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    StMary Introduction The StMary dataset is Photoplethysmography(PPG) and Respiratory Rate(RR) dataset acquired from surgical intensive care unit(SICU) of Catholic University Seoul St. Mary's Hospital, South Korea. Data Collection The StMary dataset was acquired from a SICU at the hospital using our in-house web application, PPG Signal Collector. Using laptop, we connected a network between the web application and a patient monitor. Through pulse oximeter which connected to the patient monitor, we collected photoplethysmogram of patients and healthy volunteers. Subject's demographic information must be entered before collecting. After that, PPG signal continuously recorded during the time limit we had set and Respiraotry Rate also recorded manually by medical staff pressing spacebar at the exhalation time. The time limit was set up to 2 minutes and 10 seconds. When the time ends, the data is recorded as history and has stored in the database. The collection procedure is as follows:  Move into local monitoring page through the browser installed in the laptop. (Set up the measuring time additionally)  Register subject’s demographic – gender, age, diagnosis – to start recording.   If a window pop-up, click the start button to record PPG.   Press spacebar when the subject exhales.   When the time outs, the window closed, and the data stored automatically.  Data Files The StMary dataset consists of 50 patients and 50 healthy volunteers both aged 18 and older. The dataset has a demographic information, PPG signal and exhalation timestamp for each de-identified subject. 2-minute PPG was collected for each subject twice, and it was sampled into 125Hz. A unique ID is generated for each collected 2-minute PPG. While this ID serves as an identifier for individual data, serving as a de-identifier for the subject at the same time. Patient.csv Diagnosis: Indicates diagnosis of the subject. For volunteers, mark '0'. For patients, name the diagnosis. Gender: Indicates gender of the subject. ("M"/"F") Age: Indicates age of the subject. startMeasureTime: Indicates time when the data starts to move into DB server. endMeasureTime: Measurement ending time. Pleth.csv Timestamp: Indicates time when the PPG at that time collected. Pleth: Indicates PPG which acquired from pulse oximeter.The StMary dataset is Photoplethysmography(PPG) and Respiratory Rate(RR) dataset acquired from surgical intensive care unit(SICU) of Catholic University Seoul St. Mary's Hospital, South Korea. respirationTimeline.csv Timestamp: Indicates time when subject exhales. All protocol followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation (institutional and national) and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2000. All data  were anonymized, deidentified and aggregated. This data  was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the Ethics Committee of Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital (IRB No. KC21ONSI0839) and the need for consent was waived by IRB. </p