68 research outputs found

    Quasinormal modes for the charged Vaidya metric

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    The scalar wave equation is considered in the background of a charged Vaidya metric in double null coordinates (u,v)(u,v) describing a non-stationary charged black hole with varying mass m(v)m(v) and charge q(v)q(v). The resulting time-dependent quasinormal modes are presented and analyzed. We show, in particular, that it is possible to identify some signatures in the quasinormal frequencies from the creation of a naked singularity.Comment: 4 pages. Prepared for the proceedings of the Spanish Relativity meeting (ERE2010), Granada, Spain, September 6-10, 201

    Three approaches for the classification of protoneutron star oscillation modes

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    The future detection of gravitational waves (GWs) from a galactic core-collapse supernova will provide information on the physics inside protoneutron stars (PNS). In this work, we apply three different classification methods for the PNS non-radial oscillation modes: Cowling classification, Generalized Cowling Nomenclature (GCN), and a Classification Based on Modal Properties (CBMP). Using PNS models from 33D simulations of core-collapse supernovae, we find that in the early stages of the PNS evolution, typically before 0.40.4 seconds after the bounce, the Cowling classification is inconsistent, but the GCN and the CBMP provide complementary information that helps to understand the evolution of the modes. In the GCN, we note several avoided crossings as the mode frequencies evolve at early times, while the CBMP tracks the modes across the avoided crossings. We verify that the strongest emission of GWs by the PNS corresponds to the ff-mode in the GCN, indicating that the mode trapping region alternates between the core and the envelope at each avoided crossing. At later times, approximately 0.40.4 seconds after the bounce, the three classification methods present a similar description of the mode spectrum. We use our results to test universal relations for the PNS modes according to their classification and find that the behaviour of the universal relations for ff- and pp-modes is remarkably simple in the CBMP.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures. Matches the version accepted on MNRA

    Quantum cosmology of scalar-tensor theories and self-adjointness

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    In this paper, the problem of the self-adjointness for the case of a quantum minisuperspace Hamiltonian retrieved from a Brans-Dicke (BD) action is investigated. Our matter content is presented in terms of a perfect fluid, onto which the Schutz's formalism will be applied. We use the von Neumann theorem and the similarity with the Laplacian operator in one of the variables to determine the cases where the Hamiltonian is self-adjoint and if it admits self-adjoint extensions. For the latter, we study which extension is physically more suitable.Comment: Latex file, 12 pages. Small changes made in the paper, and a a new appendix adde

    Critical Phenomena in Neutron Stars I: Linearly Unstable Nonrotating Models

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    We consider the evolution in full general relativity of a family of linearly unstable isolated spherical neutron stars under the effects of very small, perturbations as induced by the truncation error. Using a simple ideal-fluid equation of state we find that this system exhibits a type-I critical behaviour, thus confirming the conclusions reached by Liebling et al. [1] for rotating magnetized stars. Exploiting the relative simplicity of our system, we are able carry out a more in-depth study providing solid evidences of the criticality of this phenomenon and also to give a simple interpretation of the putative critical solution as a spherical solution with the unstable mode being the fundamental F-mode. Hence for any choice of the polytropic constant, the critical solution will distinguish the set of subcritical models migrating to the stable branch of the models of equilibrium from the set of subcritical models collapsing to a black hole. Finally, we study how the dynamics changes when the numerically perturbation is replaced by a finite-size, resolution independent velocity perturbation and show that in such cases a nearly-critical solution can be changed into either a sub or supercritical. The work reported here also lays the basis for the analysis carried in a companion paper, where the critical behaviour in the the head-on collision of two neutron stars is instead considered [2].Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Stable Gravastars of Anisotropic Dark Energy

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    Dynamical models of prototype gravastars made of phantom energy are constructed, in which an infinitely thin spherical shell of a perfect fluid with the equation of state p=(1−γ)σp = (1-\gamma)\sigma divides the whole spacetime into two regions, the internal region filled with a dark energy (or phantom) fluid, and the external Schwarzschild region. It is found that in some cases the models represent the "bounded excursion" stable gravastars, where the thin shell is oscillating between two finite radii, while in other cases they collapse until the formation of black holes or normal stars. In the phase space, the region for the "bounded excursion" gravastars is very small in comparison to that of black holes, but not empty, as found in our previous papers. Therefore, although the existence of gravastars can not be completely excluded from current analysis, the opposite is not possible either, that is, even if gravastars exist, they do not exclude the existence of black holes.Comment: 35 pages, 43 figures, added some clarifying texts and corrected some typos, accepted for publication in JCA

    Probing the stability of gravastars by dropping dust shells onto them

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    As a preparation for the dynamical investigations, this paper begins with a short review of the three-layer gravastar model with distinguished attention to the structure of the pertinent parameter space of gravastars in equilibrium. Then the radial stability of these types of gravastars is studied by determining their response for the totally inelastic collision of their surface layer with a dust shell. It is assumed that the dominant energy condition holds and the speed of sound does not exceed that of the light in the matter of the surface layer. While in the analytic setup the equation of state is kept to be generic, in the numerical investigations three functionally distinct classes of equations of states are applied. In the corresponding particular cases the maximal mass of the dust shell that may fall onto a gravastar without converting it into a black hole is determined. For those configurations which remain stable the excursion of their radius is assigned. It is found that even the most compact gravastars cannot get beyond the lower limit of the size of conventional stars, provided that the dominant energy condition holds in both cases. It is also shown---independent of any assumption concerning the matter interbridging the internal de Sitter and the external Schwarzschild regions---that the better is a gravastar in mimicking a black hole the easier is to get the system formed by a dust shell and the gravastar beyond the event horizon of the composite system. In addition, a generic description of the totally inelastic collision of spherical shells in spherically symmetric spacetimes is also provided in the appendix.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figure

    Gravastar energy conditions revisited

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    We consider the gravastar model where the vacuum phase transition between the de Sitter interior and the Schwarzschild or Schwarzschild-de Sitter exterior geometries takes place at a single spherical delta-shell. We derive sharp analytic bounds on the surface compactness (2m/r) that follow from the requirement that the dominant energy condition (DEC) holds at the shell. In the case of Schwarzschild exterior, the highest surface compactness is achieved with the stiff shell in the limit of vanishing (dark) energy density in the interior. In the case of Schwarzschild-de Sitter exterior, in addition to the gravastar configurations with the shell under surface pressure, gravastar configurations with vanishing shell pressure (dust shells), as well as configurations with the shell under surface tension, are allowed by the DEC. Respective bounds on the surface compactness are derived for all cases. We also consider the speed of sound on the shell as derived from the requirement that the shell is stable against the radial perturbations. The causality requirement (sound speed not exceeding that of light) further restricts the space of allowed gravastar configurations.Comment: LaTeX/IOP-style, 16 pages, 2 figures, changes wrt v1: motivation for eq. (6) clarified, several referecnes added (to appear in Class. Quantum Grav.

    The Spectrum of Electromagnetic Jets from Kerr Black Holes and Naked Singularities in the Teukolsky Perturbation Theory

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    We give a new theoretical basis for examination of the presence of the Kerr black hole (KBH) or the Kerr naked singularity (KNS) in the central engine of different astrophysical objects around which astrophysical jets are typically formed: X-ray binary systems, gamma ray bursts (GRBs), active galactic nuclei (AGN), etc. Our method is based on the study of the exact solutions of the Teukolsky master equation for electromagnetic perturbations of the Kerr metric. By imposing original boundary conditions on the solutions so that they describe a collimated electromagnetic outflow, we obtain the spectra of possible {\em primary jets} of radiation, introduced here for the first time. The theoretical spectra of primary electromagnetic jets are calculated numerically. Our main result is a detailed description of the qualitative change of the behavior of primary electromagnetic jet frequencies under the transition from the KBH to the KNS, considered here as a bifurcation of the Kerr metric. We show that quite surprisingly the novel spectra describe linearly stable primary electromagnetic jets from both the KBH and the KNS. Numerical investigation of the dependence of these primary jet spectra on the rotation of the Kerr metric is presented and discussed.Comment: 18 pages, 35 figures, LaTeX file. Final version. Accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Science. Amendments. Typos corrected. Novel notion -"primary jet" is introduced. New references and comments adde

    How to tell a gravastar from a black hole

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    Gravastars have been recently proposed as potential alternatives to explain the astrophysical phenomenology traditionally associated to black holes, raising the question of whether the two objects can be distinguished at all. Leaving aside the debate about the processes that would lead to the formation of a gravastar and the astronomical evidence in their support, we here address two basic questions: Is a gravastar stable against generic perturbations? If stable, can an observer distinguish it from a black hole of the same mass? To answer these questions we construct a general class of gravastars and determine the conditions they must satisfy in order to exist as equilibrium solutions of the Einstein equations. For such models we perform a systematic stability analysis against axial-perturbations, computing the real and imaginary parts of the eigenfrequencies. Overall, we find that gravastars are stable to axial perturbations, but also that their quasi-normal modes differ from those of a black hole of the same mass and thus can be used to discern, beyond dispute, a gravastar from a black hole.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, minor improvemen

    Anisotropic dark energy stars

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    A model of compact object coupled to inhomogeneous anisotropic dark energy is studied. It is assumed a variable dark energy that suffers a phase transition at a critical density. The anisotropic Lambda-Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equations are integrated to know the structure of these objects. The anisotropy is concentrated on a thin shell where the phase transition takes place, while the rest of the star remains isotropic. The family of solutions obtained depends on the coupling parameter between the dark energy and the fermion matter. The solutions share several features in common with the gravastar model. There is a critical coupling parameter that gives non-singular black hole solutions. The mass-radius relations are studied as well as the internal structure of the compact objects. The hydrodynamic stability of the models is analyzed using a standard test from the mass-radius relation. For each permissible value of the coupling parameter there is a maximum mass, so the existence of black holes is unavoidable within this model.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, final manuscript, Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc
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