

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    Statement of problem The inability to control die spacer thickness has been reported. However, little information is available on the congruency between the computer-aided design parameters for die spacer thickness and the actual printout. Purpose The purpose of this study was to evaluate the accuracy and precision of the die spacer thickness achieved by combining computer-aided design and 3-dimensional printing technology. Material and Methods An ivorine maxillary central incisor was prepared for a ceramic crown. The prepared tooth was duplicated by using polyvinyl siloxane duplicating silicone, and 80 die-stone models were produced from Type IV dental stone. The dies were randomly divided into 5 groups with assigned die spacer thicknesses of 25 μm, 45 μm, 65 μm, 85 μm, and 105 μm (n=16). The printed resin copings, obtained from a printer (ProJet DP 3000; 3D Systems), were cemented onto their respective die-stone models with self-adhesive resin cement and stored at room temperature until sectioning into halves in a buccolingual direction. The internal gap was measured at 5 defined locations per side of the sectioned die. Images of the printed resin coping/die-stone model internal gap dimensions were obtained with an inverted bright field metallurgical microscope at ×100 magnification. The acquired digital image was calibrated, and measurements were made using image analysis software. Mixed models (α=.05) were used to evaluate accuracy. A false discovery rate at 5% was used to adjust for multiple testing. Coefficient of variation was used to determine the precision for each group and was evaluated statistically with the Wald test (α=.05). Results The accuracy, expressed in terms of the mean differences between the prescribed die spacer thickness and the measured internal gap (standard deviation), was 50 μm (11) for the 25 μm group simulated die spacer thickness, 30 μm (10) for the 45 μm group, 15 μm (14) for the 65 μm group, 3 μm (23) for the 85 μm group, and -10 μm (32) for the 105 μm group. The precision mean of the measurements, expressed as a coefficient of variation, ranged between 14% and 33% for the 5 groups. Conclusions For the accuracy evaluation, statistically significant differences were found for all the groups, except the group of 85 μm. For the precision assessment, the coefficient of variation was above 10% for all groups, showing the printer’s inability to reproduce the uniform internal gap within the same group

    Analytical treatment of SUSY Quasi-normal modes in a non-rotating Schwarzschild black hole

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    We use the Fock-Ivanenko formalism to obtain the Dirac equation which describes the interaction of a massless 1/2-spin neutral fermion with a gravitational field around a Schwarzschild black hole (BH). We obtain approximated analytical solutions for the eigenvalues of the energy (quasi-normal frequencies) and their corresponding eigenstates (quasi-normal states). The interesting result is that all the excited states [and their supersymmetric (SUSY) partners] have a purely imaginary frequency, which can be expressed in terms of the Hawking temperature. Furthermore, as one expects for SUSY Hamiltonians, the isolated bottom state has a real null energy eigenvalue.Comment: Version to be published in European Physical Journal

    Search for magnetic monopoles using proportional counters filled with helium gas

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    Slow magnetic monopoles in cosmic rays have been searched at sea level with the detector which consists of seven layers of proportional counters filled with a mixture of He + 20% CH4. The velocities and the energy losses of the incident particles are measured. The upper limit of flux for the monopoles in the velocity range of 1 x 0.001 Beta 4 x 0.001 is 2.78 x 10 to the minus 12th power square centimeters sr sec of 90% confidence level