11 research outputs found

    Peculiar objects in the birthplaces of radio pulsars -- stellar-mass black hole candidates

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    We perform a search for stellar-mass black hole candidates in the spatial regions with increased probability of their occurrence, isolated based on the evolutionary scenarios for compact objects originating in disrupted binaries. We analyze the sources located in these regions with available spectral or photometric data, as well as measured proper motions and distances. Nine objects that exhibit characteristics corresponding to theoretical predictions for isolated black holes are marked for further study as black hole candidates

    Searching for isolated stellar-mass black hole candidates by analyzing the kinematics of their former companions in disrupted binary systems

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    We performed a search for isolated stellar-mass black hole candidates based on the fact that more than 50% of radio pulsars have originated in binary systems, now disrupted, where the other component could have evolved into a black hole prior to the second supernova event in the system which caused its disruption. To this end, several relatively young isolated pulsars with known parallaxes fitting the selection criteria were traced back to their presumed birth locations. These areas were then analyzed for possible black hole candidates based on the astrometric, photometric, and spectral data available. We present the results for the first 4 pulsars in our sample, J0139+5814, J0922+0638, J0358+5413, and J1395+1616. Several possible candidates were selected for further analysis

    Search for Pairs of Isolated Radio Pulsars - Components in Disrupted Binary Systems

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    We have developed a method for analyzing the kinematic association of isolated relativistic objects - possible remnants of disrupted close binary systems. We investigate pairs of fairly young radio pulsars with known proper motions and estimated distances (dispersion measures) that are spaced no more than 2-3 kpc apart. Using a specified radial velocity distribution for these objects, we have constructed 100-300 thousand trajectories of their possible motion in the Galactic gravitational field on a time scale of several million years. The probabilities of their close encounters at epochs consistent with the age of the younger pulsar in the pair are analyzed. When these probabilities exceed considerably their reference values obtained by assuming a purely random encounter between the pulsars under consideration, we conclude that the objects may have been gravitationally bound in the past. As a result, we have detected six pulsar pairs (J0543+2329/J0528+2200, J1453-6413/J1430-6623, J2354+6155/J2321+6024, J1915+1009/J1909+1102, J1832-0827/J1836-1008, and J1917+1353/J1926+1648) that are companions in disrupted binary systems with a high probability. Estimates of their kinematic ages and velocities at binary disruption and at the present epoch are provided


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    The aim of this study was to estimate the montelukast cost-effectiveness in children with mild and moderate persistent asthma in Belarus. Patients and methods. A one-year decision tree model of asthma for a hypothetical cohort of 100 children with asthma and a lack of basic therapy or taking either montelukast or inhaled glucocorticosteroids has been constructed on the basis of the results of randomized clinical studies and local data. Results. In children older than 6 years of age the CER of fluticasone application was 1.45per«daywithoutasthmaattacks,exacerbations,useofshortactingβ2receptoragonists»ascomparedtothemontelukastCER1.45 per «day without asthma attacks, exacerbations, use of short-acting β2-receptor agonists» as compared to the montelukast CER — 2.62. In 2–6-year-old children the CER of montelukast application was 4.1,thebudesonideinhalationsuspensionCER4.1, the budesonide inhalation suspension CER — 5.6, the CER of the lack of basis therapy — 6.9. Conclusion. Theuseoforalmontelukastisconsideredtobecosteffectivein26yearoldchildrenwithmildandmoderatepersistentasthmaascomparedtothebudesonideinhalationsuspensionorlackofbasistherapyintheRepublicofBelarus.Inhaledglucocorticosteroidsistheprioritymedicineinchildrenolderthan6yearsofagewhoareabletomastertheinhalationtechnique.Цельисследования. Оценкасоотношения«затраты–эффективность»(CER)применениямонтелукастаудетейсперсистирующейастмойлегкойисреднейстепенитяжестивБеларуси. Пациентыиметоды. Наосноверандомизированныхклиническихисследованийилокальныхданныхпостроенагодичнаямодельдереварешенийастмыдлягипотетическойкогортыиз100детейсастмой,неполучающихбазиснуютерапию,илипринимающихмонтелукастилиингаляционныйглюкокортикостероид. Результаты.Удетейстарше6летCERпримененияфлутиказонасоставило1,456.9. Conclusion. The use of oral montelukast is considered to be cost-effective in 2–6-year-old children with mild and moderate persistent asthma as compared to the budesonide inhalation suspension or lack of basis therapy in the Republic of Belarus. Inhaled glucocorticosteroids is the priority medicine in children older than 6 years of age who are able to master the inhalation technique.Цель исследования. Оценка соотношения «затраты–эффективность» (CER) применения монтелукаста у детей с персистирующей астмой легкой и средней степени тяжести в Беларуси. Пациенты и методы. На основе рандомизированных клинических исследований и локальных данных построена годичная модель дерева решений астмы для гипотетической когорты из 100 детей с астмой, не получающих базисную терапию, или принимающих монтелукаст или ингаляционный глюкокортикостероид. Результаты. У детей старше 6 лет CER применения флутиказона составило 1,45 на «один день без ухудшений астмы, обострений, использования короткодействующих β2-агонистов» по сравнению с CER монтелукаста — 2,62.Удетей26летприприменениимонтелукастаCERсоставило4,1. У детей 2–6 лет при применении монтелукаста CER составило 4,1, суспензии будесонида — 5,6,отсутствиибазиснойтерапии—6,9, отсутствии базисной терапии — 6,9.Заключение. В Республике Беларусь у детей в возрасте 2–6 лет с персистирующей бронхиальной астмой легкой и средней степени тяжести приоритетной тактикой лечения является использование перорального монтелукаста по сравнению с суспензией будесонида или отсутствием базисной терапии. У детей старше 6 лет, которые способны овладеть техникой ингаляции, приоритетным лекарственным средством является ингаляционный глюкокортикостероид

    Searching for isolated stellar-mass black hole candidates by analyzing the kinematics of their former companions in disrupted binary systems

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    We performed a search for isolated stellar-mass black hole candidates based on the fact that more than 50% of radio pulsars have originated in binary systems, now disrupted, where the other component could have evolved into a black hole prior to the second supernova event in the system which caused its disruption. To this end, several relatively young isolated pulsars with known parallaxes fitting the selection criteria were traced back to their presumed birth locations. These areas were then analyzed for possible black hole candidates based on the astrometric, photometric, and spectral data available. We present the results for the first 4 pulsars in our sample, J0139+5814, J0922+0638, J0358+5413, and J1395+1616. Several possible candidates were selected for further analysis

    Searching for isolated stellar-mass black hole candidates by analyzing the kinematics of their former companions in disrupted binary systems

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    We performed a search for isolated stellar-mass black hole candidates based on the fact that more than 50% of radio pulsars have originated in binary systems, now disrupted, where the other component could have evolved into a black hole prior to the second supernova event in the system which caused its disruption. To this end, several relatively young isolated pulsars with known parallaxes fitting the selection criteria were traced back to their presumed birth locations. These areas were then analyzed for possible black hole candidates based on the astrometric, photometric, and spectral data available. We present the results for the first 4 pulsars in our sample, J0139+5814, J0922+0638, J0358+5413, and J1395+1616. Several possible candidates were selected for further analysis

    Searching for isolated stellar-mass black hole candidates by analyzing the kinematics of their former companions in disrupted binary systems

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    We performed a search for isolated stellar-mass black hole candidates based on the fact that more than 50% of radio pulsars have originated in binary systems, now disrupted, where the other component could have evolved into a black hole prior to the second supernova event in the system which caused its disruption. To this end, several relatively young isolated pulsars with known parallaxes fitting the selection criteria were traced back to their presumed birth locations. These areas were then analyzed for possible black hole candidates based on the astrometric, photometric, and spectral data available. We present the results for the first 4 pulsars in our sample, J0139+5814, J0922+0638, J0358+5413, and J1395+1616. Several possible candidates were selected for further analysis