125 research outputs found

    Phonetics of Negative Headshake in Russian Sign Language: A Small-Scale Corpus Study

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    We analyzed negative headshake found in the online corpus of Russian Sign Language. We found that negative headshake can co-occur with negative manual signs, although most of these signs are not accompanied by it. We applied OpenFace, a Computer Vision toolkit, to extract head rotation measurements from video recordings, and analyzed the headshake in terms of the number of peaks (turns), the amplitude of the turns, and their frequency. We find that such basic phonetic measurements of headshake can be extracted using a combination of manual annotation and Computer Vision, and can be further used in comparative research across constructions and sign languages.publishedVersio


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    The article reveals the essence of modern approaches to the future lawyers’ training in the process of university education, while studying humanities in particular. The problems of modern higher legal education and the direction of its modernization are highlighted. It is underlined that today the process of a future lawyer’s education is impossible without focusing on the development of students’ creative abilities. Among the problems of modern legal educational system the scientists outline: the development of the lawyer’s creative potential, preparation of  law-students with a creative type of thinking, the need to develop students' creative activity in the learning process, active encouragement of independent work, formation of the bases for students’ professional activity, introduction of new forms and methods of teaching, including simulations, aimed at the preparation of a broad-minded, highly-qualified lawyer etc. Consequently, the educational process in the context of university education should be learner-centered where the law student is an active subject of learning, in which creative cooperation and interaction play a dominant role. Among key modern approaches to the development of the creative abilities of law students during professional training the following ones are analyzed: creative, competence, activity, learner-centred approaches. Procedural aspects of the future lawyer’s preparation within the framework of the given approaches are presented, future lawyer’s competences are outlined. The competences of a future lawyer include: integral general and special competences. The results of professionally oriented education comprise: social and humanitarian erudition, research skills, communication, professional self-organization, usage of information technologies, etc. Among the professional competences of law students are the following: cognitive, methodological and organizational, technological and informational; intellectual; emotional and moral-ethical ones. The structural components of lawyer’s professional activities are cognitive, communicative, organizationally - constructive, preventive activities, a creative approach to professional tasks solving. A creative approach in a productive combination with other aforementioned approaches to the greatest extent ensures the development of internal capabilities and creative skills as indicators of the effective preparation of future lawyers, in particular in the process of foreign language education, as it: stimulates the development of personal creative abilities; teaches to act creatively, develops creative thinking; prepares lawyers for further creative professional activities.Стаття розкриває сутність сучасних підходів до навчання майбутніх правознавців в процесі фахової підготовки в умовах університетської освіти, зокрема  при вивченні гуманітарних дисциплін. Окреслені проблеми сучасної вищої юридичної освіти, висвітлені напрями її модернізації; проаналізовані компетентності, структурні компоненти професійної діяльності юриста і процесуальні аспекти підготовки майбутнього правника в рамках зазначених підходів. Визначено необхідність розвитку творчих здібностей студентів-правознавців як показника ефективної

    Biomechanical and Behavioral Determinants of Flapping Frequency in Cliff Swallows

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    One of the central predictions of applying aerodynamic theory to the flapping flight of birds and other animals is the quadratic relationship between wingbeat frequency and airspeed. This relationship has been observed in theoretical models of flapping flight and experimental studies of birds and bats flying in wind tunnels. The U-shaped curve arises from the varying power requirements for producing lift and overcoming drag at different air speeds. Because changes in wingbeat frequency have the most scope for varying muscle power output, the U-shaped cost of flight relationship is expected to lead to a U-shaped wingbeat frequency curve in all flying birds. However, the degree to which these U-shaped relationships are characteristic of natural flight behavior and the extent to which birds might modify this basic aerodynamic response to accommodate other behaviors are less well-known. We analyzed videos of wild Cliff Swallows (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota) engaged in tandem (i.e., following or being followed by a conspecific) and non-tandem flight behavior to collect birds' wingbeat phases and 3-D position, velocity, and acceleration through time. These data were used to determine the relationship between wingbeat frequency, air speed, and other kinematic properties such as elevation gain and centripetal acceleration. After accounting for the Cliff Swallow's intermittent flapping flight style, we found that non-tandem birds had a wingbeat frequency-speed relationship consistent with theoretical models and wind tunnel experiments, though they typically did not fly at speeds faster than the minimum-frequency speed. Cliff Swallows engaged in tandem flight behavior flew with higher wingbeat frequencies that did not vary systematically with speed, contrary to aerodynamic expectations. They also reached faster flight speeds than were seen in non-tandem behavior. These results support the applicability of the predicted wingbeat frequency-speed model to natural flight, but also show that birds can substantially modify this underlying pattern to support different flight behaviors.Bachelor of Scienc

    David González Ramírez, Ángel Valbuena Prat y Gustavo Gili: avatares editoriales de la «Historia de la literatura española» (1937-1983)

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    La obra de Ángel Valbuena Prat (1900-1977) ha ocupado una parte significativa de las investigaciones de David González Ramírez que, tras dedicar varios estudios a la Historia de la literatura española y a la producción del historiador, publica ahora un libro que se presenta como un estudio íntegro complementado con una serie de materiales (cartas, imágenes y reproducciones de documentos). La obra consta de siete capítulos precedidos por una nota preliminar en la que González Ramírez da cuenta..


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    The main practical recommendations intended to overcome the ethnocultural barriers that arise between representatives of the Russian and Chinese ethnos in the process of communication are presented. The recommendations are based on the results of the dissertation research, which identified the main ethno -cultural barriers in business communication between representatives of the Russian and Chinese ethnos, as well as the statements of the group of experts on the issue of intercultural business communication. At the end of the article, a conclusion is made about the use of the derived recommendations


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    The main practical recommendations intended to overcome the ethnocultural barriers that arise between representatives of the Russian and Chinese ethnos in the process of communication are presented. The recommendations are based on the results of the dissertation research, which identified the main ethno -cultural barriers in business communication between representatives of the Russian and Chinese ethnos, as well as the statements of the group of experts on the issue of intercultural business communication. At the end of the article, a conclusion is made about the use of the derived recommendations

    Assessment of impactson geosystems in oil production region

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    © 2016, International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. All rights reserved.This article presentsa sample assessment of contribution of several impact sources to the groundwater condition in the intensive oil production region (PJSC Tatneft) (Tatarstan, Russia). The method proposed is designed to minimize the subjectivity of the assessment and permits to derive the map of a man made impact on the groundwater. The use of river basins is argued as a main spatial unit for characterization of the anthropogenic impact and the environment state due to its scalability properties. Proposed combination of GIS technologies, spatial analysis and statistical approach makes it possible not only to quantify the human impact on the environment, but also to determine the contribution of individual industries as well as to evaluate the quality of the assessment

    Testate amoebae in Late Quaternary sediments of the Cape Mamontov Klyk (Yakutia)

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    The results of the analysis of Rhizopoda from permafrost sediments of the cryolithozone of northeastern Siberia are presented. Testate amoeba communities (Rhizopoda: Testaceafilosea, Testacealobosea) of the late Pleistocene and Holocene and modern habitats of the Cape Mamontov Klyk (the Laptev Sea coast in the vicinity of the Lena River estuary) have been researched. The paleocommunity structure was examined; assessment of rhizopod diversity in sediments of different (fluvial, alluvial, ice complex, alas, and alluvial-dealluvial) geneses was conducted. © 2009 Pleiades Publishing, Inc

    Mathematical approaches to the analysis of the spatial-age structures of tussock herb species

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    Some up-to-date methods of analysis of the spatial and age structures of populations, including local population density maps and Ripley's functions, are described using 20 cenopopulations (CPs) of Adonis vernalis L. as an example. Pregenerative plants have been found to be the most contagious, irrespective of climatic and phytocenotic conditions and land use type. The spatial distribution pattern and structure of A. vernalis are mainly determined by generative plants forming a tussock, irrespective of the climate and vegetation type. This is explained by higher competitiveness of generative plants, which results in a reduced vegetation density at small distances from them (25-50 cm). Within wider areas, plant distribution may be random due to uniformity of local conditions in microhabitats. The formation of distinct plant aggregations is accounted for by insufficient water supply and the intensity and type of anthropogenic impact. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2009