88 research outputs found

    Anti-angiogenic SPARC peptides inhibit progression of neuroblastoma tumors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>New, more effective strategies are needed to treat highly aggressive neuroblastoma. Our laboratory has previously shown that full-length Secreted Protein Acidic and Rich in Cysteine (SPARC) and a SPARC peptide corresponding to the follistatin domain of the protein (FS-E) potently block angiogenesis and inhibit the growth of neuroblastoma tumors in preclinical models. Peptide FS-E is structurally complex and difficult to produce, limiting its potential as a therapeutic in the clinic.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, we synthesized two smaller and structurally more simple SPARC peptides, FSEN and FSEC, that respectively correspond to the N-and C-terminal loops of peptide FS-E. We show that both peptides FSEN and FSEC have anti-angiogenic activity <it>in vitro </it>and <it>in vivo</it>, although FSEC is more potent. Peptide FSEC also significantly inhibited the growth of neuroblastoma xenografts. Histologic examination demonstrated characteristic features of tumor angiogenesis with structurally abnormal, tortuous blood vessels in control neuroblastoma xenografts. In contrast, the blood vessels observed in tumors, treated with SPARC peptides, were thin walled and structurally more normal. Using a novel method to quantitatively assess blood vessel abnormality we demonstrated that both SPARC peptides induced changes in blood vessel architecture that are consistent with blood vessel normalization.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results demonstrate that SPARC peptide FSEC has potent anti-angiogenic and anti-tumorigenic effects in neuroblastoma. Its simple structure and ease of production indicate that it may have clinical utility in the treatment of high-risk neuroblastoma and other types of pediatric and adult cancers, which depend on angiogenesis.</p

    Epigenetic alterations differ in phenotypically distinct human neuroblastoma cell lines

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Epigenetic aberrations and a CpG island methylator phenotype have been shown to be associated with poor outcomes in children with neuroblastoma (NB). Seven cancer related genes (<it>THBS-1, CASP8, HIN-1, TIG-1, BLU, SPARC</it>, and <it>HIC-1</it>) that have been shown to have epigenetic changes in adult cancers and play important roles in the regulation of angiogenesis, tumor growth, and apoptosis were analyzed to investigate the role epigenetic alterations play in determining NB phenotype.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Two NB cell lines (tumorigenic LA1-55n and non-tumorigenic LA1-5s) that differ in their ability to form colonies in soft agar and tumors in nude mice were used. Quantitative RNA expression analyses were performed on seven genes in LA1-5s, LA1-55n and 5-Aza-dC treated LA1-55n NB cell lines. The methylation status around <it>THBS-1, HIN-1, TIG-1 </it>and <it>CASP8 </it>promoters was examined using methylation specific PCR. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assay was used to examine histone modifications along the <it>THBS-1 </it>promoter. Luciferase assay was used to determine <it>THBS-1 </it>promoter activity. Cell proliferation assay was used to examine the effect of 5-Aza-dC on NB cell growth. The soft agar assay was used to determine the tumorigenicity.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Promoter methylation values for <it>THBS-1</it>, <it>HIN-1</it>, <it>TIG-1</it>, and <it>CASP8 </it>were higher in LA1-55n cells compared to LA1-5s cells. Consistent with the promoter methylation status, lower levels of gene expression were detected in the LA1-55n cells. Histone marks associated with repressive chromatin states (H3K9Me3, H3K27Me3, and H3K4Me3) were identified in the <it>THBS-1 </it>promoter region in the LA1-55n cells, but not the LA1-5s cells. In contrast, the three histone codes associated with an active chromatin state (acetyl H3, acetyl H4, and H3K4Me3) were present in the <it>THBS-1 </it>promoter region in LA1-5s cells, but not the LA1-55n cells, suggesting that an accessible chromatin structure is important for <it>THBS-1 </it>expression. We also show that 5-Aza-dC treatment of LA1-55n cells alters the DNA methylation status and the histone code in the <it>THBS-1 </it>promoter modifies cell morphology, and inhibits their ability to form colonies in soft agar.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results suggest that epigenetic aberrations contribute to NB phenotype, and that tumorigenic properties can be inhibited by reversing the epigenetic changes with 5-Aza-dC.</p

    SPARC Overexpression Inhibits Cell Proliferation in Neuroblastoma and Is Partly Mediated by Tumor Suppressor Protein PTEN and AKT

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    Secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC) is also known as BM-40 or Osteonectin, a multi-functional protein modulating cell–cell and cell–matrix interactions. In cancer, SPARC is not only linked with a highly aggressive phenotype, but it also acts as a tumor suppressor. In the present study, we sought to characterize the function of SPARC and its role in sensitizing neuroblastoma cells to radio-therapy. SPARC overexpression in neuroblastoma cells inhibited cell proliferation in vitro. Additionally, SPARC overexpression significantly suppressed the activity of AKT and this suppression was accompanied by an increase in the tumor suppressor protein PTEN both in vitro and in vivo. Restoration of neuroblastoma cell radio-sensitivity was achieved by overexpression of SPARC in neuroblastoma cells in vitro and in vivo. To confirm the role of the AKT in proliferation inhibited by SPARC overexpression, we transfected neuroblastoma cells with a plasmid vector carrying myr-AKT. Myr-AKT overexpression reversed SPARC-mediated PTEN and increased proliferation of neuroblastoma cells in vitro. PTEN overexpression in parallel with SPARC siRNA resulted in decreased AKT phosphorylation and proliferation in vitro. Taken together, these results establish SPARC as an effector of AKT-PTEN-mediated inhibition of proliferation in neuroblastoma in vitro and in vivo

    SPARC promoter hypermethylation in colorectal cancers can be reversed by 5-Aza-2β€²deoxycytidine to increase SPARC expression and improve therapy response

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    Poor clinical outcomes in cancer can often be attributed to inadequate response to chemotherapy. Strategies to overcome either primary or acquired chemoresistance may ultimately impact on patients' survival favourably. We previously showed that lower levels of SPARC were associated with therapy-refractory colorectal cancers (CRC), and that upregulating its expression enhances chemo-sensitivity resulting in greater tumour regression in vivo. Here, we examined aberrant hypermethylation of the SPARC promoter as a potential mechanism for repressing SPARC in CRCs and whether restoration of its expression with a demethylating agent 5-Aza-2β€²deoxycytidine (5-Aza) could enhance chemosensitivity. Initially, the methylation status of the SPARC promoter from primary human CRCs were assessed following isolation of genomic DNA from laser capture microdissected specimens by direct DNA sequencing. MIP101, RKO, HCT 116, and HT-29 CRC cell lines were also used to evaluate the effect of 5-Aza on: SPARC promoter methylation, SPARC expression, the interaction between DNMT1 and the SPARC promoter (ChIP assay), cell viability, apoptosis, and cell proliferation. Our results revealed global hypermethylation of the SPARC promoter in CRCs, and identified specific CpG sites that were consistently methylated in CRCs but not in normal colon. We also demonstrate that SPARC repression in CRC cell lines could be reversed following exposure to 5-Aza, which resulted in increased SPARC expression, leading to a significant reduction in cell viability (by an additional 39% in RKO cells) and greater apoptosis (an additional 18% in RKO cells), when combined with 5-FU in vitro (in comparison to 5-FU alone). Our exciting findings suggest potential diagnostic markers of CRCs based on specific methylated CpG sites. Moreover, the results reveal the therapeutic utility of employing demethylating agents to improve response through augmentation of SPARC expression

    Multi-Class Clustering of Cancer Subtypes through SVM Based Ensemble of Pareto-Optimal Solutions for Gene Marker Identification

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    With the advancement of microarray technology, it is now possible to study the expression profiles of thousands of genes across different experimental conditions or tissue samples simultaneously. Microarray cancer datasets, organized as samples versus genes fashion, are being used for classification of tissue samples into benign and malignant or their subtypes. They are also useful for identifying potential gene markers for each cancer subtype, which helps in successful diagnosis of particular cancer types. In this article, we have presented an unsupervised cancer classification technique based on multiobjective genetic clustering of the tissue samples. In this regard, a real-coded encoding of the cluster centers is used and cluster compactness and separation are simultaneously optimized. The resultant set of near-Pareto-optimal solutions contains a number of non-dominated solutions. A novel approach to combine the clustering information possessed by the non-dominated solutions through Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier has been proposed. Final clustering is obtained by consensus among the clusterings yielded by different kernel functions. The performance of the proposed multiobjective clustering method has been compared with that of several other microarray clustering algorithms for three publicly available benchmark cancer datasets. Moreover, statistical significance tests have been conducted to establish the statistical superiority of the proposed clustering method. Furthermore, relevant gene markers have been identified using the clustering result produced by the proposed clustering method and demonstrated visually. Biological relationships among the gene markers are also studied based on gene ontology. The results obtained are found to be promising and can possibly have important impact in the area of unsupervised cancer classification as well as gene marker identification for multiple cancer subtypes

    SPARC: a matricellular regulator of tumorigenesis

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    Although many clinical studies have found a correlation of SPARC expression with malignant progression and patient survival, the mechanisms for SPARC function in tumorigenesis and metastasis remain elusive. The activity of SPARC is context- and cell-type-dependent, which is highlighted by the fact that SPARC has shown seemingly contradictory effects on tumor progression in both clinical correlative studies and in animal models. The capacity of SPARC to dictate tumorigenic phenotype has been attributed to its effects on the bioavailability and signaling of integrins and growth factors/chemokines. These molecular pathways contribute to many physiological events affecting malignant progression, including extracellular matrix remodeling, angiogenesis, immune modulation and metastasis. Given that SPARC is credited with such varied activities, this review presents a comprehensive account of the divergent effects of SPARC in human cancers and mouse models, as well as a description of the potential mechanisms by which SPARC mediates these effects. We aim to provide insight into how a matricellular protein such as SPARC might generate paradoxical, yet relevant, tumor outcomes in order to unify an apparently incongruent collection of scientific literature
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