941 research outputs found

    Production lot sizing with rework and fixed quantity deliveries

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    This paper is concerned with determination of the optimal lot size for an economic production quantity (EPQ) model with the reworking of random defective items and fixed quantity multiple deliveries. Classic EPQ model assumes continuous issuing policy for satisfying product demand and perfect quality production for all items produced. However, in real life vendor-buyer integrated production-inventory system, multi-delivery policy is used practically in lieu of the continuous issuing policy and generation of defective items during production run is inevitable. In this study, all nonconforming items produced are considered to be repairable and are reworked in each cycle when regular production ends. The finished items can only be delivered to customers if the whole lot is quality assured at the end of the rework. Fixed quantity multiple installments of the finished batch are delivered to customers at a fixed interval of time. The long-run average integrated cost function per unit time is derived. A closed-form optimal batch size solution to the problem is obtained. A numerical example demonstrates its practical usage

    Modeling Knowledge Sharing and Interemployee Helping From a Perspective of Flow Theory: A Survey of Online Knowledge Works

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    This study proposes a model based on flow theory by postulating key antecedents as the critical drivers of knowledge sharing and interemployee helping. In the model, knowledge sharing is influenced by flow experience directly and also indirectly via the mediation of interemployee helping. Accordingly, the flow experience is influenced simultaneously by four exogenous factors related to individuals’ perception about their work: work skills, self-fulfillment in challenges, perceived control, and vividness. The empirical findings of this study confirm the applicability of flow theory in business organizations by investigating online knowledge workers from business organizations. This study contributes to the knowledge management literature by extending flow theory to the area of knowledge sharing and interemployee helping, by validating idiosyncratic antecedent drivers of the flow theory, and by performing a practical operationalization of the flow experience. This research also provides managerial implications and limitations


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    In this study, Excitation Emission Fluorescent matrix (EEFM) integrated with Parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) was applied to investigate the variation of organic property in Donggang River located in Southern Taiwan between Oct. 2010 and Oct. 2015. It reveals that both values of BOD5and COD had a closer proximity at twice samplings; however, the four main components in both samplings showed a different location of excitation and emission wavelengths. On Oct., 2010, EX/EM (percentage of area) of four components were respectively 320/410 nm (46 %), 370/460 nm (27 %), 290/350 nm (14 %) and 280/450 nm (13 %) mainly belonging to humic-like substance. Regrading to the result on Oct, 2015, 320/420 nm (29 %), 228,278/358 nm (29 %), 240/420(29 %) nm and 228/310 nm (14 %) were found attributed in amino organic substance with low excitation wavelength. On Oct.2015, the intensities of four main components in Cinsheda Bridge higher than those in other locations may be attributed with of heavily polluted source like piggery wastewater. For the partition of N-organic and C-organic, there had a significant change on both samplings

    A single-producer multi-retailer integrated inventory model with a rework process

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    This study considers a single-producer multi-retailer integrated inventory model with the reworking of random defective items produced. The objective is to find the optimal production lot size and optimal number of shipments that minimizes total expected costs for such a specific supply chains system. It is assumed that a product is manufactured by a producer. All items are screened for quality purpose and random nonconforming items will be picked up and reworked at the end of regular production in each cycle. After the entire lot is quality assured, multiple shipments will be delivered synchronously to m different retailers in each production cycle. Each retailer has its own annual product demand, unit stock holding cost, and fixed and variable delivery costs. Mathematical modeling and analysis is used to deal with the proposed model and to derive the expected system cost. Hessian matrix equations are employed to prove the convexity of the cost function. As a result, a closed-form optimal replenishment-delivery policy for such a specific single-producer multi-retailer integrated inventory model is obtained. A numerical example is provided to show the practical usage of the proposed model

    Northern Hemisphere Urban Heat Stress and Associated Labor Hour Hazard from ERA5 Reanalysis

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    Increasing surface air temperature is a fundamental characteristic of a warming world. Rising temperatures have potential impacts on human health through heat stress. One heat stress metric is the wet-bulb globe temperature, which takes into consideration the effects of radiation, humidity, and wind speed. It also has broad health and environmental implications. This study presents wet-bulb globe temperatures calculated from the fifth-generation European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts atmospheric reanalysis and combines it with health guidelines to assess heat stress variability and the potential for reduction in labor hours over the past decade on both the continental and urban scale. Compared to 2010–2014, there was a general increase in heat stress during the period from 2015 to 2019 throughout the northern hemisphere, with the largest warming found in tropical regions, especially in the northern part of the Indian Peninsula. On the urban scale, our results suggest that heat stress might have led to a reduction in labor hours by up to ~20% in some Asian cities subject to work–rest regulations. Extremes in heat stress can be explained by changes in radiation and circulation. The resultant threat is highest in developing countries in tropical areas where workers often have limited legal protection and healthcare. The effect of heat stress exposure is therefore a collective challenge with environmental, economic, and social implications.publishedVersio

    Single-crystalline δ-Ni2Si nanowires with excellent physical properties

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    [[abstract]]In this article, we report the synthesis of single-crystalline nickel silicide nanowires (NWs) via chemical vapor deposition method using NiCl2·6H2O as a single-source precursor. Various morphologies of δ-Ni2Si NWs were successfully acquired by controlling the growth conditions. The growth mechanism of the δ-Ni2Si NWs was thoroughly discussed and identified with microscopy studies. Field emission measurements show a low turn-on field (4.12 V/μm), and magnetic property measurements show a classic ferromagnetic characteristic, which demonstrates promising potential applications for field emitters, magnetic storage, and biological cell separation.[[notice]]補正完畢[[incitationindex]]SCI[[booktype]]電子版[[booktype]]紙

    Sympathetic-correlated c-Fos expression in the neonatal rat spinal cord in vitro

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    An isolated thoracic spinal cord of the neonatal rat in vitro spontaneously generates sympathetic nerve discharge (SND) at ~25°C, but it fails in SND genesis at ≤ 10°C. Basal levels of the c-Fos expression in the spinal cords incubated at ≤ 10°C and ~25°C were compared to determine the anatomical substrates that might participate in SND genesis. Cells that exhibited c-Fos immunoreactivity were virtually absent in the spinal cords incubated at ≤ 10°C. However, in the spinal cords incubated at ~25°C, c-Fos-positive cells were found in the dorsal laminae, the white matter, lamina X, and the intermediolateral cell column (IML). Cell identities were verified by double labeling of c-Fos with neuron-specific nuclear protein (NeuN), glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), or choline acetyltransferase (ChAT). The c-Fos-positive cells distributed in the white matter and lamina X were NeuN-negative or GFAP-positive and were glial cells. Endogenously active neurons showing c-Fos and NeuN double labeling were scattered in the dorsal laminae and concentrated in the IML. Double labeling of c-Fos and ChAT confirmed the presence of active sympathetic preganglionic neurons (SPNs) in the IML. Suppression of SND genesis by tetrodotoxin (TTX) or mecamylamine (MECA, nicotinic receptor blocker) almost abolished c-Fos expression in dorsal laminae, but only mildly affected c-Fos expression in the SPNs. Therefore, c-Fos expression in some SPNs does not require synaptic activation. Our results suggest that spinal SND genesis is initiated from some spontaneously active SPNs, which are capable of TTX- or MECA-resistant c-Fos expression

    Managing cardiac arrest with refractory ventricular fibrillation in the emergency department: Conventional cardiopulmonary resuscitation versus extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation

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    AbstractAimRefractory ventricular fibrillation, resistant to conventional cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), is a life threatening rhythm encountered in the emergency department. Although previous reports suggest the use of extracorporeal CPR can improve the clinical outcomes in patients with prolonged cardiac arrest, the effectiveness of this novel strategy for refractory ventricular fibrillation is not known. We aimed to compare the clinical outcomes of patients with refractory ventricular fibrillation managed with conventional CPR or extracorporeal CPR in our institution.MethodThis is a retrospective chart review study from an emergency department in a tertiary referral medical center. We identified 209 patients presenting with cardiac arrest due to ventricular fibrillation between September 2011 and September 2013. Of these, 60 patients were enrolled with ventricular fibrillation refractory to resuscitation for more than 10min. The clinical outcome of patients with ventricular fibrillation received either conventional CPR, including defibrillation, chest compression, and resuscitative medication (C-CPR, n=40) or CPR plus extracorporeal CPR (E-CPR, n=20) were compared.ResultsThe overall survival rate was 35%, and 18.3% of patients were discharged with good neurological function. The mean duration of CPR was longer in the E-CPR group than in the C-CPR group (69.90±49.6min vs 34.3±17.7min, p=0.0001). Patients receiving E-CPR had significantly higher rates of sustained return of spontaneous circulation (95.0% vs 47.5%, p=0.0009), and good neurological function at discharge (40.0% vs 7.5%, p=0.0067). The survival rate in the E-CPR group was higher (50% vs 27.5%, p=0.1512) at discharge and (50% vs 20%, p=0. 0998) at 1 year after discharge.ConclusionsThe management of refractory ventricular fibrillation in the emergency department remains challenging, as evidenced by an overall survival rate of 35% in this study. Patients with refractory ventricular fibrillation receiving E-CPR had a trend toward higher survival rates and significantly improved neurological outcomes than those receiving C-CPR

    Img2Logo:Generating Golden Ratio Logos from Images

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    Logos are one of the most important graphic design forms that use an abstracted shape to clearly represent the spirit of a community. Among various styles of abstraction, a particular golden-ratio design is frequently employed by designers to create a concise and regular logo. In this context, designers utilize a set of circular arcs with golden ratios (i.e., all arcs are taken from circles whose radii form a geometric series based on the golden ratio) as the design elements to manually approximate a target shape. This error-prone process requires a large amount of time and effort, posing a significant challenge for design space exploration. In this work, we present a novel computational framework that can automatically generate golden ratio logo abstractions from an input image. Our framework is based on a set of carefully identified design principles and a constrained optimization formulation respecting these principles. We also propose a progressive approach that can efficiently solve the optimization problem, resulting in a sequence of abstractions that approximate the input at decreasing levels of detail. We evaluate our work by testing on images with different formats including real photos, clip arts, and line drawings. We also extensively validate the key components and compare our results with manual results by designers to demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework. Moreover, our framework can largely benefit design space exploration via easy specification of design parameters such as abstraction levels, golden circle sizes, etc

    Engulfing cells promote neuronal regeneration and remove neuronal debris through distinct biochemical functions of CED-1

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    Two important biological events happen coincidently soon after nerve injury in the peripheral nervous system in C. elegans: removal of axon debris and initiation of axon regeneration. But, it is not known how these two events are co-regulated. Mutants of ced-1, a homolog of Draper and MEGF10, display defects in both events. One model is that those events could be related. But our data suggest that they are actually separable. CED-1 functions in the muscle-type engulfing cells in both events and is enriched in muscle protrusions in close contact with axon debris and regenerating axons. Its two functions occur through distinct biochemical mechanisms; extracellular domain-mediated adhesion for regeneration and extracellular domain binding-induced intracellular domain signaling for debris removal. These studies identify CED-1 in engulfing cells as a receptor in debris removal but as an adhesion molecule in neuronal regeneration, and have important implications for understanding neural circuit repair after injury