17 research outputs found

    Development of a new heat tolerance assay system for rice spikelet sterility

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    Abstract Background Reduction in rice yield caused by high temperature-induced spikelet sterility has been a serious concern in rice production. To date, several screening methods have been used, although their reproducibility is sometimes poor due to artifacts mainly caused by varietal differences in heading dates and panicle heights (i.e., the distance from the lamps). Methods We have developed a novel assay system for heat-induced spikelet sterility by using artificial rice paddies in phytotrons to conduct a highly reproducible assay throughout a year. Plants restricted to the main culm were treated under a series of heat conditions, and height uniformity of each plant was ensured by using height-adjustable pots. Results Results suggested that a 3-day heat treatment of 35 °C-day/29 °C-night cycles was the most suitable condition. Under the treatment, two distinct groups were identified among nine heat tolerant cultivars, with no varietal difference in panicle temperature, indicating that the system is capable of eliminating the varietal difference in panicle temperature. Conclusions It is concluded that the assay system would be a powerful tool for selecting heat tolerant varieties, as well as the analysis of genetic factors from various cultivars, eliminating potential artifacts

    Rice chalky ring formation caused by temporal reduction in starch biosynthesis during osmotic adjustment under foehn-induced dry wind.

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    Foehn-like extreme hot and dry wind conditions (34°C, >2.5 kPa vapor pressure deficit, and 7 m s(-1)) strongly affect grain quality in rice (Oryza sativa L.). This is a current concern because of the increasing frequency and intensity of combined heat and water-deficit stress under climate change. Foehn-induced dry wind conditions during the grain-filling stage increase ring-shaped chalkiness as a result of spatiotemporal reduction in starch accumulation in the endosperm, but kernel growth is sometimes maintained by osmotic adjustment. Here, we assess the effects of dry wind on chalky ring formation in environmentally controlled growth chambers. Our results showed that hot and dry wind conditions that lasted for >24 h dramatically increased chalky ring formation. Hot and dry wind conditions temporarily reduced panicle water potential to -0.65 MPa; however, kernel growth was maintained by osmotic adjustment at control levels with increased transport of assimilate to the growing kernels. Dynamic tracer analysis with a nano-electrospray-ionization Orbitrap mass spectrometer and quantitative polymerase chain reaction analysis revealed that starch degradation was negligible in the short-term treatment. Overall expression of starch synthesis-related genes was found to be down-regulated at moderately low water potential. Because the events observed at low water potential preceded the packing of starch granules in cells, we concluded that reduced rates of starch biosynthesis play a central role in the events of cellular metabolism that are altered at osmotic adjustment, which leads to chalky ring formation under short-term hot and dry wind conditions

    MOESM1 of Development of a new heat tolerance assay system for rice spikelet sterility

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    Additional file 1: Fig. S1. Time course of changes in set air temperature (T a : solid line), panicle temperatures 1 (T P1: closed circle) and 2 (T P2: opened circle), and water temperature (T W : closed triangle) in the artificial paddy field for 2 days recorded after inserting the fine thermocouples in two spikelets. Panicle temperatures were measured once the flowers were closed, as T P1 and T P2 started at 1 h after insertion of thermocouples. ‘+TC’ and ‘-TC’ indicate the time at insertion and removal of the sensors, respectively. Black bars indicate night. Note that the temperature of water in the paddy displayed diurnal changes according to the changes in air temperature and half of the lamps were turned off for 1 h at the beginning and end of 13 h of daytime, where T P1 and T P2 started to decline prior to the decline in T a

    MOESM2 of Development of a new heat tolerance assay system for rice spikelet sterility

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    Additional file 2: Fig. S2. The high temperature-induced spikelet sterility assay system before improvement in this study. A. The system had a fixed distance from lamp to panicle. Ten plants were planted in the same pot. B. Spikelet fertility of eight rice cultivars [19] was examined at 36 °C/30 °C for 3 days. Values are the mean ± SE of 3–5 plants

    Turgor-responsive starch phosphorylation in Oryza sativa stems: A primary event of starch degradation associated with grain-filling ability

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    Grain filling ability is mainly affected by the translocation of carbohydrates generated from temporarily stored stem starch in most field crops including rice (Oryza sativa L.). The partitioning of non-structural stem carbohydrates has been recognized as an important trait for raising the yield ceiling, yet we still do not fully understand how carbohydrate partitioning occurs in the stems. In this study, two rice subspecies that exhibit different patterns of nonstructural stem carbohydrates partitioning, a japonica-dominant cultivar, Momiroman, and an indica-dominant cultivar, Hokuriku 193, were used as the model system to study the relationship between turgor pressure and metabolic regulation of non-structural stem carbohydrates, by combining the water status measurement with gene expression analysis and a dynamic prefixed 13C tracer analysis using a mass spectrometer. Here, we report a clear varietal difference in turgor-associated starch phosphorylation occurred at the initiation of non-structural carbohydrate partitioning. The data indicated that starch degradation in Hokuriku 193 stems occurred at full-heading, 5 days earlier than in Momiroman, contributing to greater sink filling. Gene expression analysis revealed that expression pattern of the gene encoding α-glucan, water dikinase (GWD1) was similar between two varieties, and the maximum expression level in Hokuriku 193, reached at full heading (4 DAH), was greater than in Momiroman, leading to an earlier increase in a series of amylase-related gene expression in Hokuriku 193. In both varieties, peaks in turgor pressure preceded the increases in GWD1 expression, and changes in GWD1 expression was correlated with turgor pressure. Additionally, a threshold is likely to exist for GWD1 expression to facilitate starch degradation. Taken together, these results raise the possibility that turgor-associated starch phosphorylation in cells is responsible for the metabolism that leads to starch degradation. Because the two cultivars exhibited remarkable varietal differences in the pattern of non-structural carbohydrate partitioning, our findings propose that the observed difference in grain-filling ability originated from turgor-associated regulation of starch phosphorylation in stem parenchyma cells. Further understanding of the molecular mechanism of turgor-regulation may provide a new selection criterion for breaking the yield barriers in crop production.Fil: Wada, Hiroshi. National Agriculture and Food Research Organization; JapónFil: Masumoto Kubo, Chisato. National Agriculture and Food Research Organization; JapónFil: Tsutsumi, Koichi. National Agriculture and Food Research Organization; JapónFil: Nonami, Hiroshi. National Agriculture and Food Research Organization; JapónFil: Tanaka, Fukuyo. National Agriculture and Food Research Organization; JapónFil: Okada, Haruka. National Agriculture and Food Research Organization; JapónFil: Erra Balsells, Rosa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Centro de Investigaciones en Hidratos de Carbono. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Centro de Investigaciones en Hidratos de Carbono; ArgentinaFil: Hiraoka, Kenzo. The University of Yamanashi; JapónFil: Nakashima, Taiken. National Agriculture and Food Research Organization; JapónFil: Hakata, Makoto. National Agriculture and Food Research Organization; JapónFil: Morita, Satoshi. National Agriculture and Food Research Organization; Japó

    Transverse sections of a typical ring-shaped chalky kernel (A); and expanded SEM images taken at the three zones (B–D) shown in A.

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    <p>B, C, and D indicate the border between the inner translucent and chalky region (chalky cell in the left corner cell), the chalky region with loosely packed starch granules, and the translucent zone, respectively. The distance (<i>r</i>) from the endosperm center along the semi-minor axis in ring-shaped chalky kernels as a putative function of the duration of dry wind conditions (E). In E, the inner and outer borders of translucence and chalkiness correspond to the initiation of the dry wind treatment and the recovery point observed at 52 h in Fig. 2A, respectively; B, C, and D are indicated by arrows. ‘Epi’ indicates epidermis. In B–D, note that fissured fractures in each figure correspond to the cell wall. Bars in A and in B–D indicate 1 mm and 10 µm, respectively.</p

    Expression profiling of starch degradation-related genes (A) and starch biosynthesis-related genes (B) in the growing kernels after 24 h of dry wind treatment.

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    <p>Inset in A is an expansion of the figure showing the expression of four α-amylase-encoding genes. Black and white bars indicate dry wind and control treatments, respectively. Data are the mean ± SE (<i>n</i> = 3) of four inferior kernels pooled at the position in the panicles where the in situ Ψ<sub>p</sub> assay was conducted. Significance at the 0.05 and 0.01 probability levels is indicated by * and **, respectively.</p

    Percentage of filled kernels, final kernel weight, and rice appearance of tertiary pedicels attached at the middle primary rachis branches, where an in situ turgor assay was conducted, in a panicle grown under 24, 48, or 72 h dry wind treatment in growth chambers.

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    a<p>PR = perfect rice; MWR = milky white rice (ring-shaped chalky kernels); OR = other rice appearance.</p><p>Values in each treatment are means ± SE of four biological replications of panicles.</p><p>Means within a column followed by different letters are significantly different (<i>P</i><0.05) (Tukey’s Honestly Significant Difference [HSD] test).</p><p>Percentage of filled kernels, final kernel weight, and rice appearance of tertiary pedicels attached at the middle primary rachis branches, where an in situ turgor assay was conducted, in a panicle grown under 24, 48, or 72 h dry wind treatment in growth chambers.</p

    Time course of changes in <sup>13</sup>C distribution in kernels located in the same position where an in situ turgor assay was conducted (A); in the panicle excluding the kernels (B); in the flag leaf (C); and in culms and leaf sheaths (determined as pooled organs with flag leaf sheath, uppermost internode, and other tissues) (D), corresponding to the sampled locations shown in the schematic potted plant to the right of the figure panels.

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    <p>‘M’ on <i>x</i>-axis indicates maturation. The plants were labeled with <sup>13</sup>CO<sub>2</sub> for 20 min from the flag leaf at 13 DAH, just before the dry wind treatment was initiated, as indicated by the arrow. Open and closed circles indicate the control and dry wind treatments, respectively. Gray areas indicate the dry wind treatment. Each point is the mean ± SE of three samples from different plants. Significance at the 0.05, 0.001 and 0.0001 probability levels is indicated by *, **, and ***, respectively.</p

    Time course of changes in kernel growth score (A) visually observed through hull; definition of kernel growth scores, 0 through 1.0 (B); and changes in leaf water potential (LWP) (C), photosynthesis rate (D), and kernel weight (E) under 24 h dry wind conditions, starting at 13 days after heading (DAH).

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    <p>Open and closed circles indicate control and dry wind treatments, respectively. Gray area indicates the 24-h dry wind treatment. For A, each point is the mean ± SD of at least 20 kernels from 4 different plants; for C–E, each point is the mean ± SE of 3–6 samples from different plants.</p