11 research outputs found

    Expression and activity of CYP2E1 in circulating lymphocytes are not altered in diabetic individuals

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    Cytochrome P4502E1 (CYP2E1) plays an important role in ROS production thus favouring accelerated membrane lipid peroxidation. This isoform is strongly expressed in the liver but it can be also found in lymphocytes. As such, lymphocyte may provide a non-invasive accessible pool for screening CYP2E1 expression in man. We have, therefore, analysed CYP2E1 expression and activity in lymphocyte microsomes from 12 healthy controls, I I type I and 12 type 2 diabetic subjects by using Western blot and enzymatic activities. Immunoblotting did not show difference among CYP2E1 protein bands in controls, type I and type 2 diabetics. To assess CYP2E1 activity we used the 7-ethoxy4-trifluoromethylcoumarin (7-EFC), as a fluorescent substrate. The rate of deethylation of 7-EFC from controls did not differ from type I and type 2 diabetic subjects. The lack of any difference in CYP2E1 activity also was confirmed by the NADPH-dependent microsomal lipid peroxidation CCL4-induced assay showing similar peroxidation rates among controls and diabetic subjects. The results show that CYP2E1 expression/activity in lymphocytes is not enhanced in diabetes

    Cytochrome P450 2J2 polymorphism in healthy Caucasians and those with diabetes mellitus

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    OBJECTIVE: Cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2J2 plays an important role in the biosynthesis of the biologically active cis-epoxyeicosatrienoic acids. An allelic variant named CYP2J2*6, which encodes an enzyme that is almost inactive in the metabolism of arachidonic acid, has recently been described. We investigated the frequency of the CYP2J2*6 variant in a Caucasian population and the relationship between this polymorphism and the development of micro- and macrovascular complications and hypertension in patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes mellitus. METHODS: Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood cells and the fragment containing the A/T single nucleotide polymorphism at position 25 661 in exon 8 of the CYP2J2 gene was amplified. The 532 bp amplified product was subsequently digested with Tsp509I and analyzed on 12% polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. RESULTS: In the whole population, the frequency of the CYP2J2*6 allele was 0.0064 and the frequency of the CYP2J2*1 allele was 0.9936. Genotype distribution did not show significant differences between controls and patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. No homozygotes for CYP2J2*6 allele were found. No association was found between this allele and complications or hypertension in either type of diabetes. CONCLUSION: The CYP2J2*6 allele is rare in the Caucasian population, and no association is inferred between this allelic variant and diabetic complications

    Aspetti di patologia internistica jatrogena da psicofarmaci.

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    I due temi considerati: quello degli psicofarmaci e aumento isolato delle transaminasi e quello dei neurolettici, iperprolattinemia ed asse ipofisi gonadi, ci portano a considerare due punti certamente appena sfiorati dalle nostre osser­vazioni. Nel primo caso, che un danno epatico, se c'è, va approfondito nella sua patogenesi anche in vista di un follow-up mirante all'aspetto prognostico a lungo termine; nel secondo caso, che in occasione di defaillance della funzione sessuale in questi pazienti, prima che questa si imputi aprioristicamente a cause psichiche, valga la pena di indagare con il dosaggio di PRL, FSH, LH e Te­stosterone. Non ci riferiamo qui ai pazienti psichiatrici maggiori per i quali l'obiettivo sia quello di rendere loro una vita appena socialmente accettabile, ma alla grande quantità di "borderline" e "caratteriali" che conducono una vita di relazione, lavorativa e familiare normale e spesso soddisfacente e nei quali piccole dosi di "butirrofenoni" sono sufficienti a controllare i loro nuclei psicopatologici distur­bati all'occasione e magari emergenti proprio in ordine alle problematiche sessuali. Crediamo che sia lo Psichiatra che il Medico Pratico possano agevolmente seguire il singolo paziente in questi aspetti della terapia psicofarmacologica se debitamente sensibilizzati.The two issues considered: that of drugs and isolated elevation of transaminases and that of neuroleptics, hyperprolactinemia and pituitary gonadal axis, lead us to consider two points certainly barely touched by our observations. In the first case, that a liver damage, if any, should be thorough in its pathogenesis in anticipation of a follow-up aims at long-term prognostic aspect in the second case, which at defaillance of sexual function in these patients, before it is to impute a priori psychological causes, it is worthwhile to investigate the dose of PRL, FSH, LH and testosterone. We are not referring here to the major psychiatric patients for whom the goal is to make their life just a socially acceptable, but the large amount of "Borderline" and "character" who lead a life of relationships, work and normal family and often satisfactory and in which small doses of "butyrophenone" are sufficient to control their core psychopathological disturbance and perhaps occasionally emerging with regard to their sexual problems. We believe that the psychiatrist is the physician can easily follow the practical individual patient in these aspects of psychopharmacological treatment if properly sensitized

    Aspetti di patologia internistica jatrogena da psicofarmaci.

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    I due temi considerati: quello degli psicofarmaci e aumento isolato delle transaminasi e quello dei neurolettici, iperprolattinemia ed asse ipofisi gonadi, ci portano a considerare due punti certamente appena sfiorati dalle nostre osser­vazioni. Nel primo caso, che un danno epatico, se c'è, va approfondito nella sua patogenesi anche in vista di un follow-up mirante all'aspetto prognostico a lungo termine; nel secondo caso, che in occasione di defaillance della funzione sessuale in questi pazienti, prima che questa si imputi aprioristicamente a cause psichiche, valga la pena di indagare con il dosaggio di PRL, FSH, LH e Te­stosterone. Non ci riferiamo qui ai pazienti psichiatrici maggiori per i quali l'obiettivo sia quello di rendere loro una vita appena socialmente accettabile, ma alla grande quantità di "borderline" e "caratteriali" che conducono una vita di relazione, lavorativa e familiare normale e spesso soddisfacente e nei quali piccole dosi di "butirrofenoni" sono sufficienti a controllare i loro nuclei psicopatologici distur­bati all'occasione e magari emergenti proprio in ordine alle problematiche sessuali. Crediamo che sia lo Psichiatra che il Medico Pratico possano agevolmente seguire il singolo paziente in questi aspetti della terapia psicofarmacologica se debitamente sensibilizzati.The two issues considered: that of drugs and isolated elevation of transaminases and that of neuroleptics, hyperprolactinemia and pituitary gonadal axis, lead us to consider two points certainly barely touched by our observations. In the first case, that a liver damage, if any, should be thorough in its pathogenesis in anticipation of a follow-up aims at long-term prognostic aspect in the second case, which at defaillance of sexual function in these patients, before it is to impute a priori psychological causes, it is worthwhile to investigate the dose of PRL, FSH, LH and testosterone. We are not referring here to the major psychiatric patients for whom the goal is to make their life just a socially acceptable, but the large amount of "Borderline" and "character" who lead a life of relationships, work and normal family and often satisfactory and in which small doses of "butyrophenone" are sufficient to control their core psychopathological disturbance and perhaps occasionally emerging with regard to their sexual problems. We believe that the psychiatrist is the physician can easily follow the practical individual patient in these aspects of psychopharmacological treatment if properly sensitized