25,497 research outputs found

    Majorana fermion exchange in strictly one dimensional structures

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    It is generally thought that adiabatic exchange of two identical particles is impossible in one spatial dimension. Here we describe a simple protocol that permits adiabatic exchange of two Majorana fermions in a one-dimensional topological superconductor wire. The exchange relies on the concept of "Majorana shuttle" whereby a π\pi domain wall in the superconducting order parameter which hosts a pair of ancillary Majoranas delivers one zero mode across the wire while the other one tunnels in the opposite direction. The method requires some tuning of parameters and does not, therefore, enjoy the full topological protection. The resulting exchange statistics, however, remains non-Abelian for a wide range of parameters that characterize the exchange.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, supplemental material is include

    Variations in propagation delay times for line ten (TV) based time transfers

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    Variation in the propagation delay for a 30 km TV (Line Ten) radio link was evaluated for a series of 30 independent measurements. Time marks from TV Channel 5 WTTG in Washington, D.C. were simultaneously measured at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory and at the United States Naval Observatory against each stations' local cesium standard clocks. Differences in the stations' cesium clocks were determined by portable cesium clock transfers. Thirty independent timing determinations were made. The root mean square deviation in the propagation delay calculated from the timing determinations was 11 ns. The variations seen in the propagation delays are believed to be caused by environmental factors and by errors in the portable clock timing measurements. In correlating the propagation delay variations with local weather conditions, only a moderate dependence on air temperature and absolute humidity was found

    A generalized Ginsparg-Wilson relation

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    We show that, under certain general assumptions, any sensible lattice Dirac operator satisfies a generalized form of the Ginsparg-Wilson relation (GWR). Those assumptions, on the other hand, are mostly dictated by large momentum behaviour considerations. We also show that all the desirable properties often deduced from the standard GWR hold true of the general case as well; hence one has, in fact, more freedom to modify the form of the lattice Dirac operator, without spoiling its nice properties. Our construction, a generalized Ginsparg-Wilson relation (GGWR), is satisfied by some known proposals for the lattice Dirac operator. We discuss some of these examples, and also present a derivation of the GGWR in terms of a renormalization group transformation with a blocking which is not diagonal in momentum space, but nevertheless commutes with the Dirac operator.Comment: 16 pages, Latex, no figure

    From Value Protection to Value Creation: Rethinking Corporate Governance Standards for Firm Innovation

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    A company’s pro-innovation needs are often met by the exploitation of its resources, widely defined. The resource-based theory of the firm provides immense empirical insights into how a firm’s corporate governance factors can contribute to promoting innovation. However, these implications may conflict with the prevailing standards of corporate governance imposed on many securities markets for listed companies, which have developed based on theoretical models supporting a shareholder-centered and agency-based theory of the firm. Although prevailing corporate governance standards can to an extent support firm innovation, tensions are created in some circumstances where companies pit their corporate governance compliance against resource-based needs that promote innovation. In the present context of steady internationalization and convergence in corporate governance standards in global securities markets towards a shareholder-centered agency-based model, we argue that there is a need to provide some room for accommodating the resource-based needs for companies in relation to promoting innovation. We explore a number of options and suggest that the most practicable option would be the development of recognized exceptions that deviate from prevailing corporate governance standards. We further suggest as to how an exceptions-based regime can be implemented in the U.K. and U.S., comparing the rules-based regime in the U.S. with the principles-based regime in the U.K

    Perturbation Calculation of the Axial Anomaly of a Ginsparg-Wilson lattice Dirac operator

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    A recent proposal suggests that even if a Ginsparg-Wilson lattice Dirac operator does not possess any topological zero modes in topologically-nontrivial gauge backgrounds, it can reproduce correct axial anomaly for sufficiently smooth gauge configurations, provided that it is exponentially-local, doublers-free, and has correct continuum behavior. In this paper, we calculate the axial anomaly of this lattice Dirac operator in weak coupling perturbation theory, and show that it recovers the topological charge density in the continuum limit.Comment: 25 pages, v2: calculation up to O(g^4) for nonabelian gauge backgroun

    The aurora as a source of planetary-scale waves in the middle atmosphere

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    Photographs of global-scale auroral forms taken by scanning radiometers onboard U.S. Air Force weather satellites in 1972 show that auroral bands exhibit well-organized wave motion with typical zonal wave number of 5 or so. The scale size of these waves is in agreement with that of well-organized neutral wind fields measured by the 1967-50B satellite in the 150- to 220-km region during the geomagnetic storm of May 27, 1967. The horizontal scale size revealed by these observations is in agreement with that of high-altitude traveling ionospheric disturbances. It is conjectured that the geomagnetic storm is a source of planetary and synoptic scale neutral atmospheric waves in the middle atmosphere. The possible existence of a source of waves of the proper scale size to trigger instabilities in middle atmospheric circulation systems may be significant in the study of lower atmospheric response to geomagnetic activity

    Operator improvement for Ginsparg-Wilson fermions

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    The improvement of fermionic operators for Ginsparg-Wilson fermions is investigated. We present explicit formulae for improved Green's functions, which apply both on-shell and off-shell.Comment: 13 pages, Latex, 4 postscript figure
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