31 research outputs found

    Molecular cloning of doublesex genes of four cladocera (water flea) species

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    BACKGROUND: The gene doublesex (dsx) is known as a key factor regulating genetic sex determination in many organisms. We previously identified two dsx genes (DapmaDsx1 and DapmaDsx2) from a freshwater branchiopod crustacean, Daphnia magna, which are expressed in males but not in females. D. magna produces males by parthenogenesis in response to environmental cues (environmental sex determination) and we showed that DapmaDsx1 expression during embryonic stages is responsible for the male trait development. The D. magna dsx genes are thought to have arisen by a cladoceran-specific duplication; therefore, to investigate evolutionary conservation of sex specific expression of dsx genes and to further assess their functions in the environmental sex determination, we searched for dsx homologs in four closely related cladoceran species. RESULTS: We identified homologs of both dsx genes from, D. pulex, D. galeata, and Ceriodaphnia dubia, yet only a single dsx gene was found from Moina macrocopa. The deduced amino acid sequences of all 9 dsx homologs contained the DM and oligomerization domains, which are characteristic for all arthropod DSX family members. Molecular phylogenetic analysis suggested that the dsx gene duplication likely occurred prior to the divergence of these cladoceran species, because that of the giant tiger prawn Penaeus monodon is rooted ancestrally to both DSX1 and DSX2 of cladocerans. Therefore, this result also suggested that M. macrocopa lost dsx2 gene secondarily. Furthermore, all dsx genes identified in this study showed male-biased expression levels, yet only half of the putative 5’ upstream regulatory elements are preserved in D. magna and D. pulex. CONCLUSIONS: The all dsx genes of five cladoceran species examined had similar amino acid structure containing highly conserved DM and oligomerization domains, and exhibited sexually dimorphic expression patterns, suggesting that these genes may have similar functions for environmental sex determination in cladocerans

    Selfing in a malacostracan crustacean: why a tanaidacean but not decapods

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    The crustacean class Malacostraca,with over 22,000 species, includes commercially important members, such as crabs, shrimps, and lobsters. A few simultaneous hermaphrodites are known in this group, but self-fertilization was unknown. Here we show, through microscopy and breeding experiments, that the simultaneously hermaphroditic malacostracan Apseudes sp. (order Tanaidacea) can self-fertilize; individuals reared in isolation become hermaphroditic via a male-like phase and produce eggs that develop into fertile adults. Although selfing occurs in crustaceans like the Branchiopoda, in which simultaneous hermaphrodites have the sex ducts united, in decapods the separation of gonadal ducts and gonopores, specialized mating organs, and complex mating behavior appear to have constrained the evolution of selfing. In contrast, in most tanaidaceans, sperm is released externally by a male and reaches the eggs in the female brood pouch, where fertilization occurs. This mode of fertilization permitted Apseudes sp. to achieve selfing without large modifications in morphology or behavior

    Description of a New Hamatipeda Species, with an 18S Molecular Phylogeny (Crustacea : Tanaidacea : Typhlotanaidae)

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    We describe a new typhlotanaid species, Hamatipeda kohtsukai sp. nov., collected from between 167 and 488 m depth in the Sagami Sea, Japan. This is the first record of Hamatipeda from the northern hemisphere. Hamatipeda kohtsukai resembles Hamatipeda trapezoida from the Subantarctic region in having pereonites 1–3 widest anteriorly (not rectangular), but differs from it in the length ratio of antennal articles 4/5; the number of setae on the dactyli of pereopods 1–3, ischia of pereopods 4–6, and carpi of pereopods 4–6; the shape of the unguis of pereopods 4–6; and the shape of the uropodal endopod. We determined partial sequences for the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI; cox1) and 18S rRNA (18S) genes in H. kohtsukai. A phylogenetic reconstruction based on the 18S sequences recovered a highly supported Typhlotanaidae clade containing H. kohtsukai and Typhlotanais mixtus, with Paranarthrura sp. (Agathotanaidae) as the sister taxon. A key to species of Hamatipeda is presented

    Tube construction by a tanaidacean crustacean using a novel mucus secretion system involving the anal opening

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    Background: Animals in diverse aquatic groups construct tubes using mucus and filaments, and the acquisition of this capability has likely played an important role in the evolution and diversification of small benthic animals. Tanaidacea is a crustacean order that includes tube-constructing species, most of which belong to Tanaidoidea and Paratanaoidea, with a few in Kalliapseudidae (Apseudoidea). Two previously reported systems used in tube construction are the thoracic-gland system, with secretory glands in thoracic segments (pereonites), and the pereopodal-gland system, with glands in pereopods. Results: Parapseudidae (Apseudoidea) also includes a tube-constructing species, Parapseudes algicola (Shiino, 1952), which lacks large secretory glands in all pereonites and pereopods, but has a pair of acinar glands in the pleotelson, lateral to the gut. Each gland connects to the gut via a short duct, and thence to the exterior via the anal opening. Secretions released from these glands are used to construct tubes, and contain acidic and neutral mucopolysaccharides. Conclusion: We report in P. algicola a third, novel secretory system, here termed the pleotelsonal-gland system, used for tube construction in Tanaidacea. It is similar to the secretory system in some "thalassinidean" decapods; both systems have secretory glands connecting to the gut and thence to the anal opening as the outlet; however, these gland systems likely evolved independently. Recent discoveries of novel secretory systems for tube construction in Tanaidacea suggest that information from smaller, less well-known groups will be necessary to understand how acquisitions of tube-constructing capability affected diversification in animals

    Diverse pereopodal secretory systems implicated in thread production in an apseudomorph tanaidacean crustacean

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    Among arthropods, various insects, spiders, and crustaceans produce thread. The crustacean Tanaidacea include species that use thread mainly to construct dwelling tubes. While thread production was previously known only in Tanaoidea and Paratanaoidea, it was recently discovered in two species in Kalliapseudidae (Apseudoidea), although information on the morphology of the thread‐producing system was lacking. Using histology, light and scanning electron microscopy, we found that the kalliapseudid Phoxokalliapseudes tomiokaensis comb. nov. lacks the sort of glandular structures associated with thread production in the pereonites, but has these structures in pereopods 1–6. We observed four types of glandular systems defined by the types and distribution of glands they contain: Type A (pereopod 1), Type B (pereopods 2 and 3), Type C (pereopods 4 and 5), and Type D (pereopod 6). All types have small rosette glands and lobed glands; Type A additionally has large rosette glands. The inferred thread‐producing apparatus in P. tomiokaensis is very different from that in Tanaoidea and Paratanaoidea, suggesting that kalliapseudids evolved thread production independently from the latter two groups. J. Morphol. 275:1041–1052, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Protogynous hermaphroditism in Crustacea : a new example from Tanaidacea

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    Hermaphroditism has been widely reported in the Crustacea, but protogyny, in which females change to males, is apparently rare and restricted to the peracarid orders Isopoda and Tanaidacea. In the latter, protogyny has been demonstrated in only seven species representing six genera by rearing experiments and indicated for several other genera and species through morphology. Here, we show through rearing experiment and histological observations, protogynous hermaphroditism in the tanaidacean species Nesotanais sp. aff. ryukyuensis Kakui, Kajihara and Mawatari, 2010. Our rearing experiment and size distribution data for wild individuals showed that females can change sex at various sizes (= ages). We found one individual identified externally as a female containing both ovaries and testes, indicating that overt female individuals undergo a short transitional phase as simultaneous hermaphrodites before the sex-change molt. We discuss the relationship among the wide size distribution of sex-changing females, the short life span of males, and the tube-dwelling mode of life