20 research outputs found

    The use of Social Networking Sites in modern recruitment : empirical study

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    Current changes in technology and the role of the Internet open up new opportunities for companies both to communicate and to work. The fact that Social Media entered the business landscape, and in particular the recruitment landscape leads to a demand for knowledge about recruitment trends regarding social media. Contemporary social media and recruitment texts have been reviewed in order to identify what impact social media is having on the recruitment industry. It focuses on how companies and recruitment professionals are taking advantage of the social media landscape to recruit talented people. Relevant existing research has been reviewed and primary research conducted (both qualitative and quantitative). The authors have conducted 8 IDIs with recruiter from various industries. The latter consisted of 147 CAWIs with employees from various Polish organizations from several different industries. The article presents interesting results that can be especially useful for recruitment managers, specialists and company owners. It is recommended that in order to gain a fuller picture of the issues underlying the findings, quantitative research on a bigger scale should be undertaken

    Obrazy przedsiębiorców : wyniki badań własnych

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    This paper starts with an introduction to and exploration of entrepreneurship. It further explains the theoretical basis of metaphors used in understanding entrepreneurship with entrepreneurs as the phenomena. This paper takes a new approach to examining the definitions of entrepreneurs, distinguishing between entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs. This research gives us insight into understanding the phenomena of entrepreneurship, through the lens of images of entrepreneurs that exist among both entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs. An exploratory analysis of entrepreneurial metaphors and concepts is conducted to achieve this goal. In a qualitative analysis of entrepreneurial concepts, respondents defined the word ‘entrepreneur’ with suggested conceptual equivalents. In an analysis of metaphors, respondents explained why they see entrepreneurs through such lenses. The sample consisted of 124 respondents.Niniejszy artykuł rozpoczyna się od wprowadzenia oraz eksploracji zjawiska przedsiębiorczości. W dalszej części wyjaśnia podstawy teoretyczne metafory stosowanej w zrozumieniu przedsiębiorczości. Artykuł podejmuje nowe, metaforyczne, a więc kognitywne podejście do zbadania definicji przedsiębiorcy, z rozróżnieniem przedsiębiorców i osób niebędących przedsiębiorcami. To badanie umożliwia wgląd w zrozumienie zjawiska przedsiębiorczości przez pryzmat obrazów, a dokładniej metafor przedsiębiorców, które istnieją zarówno wśród przedsiębiorców, jak i osób niebędących przedsiębiorcami. Aby osiągnąć założony cel, przeprowadzono badanie jakościowe i ilościowe. W badaniu jakościowym respondenci definiowali słowo „przedsiębiorca” za pomocą koncepcyjnych ekwiwalentów i wyjaśniali, dlaczego respondenci używają danych metafor do określenia przedsiębiorców. Badanie ilościowe stanowiła ankieta. Próba składała się ze 124 respondentów

    Longitudinal studies on traits and behaviors of Polish managers

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    The main objective of our research was to compare followers evaluation of Polish middle managers in regard to their traits and behaviors, which are essential for leadership effectiveness, in the years of 2008/2009; 2010/2012; 2012 and during 1996/1997 under the GLOBE research project. As was unexpected, our research results indicate the Polish middle managers under our follow-up study scored significantly lower than their counterparts investigated under the GLOBE study in 1996/1997 on Performance Orientation, Team Orientation, Humane Orientation, Integrity, Visionary and Inspirational Leadership Dimensions, and significantly higher on Autocratic Leadership style. Our findings point to the conclusion that profound changes in political and socioeconomic systems in Poland, have shown little effects so far on managerial values and subsequent attitudes and behaviors. We postulate that deep changes in peoples’ mentality are needed to generate beneficial changes in the societal and organizational values and succeeding attitudes and behaviors


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    Purpose: Due to globalization and the global mobility of workforce, working in multicultural environments is a new challenge for employees and managers. The aim of the paper is to analyze the social interactions in multicultural environments of multinational corporations (MNCs) as well as to propose a model of intercultural social interactions in MNCs’ specific context.Design/methodology/approach: The grounded theory approach was applied to create a model of intercultural interactions in MNCs. The data was obtained during the qualitative research based on comparative case studies collected in 5 MNCs’ subsidiaries.Findings: The proposed model refers to the following concepts: 1) Lazarus’s transactional stress theory states that job demands may be assessed as hindrances or challenges. The specific job demands that affect intercultural interactions are multilingualism, cultural diversity, cross-cultural adjustment and team work. 2) Positive psychological capital and an individual’s acquired resources are in relation with intercultural interactions. 3) According to Bandura’s agentic perspective, individuals take an active role in shaping social interactions and work environment. 4) Being an agent relates to Spreitzer’s thriving concept that can serve as a mechanism of relations between the interactions undertaken due to MNCs’ specific job demands and their outcomes.Research limitations/implications: The qualitative methodology applied to the research does not allow for a broader generalization of the results. The outcomes of intercultural interactions depend mainly on how individuals assess their job demands in MNCs.Practical implications: Since the workplace in MNCs is abundant in learning opportunities, the managers of MNCs need to hire employees who exhibit needs for growth and development to boost thriving in their organizations. Additionally, these managers should search for employees with experience of multicultural settings and a signifi cant capacity of positive psychological capital, thanks to which they are likely to benefi t more from intercultural social interactions. More concern should be put on training the employees’ language skills since it may build their self-eff icacy in intercultural interactions.Originality/value: The proposed model focuses on social interactions in MNCs’ unique context. The empirical fi ndings were interpreted with regard to psychological and sociological theories and the Positive Organizational Scholarship lens

    Executive Coaching: Coach Competencies and Expertise

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    Rozwój ekonomii opartej na wiedzy pociąga za sobą konieczność poszukiwania nowych metod i narzędzi wzmacniania procesów organizacyjnego uczenia się oraz ich weryfikację. W tym kontekście wielu badaczy wskazuje na znaczenie executive coachingu jako instrumentu wspierającego zarówno indywidualne, jak i organizacyjne procesy uczenia się. W artykule podejmuje się próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie: jakimi kompetencjami i jaką wiedzą powinien charakteryzować się executive coach. Artykuł prezentuje wyniki przeprowadzonych badań jakościowych wśród menedżerów wyższego szczebla w Polsce.The development of the knowledge economy brings with it the search for new methods and tools of enhancing organizational learning processes and their verification. It is in this context that many researchers point to the importance of executive coaching as a tool supporting both individual and organizational learning processes. This article is an attempt to answer the question of what skills and what knowledge should be characteristic of an executive coach. It presents the results of qualitative research conducted among senior managers in Poland


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