126 research outputs found

    Mathematical model for the analysis of environmental risk factors

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    The article studies the economic consequences of harmful effects on the environment. A mathematical model has been developed for the analysis of environmental risk factors. When constructing a model, the probability of an insured event depending on time is taken into account. It is shown that different probabilistic impact models can be used for different categories of risk factors. The development of a dynamic model is based on the methods of probability theory, actuarial mathematics and, accordingly, on the, numerical methods and simulation methods. Analytical expressions for the risk factor integral value of environmental management are obtained in the work. The mathematical calculation of the distribution function, or the survival function before the time period occurrence of an insured event in different cases is performed, namely: in the case of a risk factor with a constant intensity, in the case of gradually emerging risk factors with their constant intensities, in the case when the survival function is decreasing at a linear rate, as well as in the case when equipment wear and tear leads to an exponential increase in the risk intensity


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    This article reveals the relevance of telepresence robots in the educational process. The practical application of robotic assistive devices in the training of people with disabilities is considered. Also, the psychological and pedagogical effects and functionality of telepresence robots in the educational process are considered.Раскрыта актуальность применения роботов телеприсутствия в образовательном процессе. Рассмотрено практическое применение робототехнических ассистивных средств при обучении людей с ограниченными возможностями здоровья. Описаны психолого-педагогические эффекты и функционал роботов телеприсутствия в образовательном процессе

    Observation of time quasicrystal and its transition to superfluid time crystal

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    We report experimental realization of a quantum time quasicrystal, and its transformation to a quantum time crystal. We study Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons, associated with coherent spin precession, created in a flexible trap in superfluid 3^3He-B. Under a periodic drive with an oscillating magnetic field, the coherent spin precession is stabilized at a frequency smaller than that of the drive, demonstrating spontaneous breaking of discrete time translation symmetry. The induced precession frequency is incommensurate with the drive, and hence the obtained state is a time quasicrystal. When the drive is turned off, the self-sustained coherent precession lives a macroscopically-long time, now representing a time crystal with broken symmetry with respect to continuous time translations. Additionally, the magnon condensate manifests spin superfluidity, justifying calling the obtained state a time supersolid or a time super-crystal


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    The article studies the impact of flagship enterprises on the level of socio-economic development of territories, the inflow of human capital and the intensification of entrepreneurial activity on the example of municipalities of three  subjects of the Siberian Federal district by constructing a regression model. The paper reveals the significant level  of differentiation of socio-economic development indicators for municipalities located within the same region. The  study determines the high influence of the growth of the population incomes in the absence of a significant increase in the population on the aggregate indicator of territorial development, the gross municipal product in  municipalities with flagship enterprises. The authors have identified the average impact of the flagship enterprises, in terms of stimulating the development of entrepreneurial activity, as well as revenue growth of companies  operating in these enterprises

    Magnetic Phase Separation and Magnetic Moment Alignment in Ordered Alloys FE 65

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    The structure and the magnetic state of ordered Fe65Al35-xMx (Mx = Ga, B; x = 0; 5 at.%) alloys are investigated using X-ray diffraction, Mössbauer spectroscopy, and magnetic measurements. The behavior of the magnetic characteristics and Mössbauer spectra of the binary alloy Fe65Al35 and the ternary alloy with gallium addition Fe65Al30Ga5 is explained in terms of the phase separation into two magnetic phases: a ferromagnetic one and a spin density wave. It is shown that the addition of boron to the initial binary alloy Fe65Al35 results in the ferromagnetic behavior of the ternary alloy

    Post-COVID-19 syndrome: morpho-functional abnormalities of the heart and arrhythmias

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    Aim. To study the myocardial morpho-functional abnormalities, the incidence and nature of cardiac arrhythmias in patients 3 months after the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).Material and methods. The study included 77 patients (mean age, 35,9 years) treated for coronavirus infection, which underwent echocardiography and 24-hour Holter monitoring 3 months after COVID-19. The patients were divided into 3 groups: group 1 — 31 patients with upper respiratory tract involvement; group 2 — 27 patients with bilateral pneumonia (CT grade 1, 2), 3 — 19 patients with severe pneumonia (CT grade 3, 4). Statistical processing was carried out using Statistica 10.0.Results. According to echocardiography, the peak tricuspid late diastolic velocity and isovolumetric contraction time in all groups increased (P<0,001). The tricuspid and mitral Em/Am ratio decreased depending on the disease severity. In group 3, the right ventricular and atrial size increased (P<0,001). The pulmonary artery systolic pressure, left atrial volume in patients of the 2nd and 3rd groups was higher than in the control one (P<0,001). In group 1 and 2 patients, the regional strain in basal and basal/middle segments decreased, respectively, while, in group 3, not only regional but also global left ventricular (LV) strain decreased (P<0,001). In all groups, cardiac arrhythmias and pericardial effusion were found. The relationship was established between coronavirus activity and the structural and functional myocardial parameters (P<0,001).Conclusion. Cardiovascular injury 3 months after COVID-19 was found in 71%, 93%, and 95% of patients with mild, moderate and severe course. In mild course patients, a decrease in regional myocardial strain in LV basal segments, signs of past pericarditis, and various cardiac arrhythmias were noted. In patients of moderate severity, these changes were more pronounced and were accompanied by an additional decrease in regional strain in LV middle segments, impaired right ventricular diastole and increased pulmonary artery pressure. In severe patients, in addition to the above changes, dilatation of the right heart and inferior vena cava was recorded, as well as LV diastolic and global systolic function decreased


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    Thirty-two patients (mean age 53.912.4 years) with prior stroke were examined to clarify the pattern and degree of cognitive impairments depending on the site of a lesion. A control group comprised 32 subjects (mean age 52.112.9 years) without nervous system pathology. The authors made a complete clinical study to evaluate the neurological and mental status, a standardized interview, and A.R. Luria's neuropsychological tests. The patients with prior stroke were found to have lower values of auditory-verbal short-term and long-term memory, impaired concentration and voluntary attention scope. Mild cognitive disorders were established in middle-aged patients and moderate cognitive disorders of amnestic multifunctional type were in elderly patients. Auditory-verbal memory, visual gnosis, and some speech-related thought functions were impaired when in the involvement of the temporal and posterior frontal lobes in patients with prior stroke in the middle cerebral artery bed. Impaired visual image recognition and lower visual voluntary attention were detected in patients with prior stroke in the anterior and posterior cerebral arteries

    The role of highly dispersed silica nanoparticles in the realization of the effects of granulosa on the maturation and fertilization competence of <i>Sus scrofa domesticus</i> oocytes

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    Reproductive technologies are some of the key directions in the context of the need to preserve and select highly productive farmed animals in terms of economically useful traits. Improvements of the existing models of the in vitro oocyte maturation system help to solve the problem of low yield of porcine embryos at the final stages of preimplantation development. In the present study, a model of culture medium for gametes (NCSU-23 with 10 % homologous follicular fluid, 10 IU hCG and 10 IU eCG) modernized by the addition of 1·106 granulosa cells (GCs) per ml and 0.001 % of highly dispersed silica nanoparticles (HDSn) is proposed for use in the IVM and IVF technology of donor porcine oocytes. Analysis of the oocyte chromatin status by the Tarkowsky method and assessment of the level of destructive changes in chromatin (apoptosis, pyknosis) revealed a significant percentage increase in matured oocytes and a decrease in the proportion of granulosa cells with degenerated chromatin when using the original culture system. The positive effects of a joint addition of GCs and HDSn to the maturation system have made it possible to increase the indicators of the meiotic maturation and fertilization of oocytes. Optimal results of developmental competence of oocytes were achieved with the joint use of GCs and HDSn in the maturation system (the proportion of matured cells reached 89 %, the level of oocytes with chromosome degeneration was 12 %, 39 % of embryos reached the final stage of preimplantation development). The positive effect of HDSn on oocyte fertilization was accompanied by an abrupt decrease in destructive processes in GCs during culture in the presence of HDSn. The level of somatic cells with pyknotic nuclei was 32 % and the level of apoptosis (TUNEL-test), 21 %, compared with the control (43 and 31 %, p &lt;0.01, respectively). Thus, a high efficiency of the porcine oocyte maturation system in the joint culture of gametes with GCs and HDSn was revealed. It makes it possible to recommend a model of this culture medium at the IVM of female gametes of Sus scrofa domesticus for improving the quality of donor oocytes used in cell and genetic engineering


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    Aim. In the article the estimation of motive and anxiously-depressed disorders is conducted for patients during first-year after the carried stroke.Materials and methods. Rehabilitation measures in the groups of comparison were conducted in different periods of rehabilitation and had different multipleness (1 and 2 courses of rehabilitation).On results research the features of renewal of separate parameters of motive activity (degrees of paresis, myotonus, skill of walking and fine motor skills of brush), anxiously-depressed disorders and quality of life of post-stroke patients are educed.Цель. Оценка двигательных и тревожно-депрессивных расстройств у 107 пациентов в течение первого года после перенесенного инсульта.Материал и методы. Реабилитационные мероприятия в группах сравнения проводились в разные восстановительные периоды и имели различную кратность (один и два курса реабилитации).Результаты. По результатам исследования выявлены особенности восстановления отдельных параметров двигательной активности (степени пареза, мышечного тонуса, навыка ходьбы и мелкой моторики кисти), тревожно-депрессивных расстройств и качества жизни постинсультных больных

    Динамика моторных и эмоциональных нарушений, качества жизни в восстановительном периоде инсульта

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    In the article presented results on research of dynamics of impellent and emotional infringements, qualities of life of poststroke patients in the regenerative period against the spent physical rehabilitation including methods of mirror therapy and proprioceptive correction. By surviving of 39 patients was shown the efficiency of rehabilitation actions on key parameters of impellent activity and self-service degree. During the regenerative period was revealed increase of frequency, but reduction of expressiveness of disturbing-depressive infringements, life improvement of quality poststroke patients.Представлены результаты по исследованию динамики двигательных и эмоциональных нарушений, качества жизни постинсультных пациентов в восстановительном периоде на фоне проводимой физической реабилитации, включающей методы зеркальной терапии и проприоцептивной коррекции. Обследовано 39 больных. Показана эффективность реабилитационных мероприятий на основных параметрах двигательной активности и степени самообслуживания. Выявлено увеличение частоты, но уменьшение выраженности тревожно-депрессивных нарушений, повышение качества жизни постинсультных пациентов в восстановительном периоде