233 research outputs found

    The roof structure of the sport hall in Vsetín

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem nosné střešní konstrukce multifunkční sportovní haly ve Vsetíně ve Zlínském kraji. Konstrukce je navržena na půdorysné rozměry 76x35 m. Cílem práce je navrhnout a srovnat návrhy konstrukce provedené ze dřeva a oceli.The bachelor’s thesis deals with the design of the roof load-bearing structure of the multifunctional sports hall in Vsetín, Zlín region. The structure was designed for dimensions of 76x35 metres. The aim of the work is to design and compare both designed alternatives made of timber and steel.

    Detection of the voice fundamental frequency

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá detekcí základního tónu člověka. Kmitočet základního tónu patří mezi základní parametry řečového signálu v kmitočtové oblasti. V této práci je popsáno několik metod detekce základního tónu a praktické využití korelační metody a kepstrální analýzy.This bachelor thesis deals with the detection of the pitch man. The frequency of the basic tone is one of the basic parameters of speech signal in the frequency domain. In this thesis we describe several methods for pitch detection and practical application of correlation method and cepstral analysis.

    Changes in Selected Biochemical Indices Resulting from Various Pre-sampling Handling Techniques in Broilers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Since it is not yet clear whether it is possible to satisfactorily avoid sampling-induced stress interference in poultry, more studies on the pattern of physiological response and detailed quantification of stress connected with the first few minutes of capture and pre-sampling handling in poultry are required. This study focused on detection of changes in the corticosterone level and concentrations of other selected biochemical parameters in broilers handled in two different manners during blood sampling (involving catching, carrying, restraint, and blood collection itself) that lasted for various time periods within the interval 30-180 seconds.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Stress effects of pre-sampling handling were studied in a group (n = 144) of unsexed ROSS 308 broiler chickens aged 42 d. Handling (catching, carrying, restraint, and blood sampling itself) was carried out in a gentle (caught, held and carried carefully in an upright position) or rough (caught by the leg, held and carried with lack of care in inverted position) manner and lasted for 30 s, 60 s, 90 s, 120 s, 150 s, and 180 s. Plasma corticosterone, albumin, glucose, cholesterol, lactate, triglycerides and total protein were measured in order to assess the stress-induced changes to these biochemical indices following handling in the first few minutes of capture.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Pre-sampling handling in a rough manner resulted in considerably higher plasma concentrations of all biochemical indices monitored when compared with gentle handling. Concentrations of plasma corticosterone after 150 and 180 s of handling were considerably higher (P < 0.01) than concentrations after 30-120 s of handling regardless of handling technique. Concentrations of plasma lactate were also increased by prolonged handling duration. Handling for 90-180 seconds resulted in a highly significant elevation of lactate concentration in comparison with 30 s handling regardless of handling technique. Similarly to corticosterone concentrations, a strong positive correlation was found between plasma lactate and duration of pre-sampling handling. Other biochemical indices monitored did not show any correlation pattern in connection with duration of pre-sampling handling.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results indicate that the pre-sampling procedure may be a considerably stressful procedure for broilers, particularly when carried out with lack of care and exceeding 120 seconds.</p

    Online singing lessons: reflections on the coherence of intention and reality : [abstract]

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    Territory, Place, and Identity in Slovak Church-state Conflict: 1948-1989

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    This paper focuses on the development and utilization of a conceptual framework for studying religion from a spatial perspective, drawing on themes and methodologies from human geography. The goal of this research is to help reconnect the geography of religion as a subdiscipline with broader themes in the discipline. Through an examination of Catholicism in Slovakia between 1948 and 1989, it examines how the Church utilized and organized geographic space, how it crafted a Catholic sense of place, and how the Communist government in Slovakia competed with the Church for authority and control within these spatial 'realms.' Examining issues of territoriality, power relations, and identity formation at a number of spatial scales, ranging from the local to the international, the paper attempts to show their interrelation. This project draws on a collection of primary documents obtained from state and ecclesiastic archives in Eastern Slovakia

    Genotypic differences in root system size in white mustard in relation to biomass yield and soil nitrogen content

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    Growing catch crops is one of the possible strategies to decrease erosion and nitrogen loss from soil profiles. Biomass yield and root system size have significant impacts on the soil nitrogen content. a three-year field experiment with eight varieties of white mustard (Sinapis alba L.) was established to evaluate the effects of genotype and environment on biomass yield, soil nitrogen content and rooting parameters. Significant effects of genotype were found for root length density (RLD), root surface density (RSD) and specific root length (SRL) in the plow layer (0 - 20 cm) and for root system size (RSS), measured by electrical capacitance method, during three phenological phases. Higher biomass yield in varieties with higher RLD and RSD values during ripening and a larger RSS during flowering were found in dry conditions. Relationship of the root system and biomass yield to nitrate and ammonia nitrogen content varied in different environments. We found a significant relation between the RSS and ammonia nitrogen content in more fertile environment on average over the three years. The nitrate nitrogen content was related to the RLD, RSD and SRL in favorable year at shallow soil depths (0 - 20 cm).O

    Radiomorphometric assessment of the pterygoid hamulus as a factor promoting the pterygoid hamulus bursitis

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    Background: The pterygoid hamulus (PH) is a small protrusion on the base of the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone. PH is a site of insertion of many muscles and ligaments. Its topography can determine predilection for developing the pterygoid hamulus bursitis (PHB). Materials and methods: The study was conducted based on the morphometric analysis of 100 PHs on cone beam computed tomography scans. Results: Based on statistical analysis, we found numerous significant correlations between the morphometric parameters. Conclusions: Considering our results, it can be concluded that the main pathogenic factor in PHB is an extensive medial deviation of the pterygoid hamulus in the frontal plane

    Apprecitation of FEI Czech Republic company Information system and changes suggestions

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    IS firmy Fei Czech Republic MFG PRO nebude lehké posuzovat. Bakalářská práce se zaměří na současný stav. Práce se bude snažit odhalit jeho kladné stránky a nedostatky a na základě těchto poznatků bude práce obsahovat návrh změn který by pro firmu mohl být prospěšný z hlediska lepšího chodu a efektivnosti firmy.IS MFG PRO of Fei Company will not be easy to criticize. Bachelor´s thesis will try to direct on coincident state. Thesis will try to find out it´s positives and negatives and according to this informations it will contained changes suggestions whitch can be profitable in state of effectivity to company.